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approved for DXCC

2010-02-28 08:34:00 | Weblog
The following operations are approved for DXCC credit:

1. 3V3S – Tunisia: 2009 Operation
2. D2CQ – Angola: Current Operation

3B9 coming soon

2010-02-28 08:32:26 | Weblog
from 425DX news

3B9 - John, G3LZQ will be active as 3B9WR from Rodrigues Island (AF-017)
between 3 March and 2 April, including an entry in the RSGB
Commonwealth Contest (13-14 March). Activity will be on 160-10
metres, with a focus on the low bands. John plans to be on the air
daily during his sunrise and sunsets (01.45 UTC and 13.45 UTC) and
occasionally during his daytime. QSL via home call.


2010-02-26 07:34:26 | Weblog
TX4T logs up-loaded to LoTW


The first slice of TX4T logs have just been up-loaded to LoTW. There are
23,363 QSOs with 5,266 QSLs already. That's 22.5% confirmed! The TX4T log
up-loaded so far is up to 0358z on Wednesday 17-Feb-10. The remainder of the
TX4T log will be up-loaded to LoTW soon after the end of the operation later
next week.

You can always use ClubLog to track your progress if you're not yet into
LoTW (but you should be into LoTW - hi!) ....

Good luck with picking up a few more QSOs with TX4T during their final week.
[G3TXF will now be doing the same from home!]

73 - Nigel G3TXF


2010-02-25 07:21:51 | Weblog
New Schedule:

1. September 29th 2010, Loading in Apia and departure Apia to Republic of Tokelau, Island, Fakaofo
2. September 30th 2010 arriving Fakaofo
3. September 30th 2010 departure from Isl. Tokelau
4. October 1st 2010 Traveling to Canton Island
5. October 2nd 2010 Arriving to Canton Island, early morning
6. October 2nd October till 11th 2010 activity from Canton Island
7. October 11th 2010,activity and afternoon departure Canton Island
8. October 13th 2010 arriving Wallis Isl.
9. October 13th 2010 departure Wallis isl.
10. October 16th Arriving Fiji Isl.

More data coming.


2010-02-24 19:53:53 | Weblog
from DXNL news

Once again Mike,W1USN/VP2MPR, will be QRV from Montserrat from Feb 28 until Mar 13. Mike prefers working in SSB and PSK31. QSL via homecall.


2010-02-24 19:52:49 | Weblog
from DXNL news

Peter,PA1LP, will be QRV as PZ5LP from Nieuw Nickeriebe/Suriname from Feb 26 until Mar 26. He will use a FT-857w withh 100 watts and a G5RV.
QSL via eQSL.


2010-02-23 07:21:23 | Weblog
* UPDATE Feb 22: Callsigns issued – T32MI Malden Island, T32VI Vostok Island, T32CI Caroline Island, T32SI Starbuck Island.
* UPDATE Feb 16, 2010: 9M6DXX joins the T32 IOTA team.
* UPDATE Feb 12, 2010: Website now available.

Major IOTA Dxpedition to the Southern Line Islands lead by Nils-Göran Persson, SM6CAS. The team comprises Nils – SM6CAS, Steve – G4EDG, Mike – K9AJ and Derek – G3KHZ plus 5 Kiribati Government officers. They will sail on the SV Kwai from Kiritimati approximately 17 March, 2010 returning Kiritimati approx one month later.

IOTA activity is planned from:

* OC-279 Malden Island
* OC-280 Starbuck Island
* OC-281 Caroline Island
* OC-282 Vostok Island

These 4 uninhabited IOTA groups have never been activated.


2010-02-22 07:17:48 | Weblog
Elmo, EA5BYP and Javier, EA5KM will be active from Annobon Island (AF-039) in April 2010 (the dates will be published asap).

We'll operate 10 to 160m in CW, SSB and RTTY with an emphasis on the low bands and CW.

We'll try to be active with two stations but remember that we'll be only two operators, so please be patient.

During the operation from Annobón, we have not internet connection, so the logs will be published after the dxpedition.

Thanks and see you in the pile-up.

