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IOTA EU-189 2days QRV

2009-03-31 07:21:27 | Weblog

Hello Folks,

This webpage is well worth a look and I hope the expedition time their landings when the seas are relatively calm.

Rockall is the summit of an old volcano located between the North tip of Scotland and Iceland, sticking out 20 meters above the Atlantic. Landing on the 500 square meters rock is very difficult as it has steep slopes at all sides.
The area is infamous for its high seas and very changeable weather all through the year.

The earliest activation date will be around 30 April.

It counts as "GM" for DXCC and EU-189 for IOTA.

Vy 73 to all

de Pete at the DX Newsdesk


2009-03-30 20:21:28 | Weblog
KE7TBB and N7EAA will be QRV as 8R1AD from Guyana. They will be looking for stations w/ young ham ops and low power (kilowatt and under)

Activity will be 20m CW, SSB and PSK31.

Dates: April 20-May 3.



2009-03-29 22:06:59 | Weblog
Our plan is to upload logs at least once a day, so you can use the LOGsearch page to see if you're in the log starting the day after your QSO(s).

The online lookup function cannot correct any problems we discover in the logs.
We will correct them when back home.
If your callsign is not in the log and you think it should be, please use the LOGsearch by date and control band and UTC time. Only if you find a typing error in your call, send an email from the form.
QSL processing will be handled as follows:

- for 5C2A,5C2B,5C2C,5C2F,5C2J,5C2L,5C2SG,5C2Z: via *IK7JWX*
via ARI Bureau or
direct to: Alfredo De Nisi
PO Box 218
73100 LECCE Centro

- for 5C2Y only: via *I0SNY*
via URE Bureau or
direct to: NICOLA SANNA
Via Bartolomeo Grazioli, 26
06132 - S. SISTO (Perugia)

- Stations in the pacific Area (only zone CQ 28,29,30,31,32) for all calls: via *VK4FW*
via bureau or
direct to: BILL HORNER
PO BOX 612

Direct QSLing requires a SASE and a minimum payment of 3 US$ or 2 Euro.
Not complete requests will be returned via bureau.
All surplus funds received will go to the 5C2 DXpedition.
If you wish to contribute separately for the 5C2 DXpedition, please click on the "Donations"button on the left.

You can use also an Online QSL Request System (OQRS) from the LOGsearch menu, if you would like to receive your 5C2 QSL automatically sent through the QSL bureau or automatically mailed to you.
In this last case your payment should me made via Paypal; you do not need to send us your card.
If you use the Online QSL Request Service, please do not send any further cards via the bureau or direct!


2009-03-28 09:32:40 | Weblog
from 425DX news

VK9X - Haru, JA1XGI will be active as JA1XGI/VK9 from Christmas Island
(OC-002) on 4-11 April. He plans to operate CW and digital modes
on all bands. QSL via JA1XGI, direct or bureau.


2009-03-28 09:29:01 | Weblog
from OPDX news

C9, MOZAMBIQUE (Update). Members of the Texas DX Society are now active
as C91TX from Bilene, Maputo Province, until April 5th. Activity will
be on all bands 160-10 meters with 3 active stations, one station each
for CW, SSB, and the Digital modes. Antennas being used are T-8 Log-
Periodics by Tennedyne, and they will be up at about 50 feet plus. They
will also use a 40 meter 4 square (and possible 80 meter 4 square) and
a 72 foot vertical for 160/80/30 meters. The stations will be using a
Tokyo Hy-Power amp, and two IC-2KL amps. The team will participate in
the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 28-29th). Operators mentioned are:
Cal/WF5W, Paul/W5PF, Madison/W5MJ, Bill/K5WAF, Dale/KG5U and Jim/N4AL.
QSL Manager for C91TX is W5PF. Depending on internet access, they hope
to have an online log search page once operations start, but don't
expect daily updates. For updates, visit the Texas DX Society C91TX
Web page at: http://www.tdxs.net/c91.html


2009-03-28 06:15:12 | Weblog
from 425DX news

VK9M - Bad weather conditions prevented the VK9GMW team (AA7JV and HA7RY)
from leaving Marion Reef for several days. Eventually
they departed for Mellish on 25 March, and reached their
destination at 6 UTC on the 27th. They hope to be on the air by 8
UTC on 28 March. QSL via HA7RY. Please bookmark www.vk9gmw.com for


2009-03-27 06:49:28 | Weblog
Approx QRV times:
06z on Wed 25 Mar to 12z on Thur 26 Mar 2009

10z on Fri 27 Mar to 15z on Wed 01 Apr 2009

10z on Sat 04 Apr to 19z on Sat 04 Apr 2009


2009-03-27 06:34:06 | Weblog
VK9GMW will be operating from Mellish Reef between March 27* and April 10*, 2009.

This will be another low-key, simple DXpedition by AA7JV and HA7RY. It will be the two of us operating; and doing everything else. We will have a strong low-band focus, although we intend operate on all HF bands. We have developed a new antenna which we hope will maximize our 160 and 80m effectiveness. For details see the Equipment page.

