HAM radio
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DX news


2009-07-31 19:55:55 | Weblog
from ARRL DX news

DOMINICA, J7. Pierre, HB9CUA is QRV as J79PAK until August 6. He
has been active mostly on 6 meters, but with some 17 and 15 meter
activity as well. QSL to home call.

AF tour by W2LPL

2009-07-31 19:51:24 | Weblog
W2LPL & W2DBL will be QRV as A25/W2LPL from the Tuli Block in Mashatu, Botswana from Aug 16 - 19.

They will be active also as ZS6/W2LPL between August 11 - 15.

Check 20m SSB / PSK31

QSLs via W2LPL


2009-07-30 07:16:04 | Weblog
Laurent, F8BBL will be holidaying in Corsica between August 1st to 15th.

His main QTH will be located inValinco Gulf near Olméto (2A Department - Ajaccio) JN41KQ.

He will use a FT-857 and MP1 vertical antenna. QRV on HF mainly in CW, perhaps a little SSB during his spare time.

* On Aug 6th , around 0900 UTC activity from the Lavezzi islands, EU-164, DIFM TK-011 Loc JN41OI
* On Aug 11th, around 0900 utc, activity from the Sanguinaires, islands, EU-104, DIFM TK-002 Loc JN41HV

QSL via F8BBL, direct or via REF bureau, LoTW


2009-07-30 07:14:40 | Weblog
Steve W7VOA is planning to be QRV in Kabul from time to time during Aug 8 - 21, 2009 with 100w and G5RV antenna on 15, 20 and 40m CW.

Log will be uploaded to LOTW. QSL via K2AU


2009-07-29 06:10:46 | Weblog
from OPDX news

9G, GHANA (Update/Change). Silvano/I2YSB informs OPDX that there has
been an update to their activity in Ghana between November 13-27th. Their
activity will also include an IOTA trip to Abokwa Island (AF-084). They
will use two different callsigns for their activities. Operations on the
mainland will use the callsign 9G5TT, while operations on AF-084 will use
9G5XX. Activity will be on all HF bands (160-10 meters) and modes. Silvano
states that they do not have a licence for 60 meters and 6 meters. On AF-84
there will be one station on 20 meters only. The time of the operation on
the island will be on a day to day basis and will depend on the sea
condition and weather forecast. QSL via I2YSB, direct only. More information
can be found at: http://www.i2ysb.com

KP1 rumor

2009-07-28 06:18:55 | Weblog
It was reported to OPDX by Bob Allphin, K4UEE, that the following rumor "a permit has been issued to the group that
did Desecheo recently.
An operation will take place next year.
Info from Dave K4SSU, one of the ops" -- "IS NOT TRUE".

7P8 in this week

2009-07-27 06:02:26 | Weblog
from OPDX news

7P, LESOTHO. Just a reminder that a group of operators will be active
from here between July 29th to August 13th. They plan to have two stations
active at all times with a third station to possibly be on for PSK and
RTTY. Activity will be on all bands, but with a special effort on 160/80
meters. Operators are: Pista/HA5AO (7P8AO), Frosty/K5LBU (7P8CF), Laurent/
W0MM (7P8MM), John/9M6XRO (7P8OK) and Ben/DJ0YI (7P8YI). QSL 7P8OK via
M0URX, others via their home callsigns. For more details, please visit
the Texas DX Society's Web site at: http://www.tdxs.net

8Q in Oct

2009-07-27 05:59:13 | Weblog
from OPDX news

8Q, MALDIVES. Andrew, G7COD, will once again be active as 8Q7AK from
Embudu Village, Embudu Island (AS-013, WLOTA L-3911), between October
12-25th. Activity will be on 80-12 meters including 30/17/12m using CW
and SSB. Operating schedule (everyday) is as follows: 0730-0830z, 0900-
1030z, 1300-1500z and 1730-1800z. Suggested frequencies are:
CW - 3503, 7003, 10103, 14003, 18073, 21003 and 24893 kHz
SSB - 3795, 7063, 14147, 18133, 21253 and 24953 kHz
QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the bureau. Look for complete
details at QRZ.com under 8Q7AK.


