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DX news

OY in Aug

2009-06-30 05:59:18 | Weblog
from OPDX news

OY, FAROE ISLANDS (Update). Polish operators Mek/SP7VC and Janusz/SP6IXF
will be active as OY/homecall between August 10-16th. Activity will be on
160-6 meters SSB and 2m meteor scatter (Random 144355.0 MHz) FSK441 during
the Perseid meteor shower. Operations will be from the IP61 grid square.
They plan to have amps for every band and will be using the following
antenna system: HF - Spiderbeam, R-7 and INV-L for 160-80m + beverages
2m - A 2M5WL yagi
6m - 6 element yagi
Mek, SP7VC, is also going to operate as SP7VC/MM during their trip on a
ferry from Denmark via the Shetlands to Faroe Islands. Mek will be using
an IC-706 into a 4 element 20m yagi and a vertical for 6m. He plans to
activate Marine Squares JO37, 27, 17, 18, 19, 09, and IP 80, 81, 71. QSL
via their home callsigns, by the bureau or direct.

3D2YA on the air

2009-06-30 05:56:53 | Weblog
from OPDX news

3D2, FIJI (IOTA Op). Remember to look for Akira, JA1NLX, to once again
be active as 3D2YA from Mana Island (OC-121) in Mamanuca Group, between
June 29th and July 3rd. Activity will be on 80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10 meters
using CW and RTTY. QSL via his home callsign, by the Bureau or direct
(w/SASE). Log will be uploaded to LoTW.


2009-06-30 05:50:41 | Weblog
Chris, VK4FR will be operating as 4W6FR in Dili, East Timor until mid-October, 2009

Using SSB and Digi modes on 20 & 30M.

Please note due to the nature of Chris’s job and power issues, he may suddenly disappear at times.

QSL via VK4FW.


2009-06-29 06:31:50 | Weblog
from 425DX news

VK9N - VK9NI is the new callsign to be used during the 22-29 July
Hellenic Amateur Radio Association of Australia's expedition to
Norfolk Island (OC-005) [425DXN 941]. Nine operators (namely
VK5MAV) will be active on 160-6 metres CW, SSB and RTTY, including
activity during the IOTA Contest. QSL via W3HNK. The new website
for the operation is at http://www.vk9ni.com/


2009-06-28 06:05:41 | Weblog
Look for Bill, W5SJ between July 14 - 21, 2009 as VP2MSJ from Montserrat NA-103

He will enter the CQ WW VHF contest, hoping and praying for some e-skip. The rest of the time he’ll be QRV on other bands that are open, particularly 30 and 60 meters.


*Bill is staying at the QTH of VP2MDD

3D2CR in Oct

2009-06-28 06:04:14 | Weblog
20 years after the first activation of Conway Reef (3D2CR) I’m happy to announce another DXpedition to that remote and lonely island from Oct. 3rd to Oct. 11th 2009.

7 operators, 160 to 6m, SSB, CW, RTTY. Sri, on 6m NO EME and digital modes.

More info to come soon on our homepage.

Hans, DK9KX ex 3D2CR.

3D2 by JA1NLX

2009-06-28 06:03:04 | Weblog
from ARRL DX news

FIJI, 3D2. JA1NLX will be QRV as 3D2YA from Mana Island, IOTA
OC-121, from June 29 to July 3. Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters
using CW and RTTY. QSL to home call.

3A by HA3JB in Sept

2009-06-27 06:11:39 | Weblog
from 425DX news

3A - Gab, HA3JB will be active as 3A/HG3IPA from Monaco on 23-30
September, including an entry in the CQ WW RTTY DX Contest. This
activity will be good for the Hungarian International Police
Association Award (on-line log and information on the award can be
found at http://www.ha3jb.com). QSL via HA3JB.


2009-06-26 06:16:44 | Weblog
The Strumblehead DX and Contest group have now sealed the final permission to activate Ramsey Island (EU-124), off the West Wales coast, from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds who own the island.

They will be active from 18:00 24th July through to 14:00 27th July taking in the IOTA contest.

They will be active using the club call MC0SHL for the whole duration of the operation, and using MW9W in the contest. They will be on all bands from 80M through to 10M SSB. There is also some 30M RTTY planned by G1VDP if the other guys allow him, with participation in the last 80M Club Championships DATA section.

They will be operational using generators as power. Radios used will consist of 2 K3's and a Yaesu FT1000MP MkV and amplifiers. Antennas will consist of a Hexbeam, a windom and dipoles. Most of the activation is for the WAB award scheme as the square is semi rare and has not been activated for some time.

The team will be on from the farm for a few days before and after using the GB0WFF for the World Flora and Fauna award see http://www.wff44.com for award details, and using the MC0SHL club call and erecting a tower for Rob MW0RLJ.

The island will not only count for the WAB award but will also count for the WFF award.

A special QSL card printed for both club calls, full details are on the groups website http://www.mc0shl.com.

QSL via the groups manager M0URX.

FO and ZK2

2009-06-25 19:22:32 | Weblog
G3BJ and G4JKS will be on vacation in the South Pacific during September 2009.

They will be active as:

* FO/G3BJ ― Austral Islands (Rurutu OC-050 and Tubuai OC-152) from September 4 - 16.
* ZK2BJ ― Niue (OC-040) from September 18 - 25.

Mostly QRV on CW - 3.5 to 28 MHz - no 17m & 12m.

Equipment: K3 and a Butternut HF6


2009-06-24 06:39:48 | Weblog
Dervin, PD9DX will be QRV between 26 June to 5 July from Senegal as 6W/PD9DX.

Activity on HF, SSB

Direct QSL card info via PD9DX