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HB9IQB got E4 permition

2011-05-31 18:53:29 | Weblog


May 25, 2011
License has been granted by the Ministry of Telecommunications & Technology, Ramallah, for 160-10m, CW, SSB, DATA, signed by the Deputy Minister. Look for my sigs from E4 around the second and third week of December 2011

FS by K9EL

2011-05-31 18:47:45 | Weblog

from OPDX news

FS, FRENCH ST. MARTIN. John, K9EL, will once again be active from French
St. Martin (NA-105, DIFO FS-001, WLOTA 0383, Grid Loc. FK88) between
June 7-19th
. Activity will be holiday style (on a family vacation) and
he will be operating as FS/K9EL whenever possible. He will be using an
IC7000 and verticals for 80-10 meters, a 3 element yagi for 6 meters
and will be on CW, SSB and possibly some RTTY. Please QSL to his home
callsign, Bureau cards are "OK". LoTW update will be done upon his return.
John states, "I may do some 6m operation from PJ7."


2011-05-30 06:53:08 | Weblog

from ARL DX news

MADAGASCAR, 5R.  Giorgio, IZ4AKS will be QRV as 5R8KS from Nosy Be
Island, IOTA AF-057, from May 31 to June 6.  Activity will be on 40
to 10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.  QSL via IZ8IYX.

3D2R by HLs

2011-05-29 20:43:56 | Weblog

from 425DX news

3D2_r  - Choi, HL5FUA and Yoon, 6K2GCW plan  to  be  active  as  3D2CJ  from
         Rotuma (OC-060) on 17-24  June.  They  expect  to  be  QRV  on  the
         following announced frequencies:
         CW   1822, 3515, 7015, 10115, 14015, 18075, 21015, 24895, 28015 KHz
         SSB  3802, 7095, 14195, 18130, 21295, 24950, 28460 KHz
         Digi 7035, 10140, 14070, 14082, 18100, 21070, 21082 KHz
         QSL via HL5FUA. Log search and propagation forecast can be found at


2011-05-28 12:14:41 | Weblog

from 425DX news

VK9C   - Wally, VK6YS will be active as VK9CI from  Cocos  (Keeling)  Island
         (OC-003) on 1-7 June.  He  will  operate  holiday  style  on  40-10
         metres, mainly during his early morning and evening hours,  with  a
         focus on the digital modes (PSK31, some RTTY and "occasional  play"
         on Olivia). QSL via VK6YS.


2011-05-28 12:11:47 | Weblog

from 425DX news

PJ4    - Ed W0SD, Edith W0OE and Peter PJ4NX will be  active  as  PJ4E  from
         Bonaire (SA-006) on 4-19 June.  Although  there  will  be  some  HF
         operation (mainly RTTY),  this  activity  will  be  focussed  on  6
         metres (50103 kHz). QSL via W0SD.

KH4 soon

2011-05-13 07:25:05 | Weblog

from ARL DX news

MIDWAY ISLAND, KH4.  Joe, W5FJG will soon be QRV as KH4/W5FJG and is
here for at least one year while working as Chief Communications
Officer.  Activity will be in his spare time on 40 to 10 meters, and
possibly 80 meters, using CW, SSB and various digital modes.  QSL
via operator's instructions.


2011-05-08 07:40:58 | Weblog

FJ     - Wim, OS1T (ON4CIT) will be active as FJ/OS1T  from  St.  Barthelemy
         (NA-146) on 14-22 May. He will  operate  mainly  SSB  and  RTTY  on
         40-10 metres, with a focus on 6 metres when conditions  allow.  QSL
         via home call, direct or bureau. QSLling instructions  and  further
         information at http://cendyshop.be/FJ-OS1T.html