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T32CI is 3 days activity

2010-03-31 07:08:08 | Weblog
Thanks to those kind folk who offered suggestions to fix the 40m problem on my K3. Have opened the unit and examined but can't do much more until we reach Caroline. Our progress is good and we should be QRV as T32CI Thursday morning gmt. We plan 3 days activity there. 73 Derek

9Q coming soon

2010-03-30 14:15:54 | Weblog
from DXNL news

Ghis,ON5NT, (ex-9Q1NT), writes that Georges,VE2EK, will show up again
as 9Q1EK from Kinshasa soon. He will be the only station with a valid
license in the country. To keep updated all the time you should check
his website http://ve2ek.blogspot.com regularly. His station will be a
FT2000 with an OM2500HF amplifier (max. 2500 watts output) and Georges
will use dipoles for 160m, 80m, 40m, a delta loop and a yagi on a 45m
mast mainly in CW. Later during his stay he also plans to work in EME
(144 MHz with 4 x 16 elements and on 432 MHz with 4 x 21 elements).
QSL direct via SM5DJZ, via LoTW or eQSL.


2010-03-30 14:13:58 | Weblog
from DXNL news

A71RCAR will be active from Doha during the "2010 Regional Conference
on Amateur Radio" from Apr 4-6. A special QSL card is available via
QARS Bureau, Qatar Amateur Radio Society (QARS), Box 22122, Doha, Qatar

HB9 & HB0 POSTAL RATES rise on 1st Apr.

2010-03-29 07:02:49 | Weblog
from 425DX news

HB9 & HB0 POSTAL RATES ---> Postal rates in Switzerland will rise on 1
April. The new prices for standard letter items up to 20 grams are as
Europe Economy CHF 1.30 Other countries Economy CHF 1.60
Priority CHF 1.40 Priority CHF 1.90
A Mail Calculator on-line service is provided by Swiss Post (poste.ch).
Please note that the same rates apply to Liechtenstein, as postal services
in that Principality are operated by Swiss Post, under the terms of an
agreement between the two countries. 1 IRC covers Economy postage for a
standard letter item up to 20 grams to anywhere in the world. At the
current exchange rate, 1 USD is +/- 1.05 CHF, and 1 EUR is +/- 1.45 CHF.

3B8 coming soon

2010-03-29 06:59:57 | Weblog
from 425DX news

3B8 - Mart, DL6UAA will be active again as 3B8MM from Mauritius Island
(AF-049) starting on 4 April for three weeks. He will operate
mainly CW on 160-10 metres, with some SSB and digital modes. QSL
via DL6UAA, direct or bureau.

TR in Oct

2010-03-28 07:59:02 | Weblog
from OPDX news

TR, GABON. Silvano, I2YSB, and a team of Italian operators will activate
Gabon during the first half of October. The team also intends to activate
an IOTA in the Estuaire Province Group (AF-043) during this DXpedition.
Also, the low bands are expected to be one of their major goals. No other
details have been provided other than the pilot station will be IK7JWY.
An opened survey on I2YSB's Web page is now available to list your wants
for bands and modes at: http://www.i2ysb.com/joomla5
More details should be forthcoming.


2010-03-28 07:54:16 | Weblog
from 425DX news

C3 - Ten C35 stations (C35CA, C35DR, C35HI, C35JM, C35KC, C35LM, C35MO,
C35PR, C35SG and C35US) and ten C36 stations (C36AR, C36AT, C36BO,
C36CT, C36JI, C36JS, C36MF, C36PP, C36RP and C36VM) will be active
on 1-30 April to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Andorra's IARU
society (Unio de Radioaficionats Andorrans). Information on the
relevant award can be found at ura30anys.blogspot.com


2010-03-28 07:37:04 | Weblog
from 425DX news

9K - The Kuwait Amateur Radio Society will be active as 9K2F from
Failaka Island (AS-118) on 1-5 April. QSL via 9K2HN


2010-03-27 15:42:51 | Weblog
from OPDX news

YA, AFGHANISTAN. Neil, V73NS (WD8CRT), who is just finishing up his
operation from Kwajalein (OC-028), will be deploying to Afghanistan
at the end of April. Neil told OPDX that once there, he will have his
radio sent to him. He states, "I will be QRP and I will be 100% CW."
More details should be forthcoming. QSLs for his V73NS operation should
be sent direct via W3HNK.


2010-03-27 09:44:51 | Weblog
from 425DX news

YI - Eric, KG4GYS says he will be active as YI9GYS from Tikrit, Iraq
"for the next several months". He operates SSB on 20 and 17
metres. QSL via home call.


2010-03-27 07:10:10 | Weblog
TONGA, A3. Hugh, K6HFA is QRV as A33A from Niuafo'ou Island, IOTA
OC-123, until April 2. Of late, he has been active on 20 meters
around 0600z. QSL to home call.


2010-03-27 07:03:07 | Weblog
Cezar intends to operate from the island for three days between March 26 and 31. For this trip he has retained the services of two local guides. All the camping gear will be loaded on sleds towed by snowmobiles. Under good weather conditions, the travel to the island should take around 10 hours. Radio equipment will be carefully packed to minimize the severe beating it will take during transportation. Since the sled has no struts, the uneven ground surface will make it jump up to 30/40 cm and land hardly. Inside the tent, condensation will have to be eliminated before switching on the rig.

T7 in the test

2010-03-27 06:54:44 | Weblog
During WPX SSB we will be active from San Marino Republic.

* T77GO –> SO20HP – OP. Giorgio IZ4AKS.
* T70A –> SO80LP – Op. Francesco IZ7KHR.