HAM radio
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DX news


2009-01-31 15:18:27 | Weblog
from 425 DX news

P2 - Jerry, P29ZAD expects to be active in his spare time from Buka
Island (OC-135) on 7-26 February. QSL via NI5DX, direct or bureau.


2009-01-31 08:54:14 | Weblog
from 425 DX news

FT - Gildas, TU5KG has left for another fishing campaign in the
Southern Indian Ocean. His new callsigns are FT5WP (Crozet) and
FT5XS (Kerguelen). He will be sailing in the areas of Crozet
(until about 7 March) and Kerguelen (between about 10 March and 15
April), but it is not clear if he will be able to land and operate
from the islands, or if his activities will be limited to /MM
operations. QSL via F4EFI, direct or bureau.


2009-01-30 21:16:45 | Weblog
from ARRL DX news

SAINT MARTIN, FS. Members of the Buddies of the Caribbean will be
QRV as FS/homecalls from February 4 to 11. Activity will be on 160
to 10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL direct to home calls.


2009-01-30 21:15:21 | Weblog
from ARRL DX news

DJIBOUTI, J2. Elvira, IV3FSG is QRV as J20SE until February 12.
She is active using SSB and RTTY mostly on 20 meters. QSL via


2009-01-29 07:12:16 | Weblog
Chris Drummond W6HFP, Steve Galcchutt N0TU, and Guy Hamblen N7UN, all part of the “Buddies in the Caribbean” Dxpedition to FS/Saint Martin and PJ7/Sint Maarten Feb. 4-11, will take a two day operating adventure trip to PJ6/Saba Island on Feb 6 and 7th, which should be of interest to most IOTA chasers since it carries the designation IOTA NA145.

Saba, with dramatic volcanic topography, is best known for the nearly 3,000 ft (887m) Mt. Scenery and rugged coastline cliffs.

The goal of the two day adventure is to undertake the strenous and demanding climb up Mt Scenary and operate battery portable with BuddiPole antennas. Additionally the team intends to operate battery portable from the north shore cliffs with great takeoffs to Europe and the US. Saba is IOTA NA145.

For more information on the entire DXpedition and the latest updates, please see the blog at: http://caribbeanbuddies.blogspot.com

Tom WW5L


2009-01-29 07:04:58 | Weblog

The USFWS has announced that it will allow amateurs to operate from Midway Atoll for two weeks this October.


2009-01-28 06:38:16 | Weblog
Hi all

Thanks to all of you who have sent best wishes for our trip to ZL7. Our website designed by Gary, ZL2IFB is up and running at www.zl7t.com and will tell you a bit about where we actually are on Chatham Island and what we are trying to accomplish.
Some of you have previously offered financial help and although we will have PayPal facilities on the website shortly we would welcome donations from anyone to help as this is all financed out of our pockets. We also realize that the world was a different place when we started planning last year and money is not as easy as it was. Thanks for any help you may be able to offer. *Our NZ Account number is 06 0738 0128289-00*

We will be looking for all the ZLs and VKs we can find for a few minutes at the top of each hour and also hope to make the odd visit to the *80M Counties net* during the week. If biz is slow on 20M we may show up on the *ANZA net* for a short while.

ZL7T will be easy to work on 80M, 40M and 30M but will prove a bit harder on 20M and the higher bands for ZLs. 160M should be too difficult if we can get an efficient wire antenna up.

Thanks for your support. We will look forward to seeing you in the pileups

*73, Lee ZL2AL*

*On behalf of the ZL7T Team *


2009-01-28 06:36:33 | Weblog
License in-hand, Rachid / 3B8FQ, expects to activate St. Brandon Isl., AF-015, for almost two weeks, from Friday, Jan. 30, until Thursday, Feb. 12th.

The callsign will be 3B7FQ. This will primarily be a working trip for maintenance on the meteorological station on St. Brandon, with on-air operations as time allows.
Rachid expects the 30, 20 & 17 Meter bands to be the most productive, but will try all bands, 80-10M.

Rachid will use CW & SSB. On CW, look for Rachid near the bottom of the band, "on the 8's" such as 10.108, 14.008, and 18.078MHz. He will be using 100W and a G5RV.

Plans are to be QRV later in the year as 3B9FQ while on holiday, in July '09.

QSL 3B7FQ / 3B8FQ / 3B6FQ & 3B9FQ via K5XK, per instructions on QRZ.com

YV0 in March

2009-01-27 19:03:47 | Weblog
from 425DX news

YV0 - The 4M5DX Group's expedition to Aves Island (NA-020) [425DXN 916]
is scheduled to take place in March, hopefully for a full week. A
large team of operators will be active as YW0A on 160-6 metres
SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL via IT9DAA (diret or bureau), or LoTW.
Bookmark http://yw0a.4m5dx.info for updates.

