HAM radio
DX information
DX news


2011-04-29 14:39:41 | Weblog

from DXNL news

     Junior,PY2ZA, has left the Brazilian mainland on Apr 25 and should
     arrive on Trindade Island (SA-010) around Apr 29. He will be active
     from there for several months signing PP0T in CW, SSB, BPSK and RTTY
     on 160m-6m until June. His preferred frequencies are:
        CW: 1824, 3514, 7014, 10114, 14014, 18084, 21014, 24904, 28014 kHz
       SSB: 1850, 3790, 7065/7185, 14195, 18140, 21285, 24940, 28475 kHz
      BPSK: 1838, 3600, 7035, 10110, 14071, 18100, 21080, 24920, 28120 kHz
      RTTY: 3582, 7038, 10140, 14082, 18102, 21082, 24922, 28082 kHz
        6m: 50.104 (CW), 50.140 (SSB), 50.500 (BPSK) MHz
     More information can be found at: http://www.trindade2011.com
     Unfortunately QSL only direct or via LoTW to EB7DX.

9G by PAs

2011-04-26 16:50:32 | Weblog

from 425DX news

9G     - Kees, PE1KL and Lisa, PA2LS will be  active  as  9G5LK  from  Ghana
         from 28 April to 6 May. They will operate SSB,  digital  modes  and
         CW on 80-10 metres. QSL via PA2LS,  direct  or  bureau,  and  LoTW.
         They have a website at www.pe1kl-pa2ls.com


2011-04-24 20:47:30 | Weblog

VK0_m  - The Daily DX reports that Denis, ZL4DB is  returning  to  Macquarie
         Island "with plans to be there starting in late April for a  period
         of three months
". He will be active as VK0M/ZL4DB/p  only  on  SSB,
         with the assistance of Kevin (VK0KEV). QSL  via  ZL4PW,  direct  or

approved for DXCC

2011-04-23 09:24:54 | Weblog

The following operations are approved for DXCC credit:

 ZD9AH – Tristan Da Cunha & Gough

2010 Operation

ZD9T – Tristan Da Cunha & Gough

2010-2011 Operation


If you had these operations rejected in a recent application send a note to dxcc@arrl.org to have your record updated. Note, due to extremely heavy e-mail DXCC may not respond to your message. Once updated, this will be reflected in your LoTW account or in the live, daily DXCC standings on the website. (www.arrl.org/dxcc).


73 es DX!

PY0T coming soon

2011-04-19 07:18:35 | Weblog

from OPDX news


PP0T, TRINDADE ISLAND (Update). Members of the Cantareira DX Group have
announced that they will activate Trindade Island (SA-010) as PP0T this
month. The group earlier in the week announced that they were going to
leave for Trindade on April 18th. However, a few days later their plans
were changed. The Brazilian Navy rescheduled their trip to Trindade on
the April 25th. They expect to arrive on the island on April 29th.
Currently, Junior, PY2ZA, is the only operator listed on the new Trindade
Web page at:                     http://trindade2011.com
David, EB7DX, is listed as the QSL Manager and Webmaster. Sebastian,
EA7HEG, is also listed as a Webmaster. Suggested frequencies are as
  CW    - 1824, 3514, 7014, 10114, 14014, 18084, 21014, 24904 and 28014 kHz
  SSB   - 1850, 3790, 7065/7185, 14195, 18140, 21285, 24940 and 28475 kHz
  BPSK  - 1838, 3600, 7035, 10110, 14071, 18100, 21080, 24920 and 28120 kHz
  RTTY  - 3582, 7038, 10140, 14082, 18102, 21082, 24922 and 28082 khz
  6m    - 50104/CW, 50140/SSB and 50500/BPSK
  All QSOs will be confirmed via LOTW.

T31A QRV!!!!!!!!!

