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PJ7 in March

2011-02-27 09:14:36 | Weblog

425DX news


PJ7    - Massimo, I8NHJ and Pier, W1NA will be active  as  PJ7DX  from  Sint
         Maarten (NA-105) on 2-7 March. Main activity  will  be  during  the
         ARRL DX SSB Contest, with some casual operating mainly  CW  outside
         the ARRL event. QSL direct to I8NHJ.

EL in late March

2011-02-27 08:29:15 | Weblog

from 425DX news


EL     - Silvano,  I2YSB  and  his  team  (Vinicio  IK2CIO,  Angelo  IK2CKR,
         Marcello IK2DIA and Stefano IK2HKT) will  be  active  from  Liberia
         (callsign TBA) from 31 March to 13 April. They plan to operate  CW,
         SSB and RTTY on 80-10 metres with three stations on  the  HF  bands
         and one dedicated  station  on  6  metres.  QSL  direct  to  I2YSB.
         Further  information,  band/mode  survey  and  Online  QSL  Request
         System can be found at  www.i2ysb.com.  Once  again  Arturo  IK7JWY
         will be the pilot station for the expedition (it will be  possibile
         to    contact    him    through    the    dedicated    forum     at


2011-02-26 08:51:26 | Weblog

Operating Frequencies

<col style="width: 76pt;" width="101"></col> <col style="width: 36pt;" span="3" width="48"></col>
160 1824 -
80 3524 3584 3695
40 7024 7044 7095
30 10104 10144 -
20 14024 14084 14195
17 18074 18104 18145
15 21024 21084 21295
12 24894 24914 24945
10 28024 28084 28495


VU4PB coming soon

2011-02-26 08:49:48 | Weblog

from OPDX news


VU4, ANDAMAN ISLANDS (Update). Members of the Amateur Radio Society of
India (ARSI) plan to be active as VU4PB from Port Blair, between March
. Operators mentioned are Ananth/VU2PAI, Aravind/VU2ABS, Basappa/
VU2NXM, Chetan/VU3DMP, Deepak/VU2CDP, Gopal/VU2GMN (Team Leader), Govind/
VU2GGM, Ramesh/VU2LU, Devadas/VU2DH, Krishna/VU2VKU, Prasad/VU2PTT,
Ramachandra/VU2RCT, Ramachandra/VU2RCR, Rohit/VU2RDQ, Sanjay/VU2SJD,
Suhas/VU2SMN and Vishnumoorthy/VU2MTT. Activity will be on all HF bands
using CW, SSB and RTTY; exploring 6m EME operations. They will have 4
stations on the air using the following equipment: Two Kenwood TS-2000,
Two ICOM 756 Pro, Elecraft K3, Yaesu FT 847, Kenwood TS-950, Two Spider
beams, SteppIR 3-element Yagi, SteppIR Big IR vertical, Wire and vertical
antennas for the lower band operations, 18m Spider poles for Low band
antennas, Force12 C3S Yagi, Yaesu Quadra VL1000 Amp, Kenwood TL-922 Amp,
Yaesu FL2000 Amp, Ameritron ALS-500 Amp and Ameriton AL-811H Amp. QSL
Manager will be W3HNK. A Web page will be available soon at:


2011-02-13 11:34:31 | Weblog
The following operation is approved for DXCC credit:

Rwanda, 9X0SP, 2010 operation.

If you had this operation rejected in a recent application, send a note to <script type="text/javascript">// ' ); document.write( addy73394 ); document.write( '' ); // ]]></script> dxcc@arrl.org <script type="text/javascript">// ' ); // ]]></script> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it <script type="text/javascript">// ' ); // ]]></script> to have your record updated.


2011-02-13 11:32:17 | Weblog
SURINAME, PZ.  Serge, RX3APM will be QRV as PZ5P from Paramaribofrom February 15 to 22.  Activity will be on 160 to 10 meters usingCW and SSB.  This includes an entry in the upcoming ARRL DX CWcontest.  QSL via UA4LU.

