3rd exchange of work from Yokohama

2012年12月07日 13時37分55秒 | Diary

The japanese page is this page.


This is the third time we have exchanged work with another elementary school. This time in Yokohama.

The work was shown outside 1A’s class room on the 2nd floor.

Ms. K worked at the school in Yokohama until last year.

“Oh wow, Here’s some work from my previous art teacher!”

She said while looking at the work nostalgically.

Ms. K from the 6th grade really liked the work.

”Wow, this work from grade 2 is really good! You can see the work getting better and better as the students get older” she said.

Ms. M from the 4th Grade said “The colours are beautiful! It’s so colourful!!” as she looked at the different colours.

When all the students have gone home and the lights are switched off I walked past the work as I went downstairs.

With the only light coming as reflections from the student’s work my heart stopped for a moment as I had the same feeling about the beautiful colours as ms. M had had earlier in the day.