2011-04-18 20:00:52 | Weblog
T31A          11/04/18 1057Z  14260.0                                 TA1CRT31A          11/04/18 1053Z  14260.0 gracias x 5-9 tnx 73s           EA2CTQT31A          11/04/18 1047Z  14260.0                                 UB5FRF    T31A          11/04/18 0756Z  21012.0                                 RK3BL     T31A          11/04/18 0752Z  14000.0 News:www.t31a.com               DJ9KM     T31A          11/04/18 0750Z  21012.0 any news?                       DL5IAH    T31A          11/04/17 1955Z  14200.0 test                            I2TEST    T31A          11/04/17 1433Z  14001.0 TEST                            T31A      T31A          11/04/16 1224Z  14195.0 watch APRS.FI                   NE1B      T31A          11/04/16 1223Z  14195.0 4-5 day trip QRV 4/21           NE1B      T31A          11/04/16 1221Z  14195.0 Boat Prob., fueled 1AM Samoa    NE1B      

T31 soon

2011-04-17 08:42:21 | Weblog

from ARRL DX news

CENTRAL KIRIBATI, T31.  A group of operators will be QRV as T31A
from Kanton Island, IOTA OC-043, from April 17 to 28.  Activity will
be on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY with six stations
active simultaneously from two locations.  QSL via W2IJ.


2011-04-17 08:41:42 | Weblog

from ARRL DX news

AUSTRALIA, VK.  Craig, VK4LDX will be QRV as VK4LDX/p from Magnetic
Island, IOTA OC-171, from April 17 to 20.  Activity will be from
0600 to 1600z and then from 2100 to 0200z each day.  QSL to home


2011-04-17 08:33:41 | Weblog

from ARRL DX news

MAYOTTE, FH.  A group of operators will be QRV as TO2FH from April
18 to 25
.  Activity will be on 160 to 10 meters using CW and SSB
with three stations active simultaneously.  QSL via operators'


2011-04-17 08:32:30 | Weblog

from ARRL DX news

TOGO, 5V.  A group of operators are QRV as 5V7CC until April 28.
Activity is on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and EME.  QSL via

VK9CI in June

2011-04-16 07:17:45 | Weblog

Wally VK6YS, from the South Pacific Contest Club, will be active from Cocos Island in June 2011.

Look for VK9CI to concentrate on Digi-modes.

QSL via VK6YS.


2011-04-14 07:38:57 | Weblog

from DXNL

     Filip,ON4AEO, Steffi,ON3AEO, Jose,ON4CJK, Kath,ON7BK, Lucas,ZS6ACT,
     Adele,ZR6APT, Sid,ZS6AYC, and Gert,ZS6GC, will be on the air as A25FC
     from Apr 14-18. They want to be active in CW/SSB/RTTY/PSK on 160m-10m.
     QSL via ON4CJK, via bureau or direct.
     The website of Filip is: http://www.filipstattooshop.be/botswana

9N by 4Z4DX

2011-04-12 07:17:30 | Weblog

from OPDX news

9N, NEPAL. Operators Dov/4Z4DX/9N7DX and XYL Anat/9N7YL will be
active between April 13-30th. Activity will be mainly 20/15/10/6 meters
using mostly CW, RTTY and PSK31. QSL via 4Z4DX. Dov has activated a new
Web page for this operation at:        http://www.9n7dx.com

HK0M next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2011-04-11 20:40:51 | Weblog

from OPDX news

HK0, MALPELO ISLAND. Members of the DXColombia Amateur Radio Club (DXARC,
HK1NA) have announced that the next DXpedition to Malpelo Island will be
in 2012, using the callsign HK0NA. All efforts/organization has been made
??by the Colombian group Team Leader Jorge Prieto, HK1R. The international
team will consist of 8 Colombians and 4 foreigners. Operators mentioned
currently are Jorge/HK1R, Jahm/HK1T and Pedro/HK1X. Activity will be on
all bands and modes (allowed by Colombian laws). More details are forth-
coming. A Web page is under construction and is available at:


2011-04-10 08:05:42 | Weblog

from 425DX news

FJ     - Anne, OH2YL will  be  active  as  FJ/OH2YL  from  Saint  Barthelemy
         (NA-146) on 15-27  April.  She  will  operate  CW  only  on  160-10
         metres. QSL via home call, bureau  or  direct,  and  LoTW.  Further
         information  and  OQRS  for  bureau  cards  can   be    found    at