Weather will be a critical factor as we are timing this DXpedition to fall between when 160 meter conditions are still good -- i.e. the end of March -- and when the cyclone season (hurricane season) in Australia has started to wind down. (Unfortunately, the cyclone season does not end until the end of April. But...)
* Please check this web-site for updates on the actual operating dates which are likely to change due to weather.


2009-03-26 06:17:31 | Weblog
Frank, DL4KQ plans on being active from a new IOTA as AT9RS

Grandi Island (AS-177) is the QTH (off the coast of Vasco da Gama, Goa)

Activity between April 3 - 8, 2009.


2009-03-26 06:16:27 | Weblog

I (N5FF) will be arriving Damascus on March 29 (evening) and should be QRV as YK1BA again from March 30 till April 10, returning home to Texas on the 11th.

As usual, my operating hours will be spotty, but I’ll try to put in as much radio time as possible. Most probably, my operating hours will be between 20:00 - 23:00 UTC or between 02:00 - 05:00 UTC and possibly some occasional activities between 12:00 -14:00 UTC.

I suspect that 30, 40, and 80 Meter will be the bands of choice, and I will be active on SSB, CW, and RTTY.

QSL via N5FF

Please share with the DX community.

73 Saad N5FF

VK9M delay

2009-03-25 06:58:57 | Weblog
from OPDX news

Operators George/AA7JV and Tomi/HA7RY, who were expected to be active as VK9GMW early this week (possibly Monday), suffered a major delay due to weather.
As of Saturday, March 21st, the operators are on Marion Reef and have been there March 17th. As this was
being typed, their latest press release states):

"It appears the Tropical Low has dissipated. If this is correct, a serious danger to us has been removed.

Winds, however, are still near gale force and are forecast to remain strong at least until Tuesday. This means that we will not be able to leave for Mellish until Wednesday, the earliest.

The soonest we are likely to be on the air from Mellish is Friday, March 27th.

In any case, we will be able to extend the operation to make up for any lost time. While we continue waiting at Marion Reef for the weather to break, we are operating as HA7RY/MM and AA7JV/MM using a short vertical and 00W.

Please follow updates at: http://www.vk9gmw.com

On March 22nd, the team reports: "We are still on Marion Reef. The weather has improved slightly -- winds are no longer 40 knots -- they have eased to 30 kts. The imminent threat of a hurricane has also been removed. Winds for tomorrow (Monday, March 23rd) are forecast to be 25 kts, seas 9 to 12 feet (3 to 4 meters). We will make an attempt tomorrow to cross the 440 km distance to Mellish Reef. Our plan is to turn back if the seas are too dangerous or untenable. If not successful tomorrow, the next weather window will probably be on Thursday."

P29 IOTA's in Oct

2009-03-24 06:26:38 | Weblog
Derek G3KHZ has announced a new IOTA DXpedition from 22 October - 9 November 2009 to the following Papua New Guinea islands:

* Tanga island (OC-102)
* Green island (OC-231)
* Woodlark island (OC-205)

The team includes Luis CT1AGF, Derek G3KHZ, Gordon G3USR, Steve G4EDG & Hans SM6CVX. All bands (1.8 - 21 Mhz), CW, SSB and RTTY modes (G3USR is exclusively SSB) using new single band vertical dipoles for 10.1 - 21 Mhz and ground plane for 7 Mhz.

pirate info

2009-03-23 21:26:19 | Weblog

EP2IA, a pirate station this weekA station signing EP2IA has been QRV this week on 40 mtrs CW, asking for QSL via qrz.com.

This was my call in the 1970's but I know nothing about the current operation.

If the call-sign had been re-issued I would expect him to give a valid QSL route.

But qrz.com points at G3SXW so I must conclude that this is a pirate operation.

Please help me to spread the word: PIRATE!

I will receive many QSLs that will be returned to sender (extra work for me) and very disappointing for many DXers who think that they have worked a new country.

There are some very selfish people in this world.

Greetings - 73 de Roger/G3SXW.

FJ in Apr.

2009-03-23 06:32:30 | Weblog
Hello Radio friend:

Next month, 7 of April starts until 12 of April, EB1HF
Oscar and Pablo EC1DPM start a DXPedition in Saint Barthelemy (FJ) IOTA
NA146 only in digital modes, principally in RTTY, the call is FJ/EB1HF
and/or FJ/EC1DPM in the bands of 20, 15 and 10 meter.

Qsl manager, EC1AE, only direct with

Oscar Gancedo , P.O. Box: 921, E-33080, Oviedo, SPAIN

For more info or questions ec1ae@hotmail.com
Oscar Gancedo EC1AE

JW in Apr.

2009-03-23 06:30:54 | Weblog
Francois, F8DVD, will sign once again JW/F8DVD from Svalbard between April 19 to 25.

CW/SSB on HF bands.

QSL direct (QRZ.com + SAE and postage) or via the French Ref-Union bureau (please only this bureau).