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SX5C 7月下旬に

2008-03-12 18:42:27 | Weblog

A new SX5C DXpedition from the Radio Amateur Association of Greece
in end of July 2008 - The following Greek hams: SV1JG Cliff, SV1RC
Spiros, SV1RP George, SV1EEX Nikiforos, SV1GRM Theodoros, SV1HER
Sotirios & SV1JCZ Daniel will activate the rocky islet STROGILI
(IOTA: EU-001, GIOTA: DKS 001) with lighthouse ham activation of
the islet. Lighthouse named IPSILI: WLOTA: L-0237, ARLHS: GRE-053
Timeline 25 July - 04 August 2008. All the above hams are also
members of the Radio Amateur Association of Greece. Also they
will issue an expanded list of equipment that we will bring along
but this will be announced soon! A ham friend who would operate on
2m EME as long as he/she would carry along his/her equipment will
be very welcome! Up to then the team is looking for donation for
the time of mission like 2m power amplifiers/longer beams etc.
Pse contact in this case to SV1HER...

TX5C 2日間で3万QSO超える

2008-03-12 06:31:09 | Weblog
On our 2nd day of operation, qso's now total 30,225. Operations on March 10th continued without any significant interruptions from mother nature (finally!). Good pile-ups were seen on all operating frequencies. Yesterday we focused on European openings per our operating plan where Clipperton is high on the most wanted list. Paths to the USA are open almost all the time on a variety of bands so we really want to focus on Europe and other hard to reach areas when propagation is possible. This is why we landed on the north side of the island in the first place. So we know the USA operators will understand why at certain times we are operating only Europe or outside the USA.

When the paths are open to EU, we're hearing all of Europe extremely well, very strong signals. We're finding that our Q rates rise significantly when stations call only once or twice and use complete calls. Signals are so strong, with no qsb or noise on our end, that we can often quickly pick out several complete calls and work more stations. If we all work together, we can get more people in our logs.

TX5C - Continents

By band - All modes

QSOs (with dupes)


160 0.10% 98.00% 0.50% 0.40% 0.90%
80 8.10% 73.60% 0.70% 0.50% 15.40% 1.70%
40 20.30% 52.50% 2.00% 0.90% 22.90% 1.40%
30 13.90% 65.40% 0.70% 0.30% 19.20% 0.40%
20 9.10% 76.80% 2.10% 0.20% 8.40% 3.40%
17 5.20% 86.70% 1.90% 0.30% 5.10% 0.80%
15 1.00% 83.30% 5.30% 0.70% 9.00% 0.80%
12 0.20% 94.30% 4.10% 0.20% 0.70% 0.50%
10 0.40% 86.80% 11.70% 0.10% 0.50% 0.60%

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The charts below are from our weather stations which is operated by F5AHO. The weather here is quite extreme. If it's not blazingly hot, it's drenchingly wet. But the rain and wind does provide relief from the mid day sun.

TX5C log update

2008-03-12 06:27:33 | Weblog
Last QSO in database 2008-03-11 00:38:48
Total QSOs in Database 30223 |First QSO: 2008-03-09 00:28:42
Bands: 10M-856 12M-1817 15M-4540 17M-4314 20M-5773 30M-2868 40M-5175 80M-3710 160M-1170 |
Modes:PH-13673 CW-16364 RTTY-186