HAM radio
DX information
DX news


2009-08-31 17:03:10 | Weblog
from OPDX news

4U30VIC, AUSTRIA. The Vienna International Centre Amateur Radio Club
(4U1VIC) will be on the air during the Worked All Europe DX Contest
(WAEDC), September 12-13th. This will be a SSB only operation. The
station is located in the secured United Nation campus in Vienna, Austria,
and due to access restrictions, they will not be able to operate the full
48 hours continuously. They will try to be on the air as much as possible.
4U1VIC will send QSL cards for all QSOs via bureau. If you are in a hurry
you can send it direct including SAE and return postage to: AMATEUR RADIO
ADDED NOTE: A new video about the 4U1VIC Radio Club in Vienna is available
online at: http://www.vimeo.com/6301009


2009-08-31 06:17:54 | Weblog
from 425DX news

VE - Juergen, DL7RV will be active again as VO2/NF6J from Battle Island
(NA-044) on 4-11 September. Look for him on 30, 20 and 15 metres
CW only. QSL via DL7RV, direct or bureau.


2009-08-30 08:11:59 | Weblog
From 4th - 6th September 2009, a number of operators from the Cambridge University Wireless Society will be operating a DXpedition as CT/homecall from Ilha Deserta, Portugal (Co-ordinates: 36.97°N, -7.92°W) (IOTA: EU-145).


2009-08-29 18:42:52 | Weblog
from 425DX news

ZS - Special event callsign ZS10WCS will be aired from South Africa
from September through 12 July 2010 for the FIFA World Cup
(http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/index.html). Expect activity on a
daily basis from 1 June through 12 July, while during the months
leading up to the event the callsign will be in use during the
weekends. QSL via the South African Radio League's bureau, whose
mailing address for direct QSLling is: SARL, P.O. Box 1721,
Strubensvallei 1735, South Africa.


2009-08-29 06:55:31 | Weblog
from 425DX news

SP - The Second World War started on 1 September 1939 with the invasion
of Poland. A large number of "No More War" special stations will
be active from that country between 1 September and 6 October:
HF70NMW, SN70NMW, SO70NMW, HF70A, HF70E, HF70M, HF70N, HF70O,
HF70R, HF70W, SN70A, SN70E, SN70M, SN70N, SN70O, SN70R, SN70W,
SO70A, SO70E, SO70M, SO70N, SO70O, SO70R and SO70W. The event is
organized by PZK, the Polish IARU society, and is supported by the
Ministry of National Defence. Information on the relevant award
can be found at http://www.pzk.org.pl/nomorewar


2009-08-29 06:53:33 | Weblog
from 425DX news

Don/G3BJ and Hilary/G4JKS will be active as FO/G3BJ from
the Austral Islands (Rurutu, OC-050 and Tubuai, OC-152) on 4-16 September,
and as ZK2BJ from Niue (OC-040) on 18-25 September. They will operate
holiday style mainly on CW on 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 and 80 metres.


2009-08-28 17:54:46 | Weblog
NOw QRV now 14040.7 up3
IOTA OC-127 is rare IOTA.

from ARRL DX news

SOLOMON ISLANDS, H4. Mike, KM9D and Jan, KF4TUG are QRV as H44MY
from Rennell Island, IOTA OC-127. Their length of stay is unknown.
QSL both calls via OM2SA.


2009-08-27 07:17:31 | Weblog
JD1BLP(JO2JDJ) and JD1BLY(JI5RPT) will be active
from Chichijima Island (IOTA AS-031) Ogasawara
on 40m to 6m + Satellite CW/SSB/DIGI from
Sep. 19 - 22 2009.

QSL via home callsigns.

JD1BLY's logsearch will be on website.
JD1BLY: http://www.ji5rpt.com/jd1/


2009-08-27 07:01:17 | Weblog
OH0/DF6FL and OH0/DL9ZE will be active from Eckeroe Island, Aland Islands (EU-002) between 28 August to 12 September, together with OH0JWL (DL5FF)

They will be active on 20, 17, 15 and 10 m CW / SSB / RTTY.

QSL via home calls - buro or direct.

V7 on the air

2009-08-26 06:21:27 | Weblog
V7 now QRV....................

from DXNL news

Fuminor,JA2DSQ, and Yuji,JH2BNL, will show up from Majuro (OC-029)
from Aug 24-29. JA2DSQ will sign V73NF working in CW on the lowbands.
JH2BNL will be QRV as V7XX or V73J working in SSB and RTTY on 80m-10m.
QSL cards should be sent via their homecalls.


2009-08-26 06:17:50 | Weblog
Hi friends

Official release:

GLORIOSOS 2009 and Magic band.

The propagation forecast for the Magic band from Gloriosos is very bad at the expedition time, quite in all directions.

Taking advice from 6 meters specialists , they inform us that chances to give FT5GA to world hams are very low and even less.

The only one antenna available is a 2 el HB9CV, with no other possibility to bring an or several other more efficient one(s), included for EME; So it has been considered we had to focus on HF bands.

So we sadly decided to concentrate our activity only from 160 to 10 meters..

We ask the 6m community to understand our decision.


Didier, F5OGL, Team leader,

Via Maurice, F5NQL, in charge of the Internet communication for FT5GA.


2009-08-25 15:58:12 | Weblog
7O1YGF submission clarification

Aug 21, 2009 12:39 ET
Bill Moore, NC1L

The 7O1YGF-ONLY submission is free. LoTW notes a submission fee (automatically) and I have no control over this. When I process the submission the fee is waived. The 'payment by mail' notation is to avoid having the fee being charged, accidentally.

If you click 'payment by mail' you do not need to enter your credit card information

Note: This free submission offer will end on December 31, 2009. After this, applicants can include 7O1YGF with their regular 2010 submission.

73 es DX!

Bill Moore NC1L
Awards Branch Manager


2009-08-25 13:43:32 | Weblog
from DXNL news

A9 - BAHRAIN, AS-002
Dave,EI3IO, will work in Bahrain (AS-002) for the nex two years. He got
no callsign allocated yet but plans to show up on 20m in September.
He promised to show some activity on 160m during the winter months.
More information can be found at: http://EI3IO.com

V5 by DL's

2009-08-25 06:35:21 | Weblog
V5/DJ2HD, V5/DK1CE & V5/DH3WO will be QRV holiday style between 5 - 26 September, 2009.

They plan to travel through Namibia in a Land Rover Defender TD5 operating from many different places, including Etosha National Park.

Equipment will be a TS-480AT, a small SteppIR and 2 other GP’s for the other bands. No 160m and 80m.

All QSO’s confirmed by a special colour QSL card.

LX by PA's

2009-08-25 06:33:57 | Weblog
Theo/PA1TK, Kees/PA5WT and Rob/PA3GVI will be in Luxembourg from 4 to 7 September, 2009.

Theo will operate in the IARU VHF contest (144 MHz) while Kees and Rob will focus on the HF bands from 10 to 80 meter, CW and SSB.

QSL via homecalls.