HAM radio
DX information
DX news

A5 next month

2011-09-05 21:47:05 | Weblog

from OPDX news

A5, BHUTAN. Operators Andy/UA3AB (A52AB), Ralph/K0IR (A52IR), Paul/W8AEF
(A52PP), Pat/W0BM (A52PC) and Glenn/W0GJ (A51B), along with their wives,
will be in Bhutan between October 25th and November 1st. In the CQWW DX
SSB Contest (October 29-30th), look for A52IR on 75m, A52PC on 40m, A52PP
on 20m, A52AB on 15m and A51B on 10m.  They will be on other bands/modes
outside of the contest. QSL via their home callsigns.

PJ% again

2011-08-23 20:18:54 | Weblog

from OPDX news

PJ5, SABA AND ST. EUSTATIUS. Operators Wlodek/SP6EQZ and Janusz/SP6IXF
will once again be active as PJ5/SP6EQZ and PJ5/SP6IXF from St. Eustatius
(NA-145) between October 20th and November 3rd. Activity will be on
all HF bands, 160-10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via their home
callsigns, direct or by the Bureau.

VK's IOTA OC-142,187,223

2011-08-17 08:53:26 | Weblog

from DXNL

OC-142, VK4, Queensland State (South Coast) Centre group: VI4FI is working
     during the ILLW on Aug 20/21 as well from the Sandy Cape lighthouse on
     Fraser Island. QSL via VK4MIA. See also: http://www.sandycape2011.com

OC-187, VK4, Queensland State (North Coast) North group: JA1NLX/VK4 will be
     QRV from Lizard Island in CW/SSB on the usual IOTA-QRGs from Aug 19-23.
     QSLs via bureau, direct or via LoTW.
     His website is: http://ja1nlx-aki.blogspot.com

OC-223, VK2, New South Wales State South group: VK2IR, VK2RF, VK2BNG, VK2VEC
     and others are activating Montague Island as VK2CL from Aug 19-22.
     QSL via VK2IR. More information can be found at: http://www.haraoa.com


2011-08-17 07:43:25 | Weblog

from OPDX

7P, LESOTHO. Peter, EI7CC, will once again be active as 7P8PB from Lesotho
between August 18-30th. Activity will be limited because he will be on a
family holiday and will operate when circumstances permit. QSL via EI7CC,
by the Bureau or direct. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW immediately upon
his return to Ireland. If possible, Peter may try to upload them while
in Lesotho.

ST0R will be QRV on 160m

2011-08-01 19:37:10 | Weblog

July 31th 2011

K3LP arrived today , tomorrow we'll try to install 160 meters antenna.

VP6T next year

2011-07-30 11:34:23 | Weblog

from OPDX news

VP6, PITCAIRN ISLAND. Operators Jacques/F6BEE, Nigel/G3TXF, Gilles/VE2TZT,
Michel/FM5CD and Vincent/F4BKV have announced a major DXpedition to the
famous, mythical Pitcairn Island (OC-044, CQ Zone 32) in the heart of the
Pacific Ocean. Efforts will be made to give this extremely rare entity
to deserving DXers on as many bands as possible, but especially on the
low bands. The team's plan is to be active as VP6T between January
20-29th, 2012
. Activity will be on 160-10 meters including the 30/17/12
meter bands, using CW, SSB and RTTY. The VP6T log will be uploaded to
LoTW during the operation if possible, if not immediately after the
operation. They try to update their VP6T log on "ClubLog" several times
a day during the operation. This will help you track your progress across
the bands. QSL Manager is Nigel, G3TXF. In addition to the usual routes
(Direct QSLing, QSLing via the Bureau and E-mail requests for Bureau cards
to "QSL at G3TXF dot com"), they will also be using the new "Online QSL
Request Service (OQRS) provided by ClubLog." For more details and the
suggested frequencies, visit the VP6T Web site at: http://www.vp6t.org


2011-07-30 11:32:31 | Weblog

from OPDX news

CE0Y, EASTER ISLANDS. Frank, I2DMI, will be active as CE0Y/I2DMI from
Easter Island (SA-001) between July 30th and August 8th. Activity will
be on 80-10 meters, including 17/12 meters, using mostly RTTY. Suggested
frequencies are: 3582, 7038, 14082, 21082, 24922 and 28082 kHz. QSL
via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. Log will be uploaded
to LoTW and eQSL. For more info and online log, visit:


2011-07-24 08:04:52 | Weblog

from ARL DX news

MOUNT ATHOS, SV/A.  Monk Apollo, SV2ASP/A has been QRV using RTTY on
20 meters between 1845 and 2030z.  QSL direct.


