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no landing Rockall

2009-04-30 06:18:20 | Weblog
Good morning all...For those who haven't been monitoring the <rockall.be>
website, the news a few moments ago is basically that the sea/wind
conditions are such that the yacht captain has not allowed an attempt and
the ship is now returning to Scotland.
If you have been watching the <magicseaweed> weather site, you will know the
swell and winds are very high and increasing by the hour...Indeed the swell
will be 30-35 feet (10m) in the next 36 hours, with storm force 10
winds...not the WX for playing about in a zodiac/R.I.B.!...I suspect they
will have an "interesting" trip back to the Hebrides... trying to keep ahead
of the storm.

It must be very disappointing for all members of the team, after all the
hard work that has gone into planning and training for this expedition, but
I have said right from the beginning that April/May is NOT the time to be
planning an expedition to Rockall. When I considered this one myself back in
the early 70s, I remember reading that there were only perhaps 2 weeks a
year when the waves were not crashing over the top. It's not just the height
of the Atlantic swell...it's the combination of the swell AND the wind
forcing the sea to creep right up vertical cliffs, as I have observed on
expeditions to the Flannans and to StKilda. Rockall holds the world record
for wave height... A former light-house keeper on the Flannans told me he
had seen waves "climbing" 200 feet up the west-facing cliffs - this almost
certainly accounts for the sudden (infamous) disappearance of the 3
light-house keepers in 1900 (rather than theories of abduction by

Let us now see if that other adventurer Andy Strangeway, who claims the
title of "Island Man" (having simply slept one night on a few GM islands),
carries on with his plan to mount "several" Rockall expeditions in the
coming months. One of my friends (not a ham) here in Kelso is scheduled to
be on the first trip but tells me he has heard nothing for months...I
believe "Island Man" was still looking for a boat...Having spent much time
in a wide variety of boats in the course of activating over 200 GM islands,
I do not think that a "yacht" - cum -zodiac are the ideal combination for an
attempt on Rockall...a landing-craft wedged against the rock and favourable
sea conditions would be my choice, though having experienced shorter trips
in a landing- craft, I would not envy the occupants on a 200+ mile trip!!

If the IOTA committee is determined to keep Rockall on the list (and I still
believe it is fool-hardy), the committee should then sponsor a
helicopter-landing from a suitably equipped support ship...That is the
decision we came to back in the late 60s/early 70s...

Anyway...I guess all the families of the Belgian "assault team" back home
will be very much relieved to hear they are safely on their way home.

Best wishes from an otherwise "Bonnie Scotland" here this morning, and where
I am pleased to be comfortable in my armchair! BTW, it would seem that
propagation conditions would also have been against the operation...

Vy 73 de GM3VLB

JD1/O again

2009-04-29 08:13:16 | Weblog
JD1BLK (QSL via JM1LJS) and JD1BLY (QSL via JI5RPT) will hit the air-waves from Chichijima/Ogasawara (AS-031) between Apr 29 and May 12.

They will be joined by JD1BMT (QSL via JE4SMQ) from May 2-5 and by JD1BMH (QSL via JG7PSJ) from May 2-15. Activities are planned in CW, SSB and digital modes on 160m-6m plus satellite. Log search and further information are available online at: http://radio-dream.com/jd1blk/e
http://sapphire.ganko.tohoku.ac.jp/jd1bmh and http://www.ji5rpt.com/jd1
Koji,JI1LET/JD1, will be QRV from Chichijima as well working in CW, SSB and RTTY on 40m-6m between Apr 29 and May 5.
QSL via JARL bureau to his homecall JI1LET.


2009-04-29 08:10:58 | Weblog
A1NLX is planning to visit Mana Island (OC-121) again this year as 3D2YA. Following info provided:

* QRV between June 29 - July 3, 2009
* Band: 80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10m
* Mode: CW/RTTY
* Tranceiver: FT-857D or IC-706MK2 100watts
* Antenna: Random wire with antenna tuner and vertical with base coil.

QSL via JA1NLX via buro and LoTW for all QSOs. Direct QSL will be welcomed with SASE.

