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R1ANT, Russian Antarctic Expedition 2008

2008-03-18 20:46:30 | Weblog
R1ANT, Russian Antarctic Expedition 2008

Written by Xavier, EA3BHK

Monday, 17 March 2008
A large Russian Antarctic Expedition did start last March 13th , at 8.00 leaving from Cape Town, South Africa, on board of "Academician Fedorov" on a route to Antarctica. Planned goals are the following:
Station Progress, Station Mirnyj, Station Molodezhnaya, Station Novolazarevskaya.
There is a plans for visiting 2 more Antarctic bases including possibly Maitri Base.


2008-03-18 19:24:21 | Weblog
March 18th 2008

After long 3 days without news from the crew now here the latest.

All antennas now ready to use and the crew is on air from 160m to 10m. Any problems with the 160m inverted-L antenna are removed and we hope we can bring up a good signal around the globe.
For 80m the crew has build a new inverted-L antenne and mount this.
All stations now are running but we only can operate from 5T with legal limit only 100W all bands.
We hope we can get a permission to make more power next days. We will inform you.

All crewmembers are in fine shape after a little time to acclimatize from 5 degree in germany to 45 degree and hot sun in Mauritanie.

Now the Pactor is running well and we hope to update the log daily.
For the 5T Crew is DX-Cluster or Internet not available
Please remember: Maretanie is one of the poorest Countries of the world. It is not Europe not America it is just Africa.

First impressions you can find on the button Pictures above this side.


2008-03-18 19:23:18 | Weblog
Kigali, March 17th, 2008

We are at the destination location with the 80% of the antennas ready. The web server had a hard disk crash and we are trying to reconfigure everything.
We will try to put the online log asap.


2008-03-18 17:58:43 | Weblog
The upcoming Glorioso Islands operation is expected to happen between
May 6 and June 6 with F5OGL as team leader and QSL manager, F5CQ as
webmaster, F5CW in charge of sponsors and technical staff, F5CWU
handling computers, software and antennas, F5PTM the CW leader and an
operator, F5IRO, CW op; 5U5U the SSB leader and operator; TT8SS on SSB
and CW; and F5PRU as the INMARSAT operator. Apparently permission has
been obtained from Major General Dominique Royal, Commandant of the
Transmissions Superior School of Rennes and under the authority of the
Staff Army, Armies HQ and Chief of Staff of the Army for the South
Indian Ocean zone. The Clipperton DX Club is sponsoring the
operation. The callsign is still not known. The web page is being
updated but the guest book is open on the old web page,
http://glorieuses2005.free.fr/index-en.htm. Everything will be
forwarded to the new web page when it opens.


2008-03-18 17:55:59 | Weblog
The TX5C Clipperton Island team is on board the Shogun heading home.
N6HC, Arnie, was on 20 SSB late Sunday, 2330Z, and said they were 400
km from Clipperton at that time. They plan to upload their last logs
on their return to California. Look for FO5A/MM over the next five
days as they sail home. Chief pilot station K4SV says he has gotten
many, many requests to verify and correct log entries. He says the
complete log will not be available until the last ones are uploaded to
the web site back at home. They know there will be some errors and
omissions until then. He says when submitting your QSL requests
indicate in your letter to the QSL manager the problem you are having
with your callsign in the log. The manager will have the last say and
will grant or deny your QSL request based on the information you
supply. Look on www.qrz.com under TX5C for QSLing instructions.


2008-03-18 17:54:46 | Weblog
Regards from Rwanda. We arrived yesterday to operation place
a little bit later due a problems at Kigali airport customs.
Tomorrow we'll finish our antenna and stations setup.
The server where 9X0R website was hosted has crashed. Our
Webmasters are working hard to fix it. For that , any question
or comment should be sent to my email address ea5rm@arrl.net
instead of dxpedition email address.

73! de EA5RM - 9X0R