Light and colour fantasy (Grade 3) part 0

2012年12月11日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 3

The japanese page is this page.


 I tried to explain the ideas and materials behind a unit on light and colour.

I used an ipad brought from home to try and help explain.

You can look at different things from different angles and see attractive images.

After looking at one someone said

“Teacher! I want to collect more things and look at them again!”

As people had more suggestions.

It was a good chance to look around the school at some of the patterns from light and shadows.

Do you know what this is?

Yes, it’s the shadow from a blind.

“Let’s look at the piano”

Someone said.

“It’s a really good idea!”

“Teacher, I really like Ms. N’s music” someone told me.

We went around the school looking for light and shadows.

The ceiling of the 1st floor appears red as light reflects from the floor.

Just as we were getting back to class

 “Teacher, the art room is yellow and green!”

 Someone reported.