XF4 in March

2011-02-13 08:08:17 | Weblog

from 425DX news


XF4    - XE1B, EA4AK, EA5AFP, EA5FX,  EA5KM,  EA8AUW  and  EC4DX  have  been
         authorized to be active as 4A4A from Isla Benito  Juarez  (Socorro,
         NA-030), Revillagigedo on 3-20 March. They plan to operate SSB,  CW
         and RTTY on 160-10 metres, and maybe 6 metres, with  2-3  stations.
         QSL  via  EB7DX  (direct  only)  and  LoTW.  The  website  for  the
         expedition is at  www.revillagigedo2011.com,  propagation  forecast
         can be found at http://www.youtube.com/user/EA4AK and updates  will
         be posted to https://twitter.com/EA4AK.


2011-02-12 11:53:23 | Weblog

from425DX news

TT     - Baldur, DJ6SI plans to be  active  as  TT8DX  from  Chad  on  14-24
. Look for him mainly on CW. QSL via home  call.

PJ4 in RTTY test

2011-02-11 08:06:57 | Weblog

from OPDX news


PJ4, BONAIRE. Roger, N4RR, will once again operate in the CQWW WPX RTTY
Contest (February 12-13th) from Bonaire (SA-006, WLOTA L1279) using the
callsign PJ4R. He will be signing PJ4/N4RR before the contest starting
on February 9th. All activity will be RTTY on 80/40/20/15 meters. QSL
via his home callsign.

PJ2 in March

2011-02-11 08:06:15 | Weblog

from OPDX news

PJ2, CURACAO. Operators Don/W5FKX, Jim/N5HZ, Dave/W5XU and Mike/W5ZPA
will be active as PJ2T from Signal Point Station on Curacao (SA-099,
WLOTA LH-0942) between March 10-17th. Activity will be on all bands
and modes. QSL PJ2T via N9AG or LoTW.


2011-02-11 08:05:33 | Weblog

from OPDX news

P4, ARUBA (Update). Tim, WD9DZV, will be active as P40D (not P40A as
announced last week) from Aruba between March 8-13th. Activity will
be holiday style on most bands and modes. QSL via WD9DZV.

9G in March

2011-02-11 08:03:57 | Weblog

from OPDX news


9G, GHANA. Operators Rob/PA3DEW and Vincent/PA3FQX will once again be
active as 9G1AA from Dorma Ahenkro Hospital in Ghana between March 1-20th.
Activity will be mainly on 20 and 15 meters SSB. QSL via PA3ERA.

E3 new !!!

2011-02-11 08:00:43 | Weblog

from OPDX news

E3, ERITREA. It looks like a E30 DXpedition is planned for 2012. The last
operation, E30GA, took place from Asmara in November 1998. Currently the
information is limited -- no operators and specific dates were provided.
The only thing available via the below Web page is activity will be on
160-6 meters, including 30/17/12 meter bands, with operations on CW, SSB
and RTTY. The unknown team will have at least 4 stations on the air at
the same time on different bands and modes. The callsign is also not
clear on the Web page (is it E30A or E30AA). However, the below Web page
states, that the QSL Manager for E30A is S52RU. The Web for the 2012
DXpedition (still under construction) is:
There is a survey for "bands needs" available on the Web page. Hopefully,
more info will be forthcoming. Stay tuned!

PJ4 by N4RR

2011-02-08 18:09:21 | Weblog

from DXNL

PJ4 - BONAIRE, SA-006Roger,N4RR, plans to join the CQ WPX RTTY Contest from Bonaire (SA-006,WLOTA L1279) using PJ4R.His activity starts on Feb 9 and will be onlyin RTTY on 80m/40m/20m and 15m.Roger will sign PJ4/N4RR before and after the contest.The QSL cards should be sent via his homecall.

CY0 in arch

2011-02-05 17:47:05 | Weblog

from 425DX news


CY0    - "Although the two previous  attempts  to  access  the  island  were
         unsuccessful,  the  team  is  eagerly  looking  forward  to   March
         anticipating  improved  weather,  propagation  and  a    successful
         landing", Randy, N0TG says. "We are pleased to  note  that  routine
         supply flights to Sable for the small  staff  on  the  island  have
         been successful and on schedule during January.    Hopefully,  this
         will be a continuing trend of  improved  flight  conditions  as  we
         count down to an early March operation.   Most  of  the  DXpedition
         equipment and  supplies  are  stored  in  the  aircraft  hanger  in
         Halifax, Canada, ready to be loaded onto  the  aircraft".  Bookmark
         www.cy0dxpedition.com for updates.