2009-07-26 06:02:38 | Weblog
from OPDX news

ZD8, ASCENSION ISLAND (AF-003). Jim, N6TJ, will once again be active from
here as ZD8Z between July 30th and August 7th. Activity will be on all
bands CW/SSB. QSL via his new manager AI4U, direct or by the Bureau


2009-07-26 05:58:13 | Weblog
(For July 27th-August 2nd)...............
Jul 28 AN ---------------
Jul 29 AN AN - Above Normal/Geomagnetic Level is QUIET
Jul 30 AN HN - High Normal/Geomagnetic Level is UNSETTLED
Aug 1 AN ---------------------
Aug 2 AN QUIET - The "A" index is expected to be between
0-7 and the "K" index will be 2 or less
UNSETTLED - The "A" index is expected to be between
7-16 and "K" index will be 3 or less


2009-07-25 09:04:00 | Weblog
from 425 DX news

V3 - Per, LA5OPA will be active as V31NP from Ambergris Key (NA-073),
Belize from 26 July to 12 August. He plans to operate SSB, PSK31
and RTTY on 20 metres, with possible activity on other bands if
they open to Europe. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

3DA0 coming soon

2009-07-25 09:01:20 | Weblog
from 425 DX news

3DA0 - David, GI4FUM/EI4DJ (3DA0DJ) will be visiting Swaziland for the
third time, from 30 July to 11 August. This year he will be joined
by Tony/G4LDL (3DA0TB), Malcolm/GM3TAL (3DA0MH), Gerry/M0VAA
(3DA0VA), Mike/NC4MM (3DA0MM) and Yuri/UT5EL (3DA0EL). The purpose
of this trip is to service a scout radio station at an
international scout camp near Manzini with the callsign 3DA0SS,
using wire antennas and relatively low power. The main operation
site will be at the Hawane Resort in Western Swaziland, where
there is a good antenna farm and they can run high power. They
will operate two HF stations around the clock, depending on
propagation. QSLs via GI4FUM. Further details and photographs are
available at http://www.gi4fum.co.uk


2009-07-25 08:59:15 | Weblog
CEUTA AND MELILLA, EA9. Yasuyuki, DJ1AIB/JR1AIB, will be active as
EA9/DJ1AIB from Melilla until July 26. Activity will be on 160
through 6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL via JR1AIB.

K4M press #5

2009-07-24 16:35:38 | Weblog
The K4M team has passed a very important milestone with the shipment this week of 2 tons of radios, linears, antennas (20 of them), radios (6), computers and interfaces, thousands of feet of coax and stubs, and various connectors,
switches, wattmeters, and all the supplies you would expect from an operation on a remote Island. Below is a picture of a portion of the freight:
The gear will be stored in Hawaii until the supply ship leaves in 3 weeks to Midway.

Our charter flight to the Island is confirmed. The team is assembled.
Fundraising continues on our website, www.midway2009.com

If you haven't visited it in a while stop by and help support our effort. All pre expedition contributors who are on LOTW will
receive their confirmations within a week of the end of the DXPedition

This month we are highlighting three more team members. You can read all their history at


Tom N4XP & Dave WB4JTT - Co Leaders for Midway Island 2009

J49A in the test

2009-07-24 16:34:00 | Weblog
After being denied by Greek authorities to activate Chrissi island EU-187, the Cretan DX team (R.a.s.c DX division) will operate from the same location as last year - Cape Sidiro which is located in northeast Crete.

The new ultrabeam 2 elements yagi will be tested on this expedition.

Operation during the IOTA contest.

QSL direct or via Lotw .

More info at www.rasc.gr and j49a.blogspot.com

George SV9DJO