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2008-03-31 15:55:59 | Weblog
KH9/WA2YUN - New Equipment on Wake Island

Colin WA2YUN left a comment saying he will have a 3 element tri-bander in the next 2 weeks. In addition, he hopes to have an SS KW in the next 2 months.

Colin works all bands, 160 -10m.


2008-03-31 09:26:34 | Weblog
John, 9M6XRO, announced that Tim, M3SDE, has agreed to take over the
duties of QSL Manager from Graham/M5AAV (SK - See Silent Key below).
M3SDE will therefore be QSL Manager effective immediately for the
following callsigns: 9M6XRO, 9M6XRO/P, 9M6/G3OOK, A25OOK and XU7XRO.
Please QSL direct or via the RSGB bureau to M3SDE. Cards received
direct with sufficient return postage will go out the same way.
M3SDE'S DIRECT ADDRESS: Tim Beaumont, P.O. Box 17, Kenilworth,
Warwickshire CV8 1SF, England. Please NOTE: John does not have any
QSL cards at his home in East Malaysia - the only route is via M3SDE.
As QSL Manager it is Tim's intention to maintain the high standard set
by M5AAV. At present there are a large number of QSL cards at M5AAV's
QTH which he hopes to retrieve at the appropriate time. Obviously that
cannot be done immediately, and your patience is appreciated to allow
M5AAV's family time to grieve for their loss.


2008-03-31 08:31:16 | Weblog
March 31th, 2008

Just today we updated our webpage with QSL instructions and the online Qsl bureau request.

If you wish to request your 9X0R QSL via bureau, please use our online bureau Qsl request.

Please do not duplicate your request and be patient.

If you have donated 25 euros, 40 US$ or more, send your QSO data by email to our manager including your address and we'll send your 9X0R Qsl direct.


2008-03-30 21:08:52 | Weblog
March 30th 2008

Here the latest news from the 5T5DC.
A nice time is going to an end. Two teammembers are back home 2 days ago.
Now the Crew is preparing to diismount the antennas and equipment for
the way back home on 31th March.
It was a nice trip and the Crew will say many thanks to all for nice QSO's and
we hope to meet you again on the next trip maybe.

5T5DC will going QRT on 30th March, after sunset Mauretania.

1-Band QSOs: 10032
2-Band QSOs: 4056
3-Band QSOs: 2472
4-Band QSOs: 1697
5-Band QSOs: 1265
6-Band QSOs: 912
7-Band QSOs: 745
8-Band QSOs: 492
9-Band QSOs: 306

CY0 6m pedi

2008-03-29 21:45:59 | Weblog
CY0, SABLE ISLAND (Update). The 6 meter DXpedition to Sable Island
scheduled to take place during the summer (June 25th through July 7th)
has updated their Web page at: http://www.cy0x.com
Operators Pete/VE3IKV, Dick/K5AND and Chris/W3CMP will be active on CW
and SSB. The fixed 6m station (in FN93) will use the callsign CY0X.
They will be transmitting on 50.117 MHz. The team requests, "Please do
NOT send your grid square as it consumes valuable time during an opening."
They will also try and activate rare grid GN03 if there is a solid opening,
using a portable station with a 5 element M2 6M5X yagi with the callsign
CY0RA. The team will also plan on being on HF on 20 meters and 40 meters,
CW and SSB - but the HF operation will always take lower priority over the
6 meter operation. HF antennas will be elevated monoband ground-plane
verticals for each band, and the IOTA island designator is NA-063. The
special callsign CY0X commemorates the 225th anniversary of the 1783
Loyalist landing in Nova Scotia: http://www.loyalistlanding2008.org
QSL via VE3IKV (please include two green stamps).


2008-03-29 07:39:22 | Weblog
Tony, VK3TZ is now in Port Vila, Vanuatu and has received his YJ8TZ
licence. He was expected to use YJ0AX along with other operators
, but at the end of the day they were not able to join
him. Tony will be active until 2 April, including an entry in the CQ
WW WPX SSB Contest. QSL via home call.


2008-03-29 07:38:15 | Weblog
Bob, K3UL will be active as ZF2UL from Grand Cayman (NA-016) on 5-12
April. He plans to operate CW and SSB holiday style, with an
emphasis on 80 and 160 metres. QSL direct to K3UL.

4S7 IRCはNGとのこと

2008-03-29 07:35:20 | Weblog
4S7NE & RETURN POSTAGE ---> Nelson, 4S7NE says his local post office does not
accept IRCs. To have them redeemed Nelson has to travel to the General Post
Office in Colombo, 50 kilometres away (and the trip itself costs 3-4
dollars). He likes "green stamps" better than IRCs, also because "a G.S
allows me to buy stamp value twice that of an IRC", he says.


2008-03-29 07:33:49 | Weblog
Roger/G3SXW, Nigel/G3TXF, Fred/G4BWP, Lionel/G5LP and Rob/GM3YTS
will operate CW only as YK9G from Damascus, Syria on 9-15 April. Two
stations with amplifiers will be QRV full-time. The team will have
antennas for all bands (160-10m), but 40-17 metres are likely to
provide most openings. They will transmit on frequencies ending in
'3' (always listen up 1-2+ KHz) and will concentrate on the US West
Coast whenever propagation permits, even though Damascus is somewhat
blocked in that direction. QSL via G3TXF (direct, bureau, LotW and
e-mail for bureau reply). The web page for the expedition is at


2008-03-29 07:32:31 | Weblog
Franck, F4DBJ will be active as 5R8HT from Ivato, Madagascar
(AF-013) from 30 March to 17 April. He might also go and operate
from Nattes Island (AF-090).


2008-03-28 06:16:33 | Weblog