2011-07-23 12:24:09 | Weblog

from ARL DX news

BARBADOS, 8P.  Carsten, DF1XC will be QRV as 8P9XC from Saint
Philip, IOTA NA-021, from July 23 to August 14Activity is holiday
on all HF bands using mostly CW.  QSL to home call.

ST0R QRV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2011-07-23 06:54:15 | Weblog
6M 50.103 50.115
10M 28.024 28.495 28.080
12M 24.894 24.945 24.920
15M 21.024 21.295 21.080
17M 18.074 18.145 18.100
20M 14.024 14.195 14.080
30M 10.104 10.140
40M 7.004 7.065 / 7.180 7.035
80M 3.504 3.780
160M 1.824 1.845


2011-07-21 20:55:02 | Weblog

from DXNL

     FP/K9OT and FP/KB9LIE will be QRV again from Miquelon (NA-032) between
     Jul 22 and Aug 4
. Activities will take place in CW and SSB on 80m-10m
     with 100 watts and wires. QSL via K9OT, via bureau, direct or LoTW.
     See also: http://hamradio.pnpfarms.com

South Sudan DX Pedi

2011-07-17 08:30:21 | Weblog

Dxpedition to Southern Sudan

Welcome to SOUTHERN SUDAN 2011 DXpedition web site, where we'll give you more information about our DXpedition.

The Intrepid-DX Group and the DX Friends have combined efforts to planning a multi-national DXpedition to Southern Sudan to celebrate the birth of a new country.

From July 25 to August 10

DX-Code of Conduct

Team members endorse the DX-Code of Conduct.

Respectfully requests stations calling us to kindly comply with the DX-Code of Conduct.

Team is composed of the following operators:

T8 by JA3AVO

2011-07-16 16:57:05 | Weblog

from 425DX news

T8     - Masumi JA3AVO/T88MB (CW), his wife Hiroko  JH3PBL/T88MP  (SSB)  and
         their grandson Shota W7AED/T88SR (SSB) will be active as T8XO  from
         Koror (OC-009), Palau on 22-24 July.  Activity  will  be  on  160-6
         metres. QSL T8XO via JA3AVO.

IOTA OC-187 by KU2F/VK4

2011-07-16 16:51:32 | Weblog

from 425 DX news

VK     - Kan, JE1SCF will be active holiday style as  KU2F/VK4  from  Lizard
         Island (OC-187) on 18-21 July. He plans to operate CW  and  SSB  on
         40-10 metres. QSL via JE1SCF, direct or bureau.

ST0 coming soon

2011-07-09 15:27:54 | Weblog

from DXNL


     The Intrepid-DX Group and the DX Friends are planning a multi-national
     DXpedition to South Sudan which will declare its independence on Jul 9.
     They have talked with the designated government of South Sudan and they
     also plan to install amateur radio in the country. They will apply for
     a new prefix from the ITU. Operations will commence in Juba on Jul 9.
     The team includes following OPs: Dave,K3LP (co-leader), Roberto,EA2RY,
     Antonio,EA5RM (co-leader), Paul,N6PSE (co-leader), Hrane,YT1AD,
     Manolo,EA7AJR, Krassy,K1LZ, Jose,EA7KW, Bob,N6OX, Flo,F5CWU,
     Jun,JH4RHF, Bernard,F9IE, Dmitri,RA9USU, Fabrizio,IN3ZNR, Al,K3VN,
     Valery,UT7CR, Bill,N2WB, and Dave,AH6HY.
     Their pilote stations are Chuck,AA6G, (got USA), Toshi,JA1ELY (JA),
     Col,MM0NDX (for EU).
     See also: http://www.dxfriends.com/SouthernSudan2011
     http://www.dxfriends.com  or  http://www.intrepid-dx.com