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2008-03-20 19:10:41 | Weblog
UPDATE March 20, 2008 - We have been working the pileups on 160, 20, 40, 10, 15, 17 and 30 meters on both SSB and CW lots of US, Europe and Japan stations the pileups are massive, thank you!! We have had problems with the RTTY op (we may give that a try tomorrow) and two of the main generators at the main SSB site. Weather conditions have been favorable so far, the log will have to be uploaded later this week!! All of the Honduran Navy personnel have been highly cooperative during the entire operation. As of 03:40 UTC we continue to work the pileups specially on 160. We are all tired but we are here and ready to work you guys! 73.

9X0R 2万QSOを超える

2008-03-20 18:44:46 | Weblog
Total QSOs in database 20.483
From 16-03-2008 at 1705 UTC through 20-03-2008 at 0823 UTC

10M 63 6 0 69
12M 354 10 0 364
15M 790 2.577 0 3.367
17M 1.777 2.277 208 4.262
20M 2.715 1.852 1.583 6.150
30M 2.974 0 0 2.974
40M 1.880 494 0 2.374
80M 545 264 0 809
160M 114 0 0 114
MODE 11.212 7.480 1.791 20.483

大和クラブによる T8とV6

2008-03-20 09:44:58 | Weblog
T8 & V6, PALAU AND MICRONESIA (QSL Correction). Members of the Yamato
Club (JA1ZEK) will be active from Yap Island (OC-012) between April
9-16th. Look for the following operators to sign: Sasi/JA1KJW (V63JQ),
Mat/JA1JQY (V63JY) and Kuni/JA8VE (V63VE). The group will then move to
Palau (OC-009) and be active from April 16-19th as T88KJ (JA1KJW), T88VE
(JA8VE) and T88JY (JA1JQY). Activity will be on the HF bands, CW, SSB
and RTTY. QSL T88VE via JA8VE (not JF1OCQ as first reported), and V63VE
via JF1OCQ. QSL all others to their home callsign, direct or by the bureau.


2008-03-20 09:42:54 | Weblog

Christian/FM1II and a group of operators will be active
using the special callsign TO1C during the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest (March
29-30th) and 15 days afterwards. Plans for activity outside of the contest
(for bands and modes) was not provided. QSL via ON4IQ.

特別局 YO22

2008-03-20 09:39:36 | Weblog
YO22, ROMANIA (Special Event). The past fifteen years have witnessed
the emergence of new challenges in the security environment. As a result,
the frequency of NATO summit meetings has increased. From the founding
of NATO until 1990 - over forty years - there were ten summit meetings.
The following sixteen years saw eleven more. In total, twenty-one summit
meetings have taken place. Between April 2-4th, the next summit meeting
will in Bucharest, Romania. To mark this event, look for special event
station YO22NATO to be on the air between March 28th and April 9th.
Activity will be on all bands and different modes. QSL via YO3KAA.


2008-03-20 09:34:54 | Weblog
FR/G, GLORIOSO ISLANDS (Update). Didier, F5OGL, is reporting that the
operation will take place between May 6th and June 6th. The team currently
is: (operators and Staff in Metropolitan France)
F5OGL - DXpedition team leader and QSL Manager
F5CQ - Webmaster
F5CW - Sponsors, and technical staff
F5CWU - Computers, softwares and antennas
F5PTM - DXpedition's team chief, CW leader/operator
F5IRO - CW operator
5U5U - SSB leader/operator
TT8SS - CW/SSB operator

This "Most Wanted Country" will be on the air thanks to the permission
given by the Major General Dominique ROYAL, Commandant of the Transmissions
Superior School of Rennes, and under the authority of the Staff Army, The
Armies HQ, and the Chief of Staff Army for the South Indian Ocean Zone,
and with the sponsoring Clipperton DX Club. Finalized dates and other
things like callsigns will be communicated as soon as possible. Look for
more info to follow. Rafik, F5CQ, is expected to update the Web page soon.


2008-03-20 09:29:11 | Weblog
KX7YT, John Core, will be on the air from Dhaka, Bangladesh March 25th
to 31st as S21YV. Activity will be on 15, 20 and 40 meters on PSK31,
RTTY and SSB primarily, with some CW. He plans to participate in the
upcoming CQ World Wide WPX SSB Contest as well. John will have a yagi
and wires with 100 watts from his Icom IC-706MKIIG. QSL via KX7YT or
via LOTW.

HQ8S QRV中 3月23日まで

2008-03-20 09:12:38 | Weblog
UPDATE March 18, 2008 - We have been working the pileups on 160, 20, 40, 10, 15, 17 and 30 meters both SSB and CW lots of US, Europe and Japan stations. The RTTY op will go up tomorrow we have been having some computer problems with it but no big deal, so far we have about 3,000 QSO overall and hope to reach our goal. Weather conditions have been favorable and the Honduran Navy personnel has been highly cooperative during the entire operation as of 1:40 UTC we continue to work the pileups. We are all tired but we are here and ready to work you guys! 73.

WA1S クリッパートンのごみ問題

2008-03-20 08:50:55 | Weblog
Clipperton island is a place where you can see how much impact man has had on land and environment. Seeing the trash washed up on shore when I was on Kure Atoll in 2005 was nothing compared to what is on Clipperton. There are shoes, fishing nets, pieces of buys, lighters, bottles (both plastic and glass), tires and much more.


2008-03-20 06:49:44 | Weblog
March 19th, 2008

We are getting problems on 160 meters because our RX antennas did not arrive with us here.
We are working with a inverted L as TX-RX antenna and QRM and QRN are heavy.
This evening we'll be all night on 30 CW and 40 CW. 30 meters station will do QSY time to time to 160 meters.

Tomorrow 20th, RTTY station will be on 20 meters again from 05:00 to 07:00 UTC beaming to Japan and later we'll try VK-ZL via short path.

Our webmasters are working hard to get our online log ready but please, remember they are recovering everything and they are doing it from here. Our online log on real time project maybe will do as we had projected if they can start it from here.

There are some spots on DXcluster from a pirate station working as 9X0R on 40 meters CW 19/03/2008 between 01:56 and 02:11 UTC when we were on 40 SSB.