VP8_sg by DL9LB

2009-01-27 19:02:31 | Weblog
from 425DX news

VP8_sg - Lars, MM0DWF (DL9LB) will return to South Georgia (AN-007) in
February, and expects to operate again as VP8DIF during his
limited spare time. He will have a new soundcard interface, so he
might try some RTTY, "but no promises". QSL via DJ9ZB, direct or
bureau. Further information, including log search, can be found at

K5D コール決定

2009-01-27 06:31:20 | Weblog

We have reserved the special callsign K5D for our upcoming Desecheo operation. The operation will begin late in the day on Feb 12th.

QSO philosophy…because Desecheo is so very rare ( #6 worldwide, #3 in Europe and # 2 in Asia ) there are many, many hams worldwide that need KP5 for an all-time new one. Therefore, we are asking that you not contact the Dxpedition on any band/mode that you have confirmed from a previous DXpedition. This will allow the people who really need a new DXCC entity a better opportunity to get through the pileups.

Our objective is not to establish a world record for contacts…there will be no “greenies”, no boxes to check, no competitions for most band/mode QSOs, no certificate or awards for contacting the Dxpedition more times than anyone else. So, if you have KP5 already confirmed on a particular band/mode, we respectfully ask that you exercise restraint. If, late in the DXpedition, we are calling CQ for contacts, we will welcome your call.

The team has encountered higher expenses than anticipated. These mainly involve the transportation and feeding of other personnel that will be traveling to the island with us. Approximately ten other personnel will share our campsite and facilities for the duration of the DXpedition. They will be on Island with us to provide security and carry out field research. Therefore, we ask that you consider a contribution to the DXpedition to help with these incremental expenses. Just go to www.kp5.us and click the button that reads ” How you can Help”.

We are all counting the days until we assemble in Puerto Rico on Feb 7th.

Bob Allphin- K4UEE
Glenn Johnson-W0GJ
K5D co-leaders


2009-01-26 06:55:21 | Weblog
This is to inform you that I will be on a short holiday trip to Curacao signing PJ2/PA4JJ. I am leaving March 30 from Amsterdam and will be on the island until April 11.

I will take my FT897 and a ZS6BKW wire antenna with me together with my laptop. Activity will be on all ham bands with a focus on the WARC and DIGI modes RTTY and/or PSK31.

Please be informed that I am the only ham in a party of 4 so I will try to be as active as I can.

QSL cards direct to PA4JJ. If I have access to the Internet I will provide an online log on my website [http://www.pa4jj.nl/html/pj2_pa4jj_log.html] or as soon as possible after return home.


ZL7 by ZL's

2009-01-25 07:48:21 | Weblog
A team of nine ZL operators will be activating Chatham Island in March 2009. The team leaders are Lee ZL2AL and Morrie ZL2AAA. The rest of the team will be Lee ZL2LE, John ZL1BYZ, Mike, ZL2CC, Phil ZL2RVW, Mark ZL3AB, Wayne ZL2WG AND John ZL1ALZ.

Chatham Island is located about 550 Km east of New Zealand about 3 hours by air. Although ZL7 is not particularly rare but is in the top 100 at 87 needed for DXCC and it still generates much activity on the bands. Our Pilot will be Duncan ZL3JT in Christchurch.

The team will be hosted at the Chatham Fishing Lodge in the fishing village of Kaiangaroa on the north eastern tip of the Chatham Islands.

We will be looking for newer ops wanting to work ZL7 for the first time and will be listening for VK/ZL and Pacific stations at the end of each hour for a few minutes. We will not be working specific call areas or any region to the disadvantage of any other region. The ICOM four station setup with amplifiers will operate 160M to 10M with CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK modes. Wire loops will be used on 80M and 40M, a vertical on 30M and Yagis on 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10M. We also will try 160M alternating with the 80M station from time to time.

Most of the experienced operators are DXCC members and look forward to the pileups. Frequencies will be in the usual SSB and CW DX haunts on each band with SSB split up 5 kHz and CW split up 3 kHz. Our callsign will be announced at the beginning of the operation on March 6, 2009 and ending on March 11, 2009.

Although ICOM New Zealand has offered limited sponsorship, donations would be appreciated as the team will have to cover all expenses including the QSL printing. Donations would be appreciated. The website will be up and running in a few weeks and the URL is www.zl7t.com. Logsearch will be available on the team’s return. QSL via Buro or Direct via ZL2AL CBA or QRZ.com

We will be uploading the logs to LoTW in approximately 6 months and we will also QSL via the Buro.

73, Lee ZL2AL Team Leader