HAM radio
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DX news


2008-06-28 06:23:13 | Weblog
from 425 DX NEWS

ZD8 - Jim, N6TJ will be active once again as ZD8Z from Ascension Island
(AF-003) on 1-15 July, IARU HF World Championship included. Expect
activity on all bands CW and SSB. QSL via AI4U (new QSL route). [TNX
The Daily DX]

VE's IOTA pedi

2008-06-28 06:21:32 | Weblog
from 425 DX NEWS

VE - Igor, VE3ZF (VE2IDX) says he will be active as XM2A from Orleans
Island (NA-128) on 1-6 July, including an entry in the Canada Day
Contest. QSL via VE3ZF.
VE - VO2A will be the callsign that Cezar, VE3LYC and Ken, G3OCA will be
using during their forthcoming IOTA DXpedition [425DXN 879]. Expect
them to operate from Finger Hill Island (NA-194) and Paul Island
(NA-205) between 31 July and 5 August. They intend to be QRV for
three days from each island, with two stations on the air from 6 to
40 metres, CW and SSB. QSL via VE3LYC, direct or bureau (stations in
the UK can confirm via G3OCA). [TNX VE3LYC]


2008-06-28 06:17:58 | Weblog
from 425 DX NEWS

YV - The 4M5 DX Group will be active as YW5IOTA from La Blanquilla
(SA-037) in early August. The team (OH0XX (YV5WW), YV1FM, YV5ANT,
YV5EU, YV5MSG, YV5SSB, YV5TX, YY4MP and YY4RN) expects to be QRV on
160-6 metres SSB, CW and digital modes, indicatively from 4 to 9
August (actual dates will depend on the schedule of the Venezuelan
Navy). QSL via IT9DAA, direct or bureau. The team is looking for
sponsors/donors for this operation, complete information can be
found at http://yw5iota.4m5dx.info/ [TNX IT9DAA]

A25 in Sept

2008-06-28 06:11:54 | Weblog
from 425 DX NEWS

A2 - Manfred/DK1BT, Wolf/DL4WK, Andy/DL5CW, Sigi/DL7DF, Frank/DL7UFR and
Leszek/SP3DOI will operate as A25/DL7DF from Botswana from 23
September to 6 October. They will have four transceivers, three
linear amplifiers and a wide range of antennas, and will be active
on 160-10 metres CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV. One station will be
exclusively dedicated to digital modes. The pilots will be
Bernd/DF3CB and Floyd/N5FG. QSL via DL7DF, direct or bureau. On-line
logs, updates and further information can be found at


2008-06-28 06:10:45 | Weblog
from 425 DX NEWS

EA - Adolfo, EA7TV will be active as EA1/EA7TV from Arosa Island (EU-080)
until 29 June. On the 28th he might go and operate as EA1/EA7TV/p
from the lighthouse at Punta Caballo (ARLHS SPA-222). QSL via home
call, direct or bureau. [TNX EA7TV]
EA - A large team from the OCV DX Team will be active as AM1S from
Sisarga Grande (EU-077) during the IOTA Contest. QSL via EA1OS.
Before the contest the operators (EA1DKV, EA1DAX, EA1US, EA1FDI,
might be active as homecall/p. They have a website at
http://sisargas.calandraca.com [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]


2008-06-28 06:07:52 | Weblog
from 425 DX NEWS

V3 - Eddy, K5WQG and Colin, KU5B will be active as V31MR and V31UB from
Placencia, Belize on 7-21 July, including a M/S entry in the IARU HF
World Championship. Operation will be mostly CW, with some SSB and
RTTY. QSL V31UB via KU5B, QSL V31MR via N5ET. [TNX NG3K]

CY0 QRV 開始

2008-06-27 22:28:23 | Weblog

and CY0RA until July 7. They are concentrating their activity on 6
meters, but are also QRV on 40 and 20 meters using CW and SSB. QSL
direct via VE3IKV.


2008-06-27 22:24:32 | Weblog
Tuesday the MM0NDX website (http://hamspirit.wordpress.com/) posted a
link (www.jdxn.net/TI8AA.pdf) to a possible upcoming operation from
Cocos Island (TI9) next week. The PDF file shows a hand written note
that was included with a QSL card to JA3EGZ, Mega. The note, which
was sent in early May makes mention that TI8AA, Ed, will be operating
TI9AA from Cocos Island (NA-012) from grid locator EJ65lm. It also
said government authorization was granted effective July 1-8. Your
editor tried to contact Ed via email, who is apparently now in Belize
for a few days. Ed's brother Helberth, who is not a ham, did answer
the email. Helberth said that Ed's departure for Cocos Island is July
8th. He believes the actual operation from TI9AA will be between July
25th and 31st. Ed has an old Kenwood TS680S and will have a multi-
band delta loop for activity on 160 to 6 meters. So looks like we
will have to wait until Ed returns to Costa Rica to get an update on
this planned trip to TI9.

New DXCC ?

2008-06-26 21:24:01 | Weblog
IZ1CRR’s webpagesのホームページにForvik island: new DXCC ? という記事が記載されている。
詳細はi1-21171's blogを見て欲しい。
Please see above site.

また、上記の記事のベースとなった、sourceは、Kate Kellandが書いた記事を見て欲しい。


2008-06-25 21:05:57 | Weblog
Yesterday the CY0X team arrived in Halifax. Plans are to fly to Sable
Island this morning local time. There is no runway on the island and
so they must first get "the go-ahead from Sable re fog and beach sand
condx for landing", says Pete, VE3IKV. Remember this is mostly a six
meter DXpedition but they will do some 20 and 40 meters to work the
VKs. Watch 7.020 MHz and they will listen up in the General band.
They have a Web site at www.cy0x.com.


2008-06-25 21:04:55 | Weblog
The upcoming Papua New Guinea IOTA DXpedition team is complete and
comprises of AD6E, CT1AGF, G3KHZ, K6HFA, W5GAI and one non-ham
traveler, reports G3KHZ, Derek Cox, team leader. The MV Barbarian II
will leave Kokopo, New Britain on October 18 and the team plan to be
QRV from Garove Island (OC-181) as P29VLR from October 20-26. They
will then sail to the Hermit Islands (OC-041). There they will be QRV
as P29NI from October 28 to November 3. Their last stop will be to
Manus Island (OC-025), which is where the team will fly home. It is
possible they might be active from Manus. QSL cards for P29NI go via
G3KHZ. The route for P29VLR is yet to be confirmed (probably via

Spratly next year, March 2009

2008-06-25 06:20:07 | Weblog
Spratly 2009 - DXpedition to IOTA AS-051, March 2009

An international team of experienced DXpeditioners will operate from Pulau Layang Layang in the Spratly islands in early March 2009. The callsign will be announced shortly before the operation.


2008-06-25 06:18:22 | Weblog
V31MR & V31UB - Placencia, Belize - July 7 - 21.
Placencia, Belize

By K5WQG & KU5B. CW, some SSB & RTTY. Activity in IARU contest as M/S ( V3/K5WQG and V3/KU5B)

V31MR via N5ET, V31UB via KU5B