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9X0R 160mの受信アンテナ設置

2008-03-22 12:13:51 | Weblog
March 21th, 2008

Tonight and tomorrow night we'll try on 160 meters starting at 00:00 UTC using the new RX antenna.

Next Saturday evening RTTY station will be on 30 meters.

First pictures from our operation place were uploaded to our web.


2008-03-22 07:25:37 | Weblog
Dear Editor,
I have just received the e-mail (attached down) from Alex RV1ZC, who is onboard of the Akademik Fedorov. If you find it interesting for your DX Bulletin , you may use it at your choice.
Happy Easter
Gianni I1HYW

To: varettos@tin.it
Subject: on board “Akademik Fedorov”
Hello Giovanni!
I and Mike Botckarev will be started on radio at March 24 till May 1 from on board Akademik Fedorov with QTH approximately Lat 68deg S; Lon 14deg E.
I have FT-897D with power only 100W and antennas: 6BTV, 20m Delta loop, 20m Vertical.
We will be use 20, 30, 40m bands in SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK.
I don’t know now the date for visiting to Russians Antarctic bases.
Other info about DX Expedition in Antarctica after April 2 in internet or in DX cluster.
I hope you’ll see on bands.
73! Alex Turkeev (RV1ZC, ex.R1ANC-2006, ex. UA1ZCK)


2008-03-22 07:23:19 | Weblog
On August 8, 2007 the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) replaced
the callsign series prefix block of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) from
T9 to E7. Effective today at 2300Z (March 22 1200 AM in Bosnia and
Herzegovina) Amateur Radio operators from BiH will begin using their new E7
callsigns. T93Y (soon to be E73TW), Boris Knezovia, says the Communications
Regulatory Agency issued only two and three letter callsigns suffixes.
Applications for one letter suffixes can be applied for starting April 14th
and hopefully being issued in late May 2008. More details (in Bosnian) can
be found at
http://www.cra.ba/bs/public-affairs/pressr/default.aspx?cid=4822. This
should generate a lot of interest on the bands late tonight and early
tomorrow. See you in the Pileups!

CQ DX AWARD にはコソボ有効

2008-03-22 07:16:46 | Weblog
Kosovo Added to CQ DX Awards Country List Effective 2/17/08
Written by Xavier, EA3BHK
Friday, 21 March 2008
(Hicksville, NY) March 21, 2008 -- Kosovo is being added to the list of countries and territories recognized for CQ DX awards, effective immediately, CQ DX Awards Manager Billy Williams, N4UF, announced today.

Verifications for contacts made on or after February 17, 2008 are acceptable for CQ DX Award credit. CQ DX Honor Roll members with 335 or more credits should update by May 31st for highest placement in Honor Roll listings.

The new 339 entity maximum will appear on CQ DX Honor Rolls to be prepared in early June. CQ DX Honor Roll listings prepared in early April will be based on a 338 maximum count.

All Kosovo contacts will count for field KN on applications for the CQ DX Field Award.

Kosovo's status has been the subject of some controversy in the amateur radio community as well as the world community, as the ARRL declared that special operations from there on February 17 will count as Serbia, not Kosovo, in terms of DXCC credit. The United States and many European
countries immediately recognized Kosovo's independence. However, Russia and China are opposed to it and Russia has threatened to veto any U.N. action to recognize Kosovo as an independent nation.

"We are aware that the ARRL has not yet added Kosovo to the DXCC list," explained CQ magazine Editor Rich Moseson, W2VU. "The League says it is waiting for Kosovo to become a member state of the United Nations or be issued a callsign block by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), a U.N. agency. However, because of geopolitical issues far beyond the realm of amateur radio, it is unlikely that the United Nations or the ITU will act on Kosovo in the near future, even though the United States and many other countries have granted it recognition."

"Because it is CQ's policy to grant credit for contacts with 'new' entities as of the date that their status changes," Moseson continued, "we have decided not to wait for U.N. action, but to follow the lead of the United States and other countries that have recognized Kosovo's independence, and to grant credit for contacts made with stations in Kosovo as of its independence day, February 17, 2008."

(NOTE: This action does not affect the country list for the CQ WW DX Contest. CQWW rules state that its country list is composed of those entities on the DXCC list and the WAE (Worked All Europe) award list. If the WAE Committee decides to add Kosovo to its list, it will automatically be added to the CQWW list.)


2008-03-22 07:07:55 | Weblog
Look for ZF2NU (QSL via WA5ZNU), ZF2IM (QSL via KI6IMM), ZF2UU (QSL
via K6YUU) and ZF2BE (QSL via K6BEC) to operate CW, SSB, PSK and
RTTY from Grand Cayman Island (NA-016) on 23-31 March.


2008-03-22 07:07:02 | Weblog
Luciano, CT1HHP will be active again as S92FM from Sao Tome (AF-023)
from 27 March to 2 April. He plans to operate mainly RTTY and PSK31,
and to give 60 metres a try.


2008-03-22 07:05:11 | Weblog
Jim/G3RTE, Roger/G3SXW and Lionel/G5LP will be active as 3A/homecall
from Monaco for about 36 hours between 26 and 27 March. They will
operate CW only with two stations on 40, 30 and 20 metres.

Gianni, I1UWF will be active as 3A/I1UWF from Monaco on 29 March.
Look for him around 18140 khz and 14240 khz between 14 and 17 UTC.
QSL via home call.