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特別イベント局 W0S 4月12~13日

2008-03-15 16:08:22 | Weblog
WØS, Special Event Station, for the 96th Anniversary of the Titanic Disaster, April 12-13, 2008
Amateur Radio Operators Dave “SAP” Beckler, WAØSAP, Rich Vogt, KB9YZE, Al Gallo, WØERE, and Rod Kittleman, KØADI organized this Special Event Station along with Mary Kellogg, part owner of the World’s Largest Titanic Museum in Branson, MO. You can visit the website of the museum at http://www.titanicbranson.com/
HF, SSB/CW, packet, Dstar, 2m, QSL as information given when QSO

5T by DL's 今日から30日まで

2008-03-15 16:05:06 | Weblog
Rich,DK8YY, Oliver,DL2ARD, Rene,DL2JRM, Ralf,DL3JJ, Ingolf,DL4JS, Dan,DL5SE, and Andy,DL7ZZ, will be QRV from Nouakchott/Mauritania from Mar 16-30. They chose a QTH near the Atlantic coast which provides enough space for the various antennas taken with them.

They plan to run three stations simultaneously (two with amplifiers) including two V160- and V80 verticals to produce loud signals also on 80m/160m. Verticals are also used on 40m and yagis on 30-10m supported by two groundplanes, one for the digital modes and one for the WARC bands.
Updates and an online log can be found at: http://www.5t2008.de
QSL manager is DH7WW, via bureau or direct.
The team is still looking for some donations and sponsors.


2008-03-15 05:45:21 | Weblog
Bruno, HB9BEI (EL8BK) and Chris, HB9AUZ (EL8CB) will be active
during their spare time from Liberia between 18 March and late