HAM radio
DX information
DX news


2010-10-31 18:37:56 | Weblog
from OPDX news

   OC-244.  Vincent, F4BKV, will be active as DU1/F4BKV from Mindoro
            Island, part of Luzon Coastal Islands group, between November
. Activity will be on 40/20/17/15 meters using SSB and
            PSK31. He plans to use a FT-857 with monoband dipoles on 20m,
            and either 17 or 15m, and a vertical for 40m. QSL via his
            home callsign or LoTW. For more info and an online log search,
            visit F4BKV Web site at:      http://www.f4bkv.net

FJ in Nov

2010-10-31 18:31:35 | Weblog
from 425DX news

Dear Nick  Please look to JA .
Band opening time is too short.
If open to JA ,please make a chance !!!!

FJ     - Nick, VE3EY will be active as TO3A from Saint  Barthelemy  (NA-146)
         on 22-30 November. He will operate  CW,  SSB  and  RTTY  on  160-10
         metres, and will take part in the CQ WW  DX  CW  Contest.  QSL  via
         home call.


2010-10-30 20:05:36 | Weblog
from 425DX news

ZL7    - Toshi, JE1SYN and Hiro, JF1OCQ  will  be  active  as  ZL7/W1SY  and
         ZL1WY/ZL7 from the Chatham Islands (OC-038) on 2-9  December.  They
         plan to operate on 160-6 metres CW, SSB,  RTTY,  PSK  and  FM.  QSL
         ZL7/W1SY via JE1SYN, QSL ZL1WY/ZL7 via JF1OCQ. Further  information
         at http://w1vx.net/pedition/zl7/2010ZL7.htm


2010-10-30 09:43:10 | Weblog

Bill K2TQC, Brian N2MF, Ken W1NG and Tony K2NV will be active from Curacao (SA-099) 

between 4 – 11 November 2010 as PJ2/Home call.

Look for them on RTTY and Low Bands. QSL’s via H/c’s.

Okay for IOTA credit

2010-10-30 08:50:00 | Weblog

The following operations which have taken place between April and October 2010 have provided acceptable validation material and are therefore approved for IOTA credit:

  • TS8P (AF-083)
  • TS7TI/P (AF-091)
  • TS7TI/P (AF-092)
  • LA/SP7IDX (EU-062)
  • MS0INT (EU-118)
  • V73QQ (OC-029), V73QQ (OC-087)
  • 9M6DXX/P (OC-295)
  • 9M6XRO/P (OC-295)


2010-10-27 07:43:52 | Weblog
I am a new operator, licensed since July 2010.  It was Randy, N0TG, of the CY0 DXpedition, who made the suggestion that I give amateur radio a try – my thanks to him!

I work here on the island 5-6 days a week.  I am not on the air 11-19z (12-20z once Canada switches from daylight savings to standard time) Mon-Fri, and sometimes Mon-Sat.  I will do my best to operate at different times on the weekends so as many different areas as possible get an opportunity.

While I am a fan of the lower frequencies, there is a lightning hotspot south west of Sable Island.  I am often affected by static crashes, especially on 80m.

CY0 QRV!!!!!!!

2010-10-27 07:22:56 | Weblog
CY0/VE1AWW    10/10/26 2213Z   7161.0 Correction!!!!                  NP3O      
VE1AWW/CY0 10/10/26 2204Z 7161.0 IM97KM<> EA5EN
VE1AWW/CY0 10/10/26 2202Z 7161.0 LSN 5 UP NR1R
VE1AWW/CY0 10/10/26 2158Z 7161.0 NR1R
VE1AWW/CY0 10/10/25 0151Z 7195.0 calling cq YV5ERT
VE1AWW/CY0 10/10/25 0138Z 7131.0 went to gas up Gen WO2N
VE1AWW/CY0 10/10/25 0134Z 7131.0 only NA LW3EWZ
VE1AW/CY0 10/10/25 0133Z 7131.0 SIMPLEX W7RP
VE1AWW/CY0 10/10/25 0130Z 7131.0 pls oportunity for SA LW3EWZ
VE1AWW/CY0 10/10/25 0129Z 7131.0 W4SVO
VE1AWW/CY0 10/10/25 0126Z 7131.0 SA pls LW3EWZ
VE1AWW/CY0 10/10/25 0123Z 7131.0 SImplex TNX N4BAA
VE1AWW/CY0 10/10/25 0117Z 7131.0 Sable Island is up TNX N2AJ
VE1AWW/CY0 10/10/25 0112Z 7130.9 Al; 5/8 in SW Fla W4JS


2010-10-26 11:10:22 | Weblog
from DXNL news

Dave,G1OCN (GU1OCN), David,M3IOP (MU3IOP), and Carol,2E1DQZ (2U1DQZ),
will activate the Channel island Alderney (EU-114) on 80m, 40m, 20m,
17m, 10m and 6m
between Oct 29 and Nov 5. QSLs direct via G1OCN.


2010-10-26 07:25:54 | Weblog
from OPDX news

PJ7, SINT MAARTEN. Charlie, K4UWH, is now active as PJ7/K4UWH until
November 5th
. Activity will be sporadic on 40-10 meters CW only. He was
heard this past Sunday on 40 and 20 meters CW. QSL via his home callsign,
direct, by the Bureau or LoTW.


2010-10-26 07:24:56 | Weblog
from OPDX news

PJ5, SINT EUSTATIUS ISLAND (NA-145). Wlodek, SP6EQZ, will be active
as PJ5/SP6EQZ between November 17th and December 3rd. Activity will be
active on the HF bands. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.