Don’t forget to answer the two surveys per band and/or mode at :



2010-02-21 08:34:36 | Weblog
from OPDX news

ZL8, KERMADEC ISLANDS. On February 15th, a team of operators received
the final approval from the DoC (Department of Conservation) in New
Zealand to land on Raoul Island (OC-039) and stay there for about 18
days. The well-known boat called the "Braveheart" with its captain Nigel
Jolly will take a team of operators and their equipment to the island.
Expected (preliminary) arrival date is November 18th, and the departure
date is December 7th. They plan to be on the air as ZL8X between November
19th and December 5th. Operations are to be on all HF bands, 160-10
meters, with 7 stations - all capable of all modes (CW, SSB and RTTY).
The current list of operators are: Gerd/DJ5IW, Markus/DJ7EO, Heye/DJ9RR,
Franz/DK1II, Chris/DL1MGB, Dietmar/DL3DXX, Andy/DL5CW, Tom/DL5LYM, Felix/
DL5XL, Ben/DL6FBL, Dieter/DL8OH, Joerg/DL8WPX and Robert/SP5XVY. An
"Online QSL Request System" (OQRS) will be used for both Bureau QSLs
and direct QSLs via their Web page. Also available on their Web page
will be Propagation info, an online log search, QSO statistics and pictures
of the operation. The team is looking for sponsors to help offset their
expenses. This is a very expensive operation, and each operator is paying
100% of their own travel costs, hotel accommodation and food, together
with their own contribution towards logistics. Their expenses will be over
140,000 USDs. For more details on becoming a sponsor or information about
this DXpedition, visit the ZL8X Web page at: http://www.kermadec.de
Also see their FACEBOOK at: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=339475816412

Special Event of LZ

2010-02-21 08:08:43 | Weblog
fromOPDX news

LZ123, BULGARIA (Special Event)
Members of the Balkan Contest Club (LZ1KZA) will operate with special event callsign LZ132GO between March 1-31st. Activity is to commemorate 132nd anniversary of the liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman yoke by Russia. QSL via LZ1ZF. Special event station LZ132GO also counts for 10 points towards "St. Teodosii Tyrnovski Award":


2010-02-20 08:18:24 | Weblog
from OPDX news

9U, BURUNDI. A German team of operators will be active from Safari Gate
Hotel in Bujumbara between February 22nd and March 6th. Operators mentioned
are as follows with their callsign:
Helmut/DL3KBQ as 9UXEV (Yes, this callsign is correct!)
Henry/DL2RSI as 9U1RSI
Peter/DH2KI as 9U1KI
Jurgen/DJ2VO as 9U1VO
They plan to have 4 stations with 100 watts using vertical or wire
antennas. Operations will be on CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via their home
callsigns, by the Bureau or direct.


2010-02-20 08:15:38 | Weblog
from OPDX news

5R, MADAGASCAR (IOTA Op). Michele, IK5ZUI, will be active as 5R8UI from
Nosy Be (AF-057) starting early March. He will stay there possibly for
one year. More details are forthcoming.


2010-02-20 08:07:00 | Weblog
from 425DX news

ZL8 - The core team of the very successful DXpeditions to Norfolk Island
in 2007 (VK9DNX) and Willis Island in 2008 (VK9DWX), plus a few
high experienced operators, will be active as ZL8X from Raoul
Island, Kermadec Islands (OC-039) in November. According to the
preliminary schedule, thirteen operators (namely DJ5IW, DJ7EO,
DL8WPX and SP5XVY) expect to be QRV from 19 November to 5 December
with seven high power stations on 160-10 metres CW, SSB and RTTY.
Further information, including log search and an Online QSL
Request System (OQRS) for either bureau and direct cards, can be
found at www.kermadec.de


2010-02-20 08:06:06 | Weblog
from 425DX news

ZA - Franck, F4DTO and Patrick, F4GFE will be active as ZA/homecall
from Elbasan, Albania on 15-24 April. They plan to operate SSB and
some CW on 40-10 metres using 100 watts and monoband dipoles. QSL
via home calls, bureau preferred.