HAM radio
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DX news


2007-09-29 07:29:30 | Weblog
Hans,SM6CVX, Derek,G3KHZ, Steve,G4EDG, and Luis,CT1AGF, are visiting
several islands belonging to Papua-New Guinea. The first activities
will take place on Sep 22 from Buka Island which will also be the last
stop of their trip. They can use four stations with two amplifiers,
verticals and multi-band dipoles. Emphasis will be put especially on
80m and 160m during the nights but all other bands will be served as
well. They are not sure if they have time for a trip to Kilinalau and
which call they may use. More information about this DXpedition can
be found at: http://www.rep.pt/P29-PapuaNewGuinea
This is their travelling schedule as of today:
Date Call Island /IOTA QSL via
Sep 24-29 P29VCX Nukumanu /OC-284 SM6CVX
Oct 2-6 P29NI Takuu /OC-283 G3KHZ
Oct 8-10 P29VLR Kilinalau/OC-256 SM6CVX


2007-09-29 07:16:17 | Weblog
The German 9U0A team did arrive in Burundi yesterday. All of their
equipment and luggage arrived safely. They have been preparing the stations
and antennas and are expected to be QRV in the next few hours. The team has
a Web page at http://www.dl7df.com/9u/. This information was received from
their pilot station DF3CB, Bernd (bernd@df3cb.com). QSL via DL7DF.


2007-09-29 06:17:31 | Weblog
Nao, JA1HGY reports that Kunio Saito, A52VE (JA8VE) went QRT on 3
September and returned to Japan because of health problems. He was expected
to remain in Bhutan until March 2009.


2007-09-29 06:00:52 | Weblog

H40 - Mike, KM9D and Jan, KF4TUG are now going to Tikopia Island (OC-178),
Temotu Province. They will be active as H40MY, but "their estimated
time of arrival, length of stay and operating plans are unknown at
this time".

IOTA OC-142、160、171

2007-09-29 05:58:52 | Weblog
German ops DK2CRN, Chris, and DL1ECG, George plan to operate from
several Australia islands between October 9th to 27th as VK2AMB and
VK2ALU. They'll be operating "holiday style" from Fraser Island (OC-
142), Heron Island (OC-142), Hamilton Island (OC-160) and Dunk Island
(OC-171) from October 16th to 26th. Each of the islands is located in
VK4 land. QSL VK2AMB via DK2CRN and VK2ALU via DL1ECG.

3C7Y 10月5日~14日

2007-09-29 05:57:10 | Weblog
The four man team (3C7Y) heading to Bioko Island (AF-010), Equatorial
Guinea early next month now has a Web page at
http://personal.telefonica.terra.es/web/ea5yn/3c7y.htm. Plans are to
have three complete stations. The team includes EA5YN, Vicente;
EA5BRE, Luis; EA5BYP, Elmo; and KH7Y, Fred. Look for activity on 6
through 160 meters on CW, SSB and RTTY from October 5th to 14th. The
pilot for this DXpedition will be OD5NJ, Gaby, who can be reached via
email to od5nj@hotmail.com or od5nj@inco.com.lb. QSL via EA5BYP, Elmo
Bernabe Coll, P.O. Box 3097, 03080 Alicante, SPAIN.


2007-09-28 06:08:08 | Weblog

Our next DXpedition will be Burundi, 9U. We will be on the air between Sep 26, 2007 (evening local time) and Oct 09, 2007 (noon local time).

Our callsign will be 9U0A. We will be active with several stations on 160m through 6m on CW, SSB. One station will be exclusive on RTTY, PSK31 , SSTV and on WSJT 6 m qrv.

Our experienced crew includes:

DK1BT, Manfred
DL4WK, Wolf
DL7DF, Sigi and XYL Sabine
DL7UFR, Frank
SP3DOI, Leszek


J6 9月23日~10月11日まで

2007-09-27 20:23:16 | Weblog
J6 - ST LUCIA, NA-108
Babs,J6/DL7AFS, Lot,J6/DJ7ZG, and Ju,J6/DL2ZAE, have flown to
St. Lucia (NA-108) on Sep 23 and are working on 6-160m until Oct 11.
They plan to operate with up to three stations simultaneously. Ju is a
high speed CW OP and takes intensive care of this mode so that Babs and
Lot may turn towards SSB and RTTY.
QSL cards for all calls should be sent to DL7AFS. More information can
be found on their website: http://www.qsl.net/dl7afs

ZF 9月24日~10月1日まで

2007-09-27 20:22:15 | Weblog
Don,W4YCH (ZF2DF), Janet,W6JND (ZF2JD), Larry,W6OMF (ZF2LH),
Bob,W6BO (ZF2BO), Sue,K6SUE (ZF2MH), and Jim,W4JO (ZF2JO), will take
part in the Multi/2 category of the CQWW RTTY Contest signing ZF2DF.
They already hit the airwaves 6-160m using their individual calls since
Sep 24. The operation ends on Oct 1. All QSLs via homecalls.

8P6DR 9月28日~10月13日まで

2007-09-27 20:21:05 | Weblog
Richard,G3RWL, will be QRV again as 8P6DR from Barbados (NA-021) from
Sep 28 until Oct 13. Richard is working in CW and digital modes on
10-80m running 100 watts into a G5RV antenna and also plans to take
part in the upcoming CQWW RTTY Contest. He confirms the QSLs via bureau
or direct via his homecall G3RWL. However QSLs may be requested as well
via e-mail (g3rwl@amsat.org), there will be no eQSLs and if he finds
you as a dupe in his log your chances to get a QSL are gone.

8Q7AK 9月30日~10月12日まで

2007-09-27 20:19:46 | Weblog
Andrew,G7COD, is expected to hit the airwaves as 8Q7AK from the island
Embudu (AS-013) between Sep 30 and Oct 12. He will work mainly in SSB
but plans to operate also some CW on 30/20/17/15/12m. His preferred
frequencies are 10.123, 14.147, 18.133, 21.253, 24.953 MHz (+/-10 kHz).
He will try to be active from 0830-1030 UTC and from 1300-1515 UTC
every day. QSLs direct or via bureau via his homecall.
Andrew states that all QSLs from previous 8Q7AK activities should be
confirmed by now.