OnLine log [will be updated once home]


2009-04-28 21:36:16 | Weblog
from DXNL news

I4UFH, IZ4DPV, I4YSS, IK4UPB, IK2NCJ, IW2MJQ and IZ4EFN will be active
as T70A in CW, SSB and RTTY on 10/15/20/40/80/160m from May 1-3. They
also plan to take part in the upcoming ARI International Contest.
QSL via T7 bureau or direct (see QRZ.com).

about IRC

2009-04-28 06:19:30 | Weblog
from OPDX news

IRC NEWS. Just a reminder for those who like to stockpile International
Reply Coupons (IRCs)-- the current IRC will expire at the end of year.
Unlike the old style coupons, the current types all have an expiry date,
giving them a maximum life of 3 years. If you purchased a current IRC
today, they will still expire on December 31, 2009. Ken, ZL2HU, advises
us on the following information from International Postal Union in Geneva:
"The current issue (Beijing 2) IRC may be exchanged up to 31 December
2009 (date printed on coupon). In principle, Beijing 2 coupons will no
longer be sold from 31 August 2009. The new international reply coupon
(Nairobi model) is due to go on sale from 1 July 2009, and will be valid
for exchange until 31 December 2013." Ken states, "So make sure you
aren't holding any of the Beijing 2 coupons at the end of this year."
To see what the new IRC looks like, go to:


2009-04-28 06:17:31 | Weblog
from OPDX news

EO64, UKRAINE (Special Event). Operators Rustam/UU2JQ, Eugene/UU5DX and
Sergey/UU5WW will activate special event station EO64JM from May 1-15th.
The operation will commemorate the 64th anniversary of victory in the
Great Patriotic War. QSL via K2PF.


2009-04-28 06:16:09 | Weblog
from OPDX news

C5, THE GAMBIA. Eric, SM1TDE, is planning an operation to take place
between December 10-31st. More details should be forthcoming.


2009-04-27 06:37:39 | Weblog
Activity from Linosa island (IOTA AF-019
IIA AG-003) postponed between 1 and 3 May.
Info on the www.iw9frb.it/linosa.htm

73 de Alfio Bonanno IT9EJW (IOTA AF-019)

YJ by JA6's

2009-04-27 06:36:25 | Weblog
VANUATU, YJ. Kaku, JA6REX will be QRV as YJ0KS from Espiritu Santo,
and Tanna Island, both IOTA OC-035, from April 28 to May 3, and then
from May 5 to 7, respectively. Activity will be on 160 to 6 meters
using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. QSL to home call.

VK9M some log lost

2009-04-26 06:05:55 | Weblog

The VK9GMW team reports some of their log information has been lost.

QSOs made between 4/9 2020 UTC and 4/10 0923 UTC are gone. They are working with the WriteLog people to see if it can be recovered, but in the meantime they ask that no QSLs be requested for that period.

Let's hope everyone here worked them outside that time frame.

73, Bill W6WRT


2009-04-25 10:43:19 | Weblog
ES8/DL3BQA will be QRV on 80 - 6m holiday style from Kihnu Island (EU-178) between June 15 - 22.

Active mostly in SSB and maybe some RTTY.

QSL via HC bureau or direct.

Hope to work you!

73s Uwe DL3BQA


2009-04-25 10:42:01 | Weblog
from 425 DX news

A3 - Dave, W6ZL will be active as A35KL from Vava'u (OC-064), Tonga
from 25 April to 6 May. He will operate mainly CW on 40-17 metres
with 100 watts and a vertical dipole; QSL via home call or LoTW.
Also expect Paul, A35RK to operate CW and SSB as A35RK/p from the
same location until at least 1 June; QSL via W7TSQ or LoTW.

JW by OK's

2009-04-25 08:26:01 | Weblog
QRV between June 5 - 15.

All HF bands, using CW, RTTY, PSK and SSB.

The Team:
Call-Operator: CW SSB RTTY PSK
QSL via home calls.


2009-04-25 08:17:00 | Weblog
I would go to Borneo Is at April, 26 2009
And pse send massage in internet that i would on air there Borneo Isl.
YB0IEM/P OC-088 at April 27 till May 15, 2009
qsl is via iz8ccw