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IOTA OC-203 next March

2009-11-30 06:42:08 | Weblog
Ray ZL4TY (home call VK4DXA) and Paul ZL4M (home call ZL4PW) will be activating OC-203 Stewart Island March from Friday 12th March till Monday 23rd March, 2010.

This will be a 2-station operation using verticals for 160 – 30m and a Spiderbeam for 20 -10m.


2009-11-29 06:53:22 | Weblog
from 425DX news

OH - Santa Claus Land (OH9SCL) will be again active in December from
the Artic Circle. Activity will be on 10-160 metres CW, SSB and
digital modes. QSL via OH9UV.

H40 next year

2009-11-29 06:39:17 | Weblog
from OPDX news

H40, TEMOTU PROVINCE. Operators Siegfried/DK9FN, Bernhard/DL2GAC and
Hans-Peter/DG1FK will be active as H40FN (CW), H40MS (SSB) and H40FK
(Digi-mode), respectively, from Ngarando/Reef Islands (OC-065) between
February 6-19th (2010). Activity will be focused on 160/80m (using their
famous LOBSTER 2-element multi-band vertical), but they will operate on
160-6 meters depending on the band conditions. QSL H40FN via HA8FW, H40MS
via DL2GAC and H40FK via DG1FK. QSL cards will be sent out automatically
via the Bureau. However, for those who want to receive their QSL cards
directly, a minimum of 2 USDs for postage is requested. Donations are
most welcome. For more details, updates and pictures/details of Siegfried's
last visit to Temotu, please visit the following Web page at:

FO next year

2009-11-29 06:37:54 | Weblog
from OPDX news

FO, FRENCH POLYNESIA. Operators Jacques/F6BEE, Phil/FO8RZ, Nigel/G3TXF
and Gilles/VE2TZT will be active between February 9-25th (2010). They
plan to use a special callsign (TBA) and be active on 9 HF bands, 160-10
meters with a strong effort on the lower bands (160/80m). Also planned
are entries in the CQ WPX RTTY and ARRL DX CW Contests. QSL via G3TXF.


2009-11-28 08:36:05 | Weblog
from OPDX news

9L, SIERRA LEONE. Just a reminder that the members of the VooDoo Contest
Group will be active during CQWW DX CW Contest (November 28-29th), signing
9L5A. This year the operators are Ned/AA7A, Nick/G3RWF, Fred/G4BWP,
Bud/N7CW and Gary/ZL2IFB. They will enter the contest as a Multi-Two
entry. Their activity in the contest will be on all six contest bands.
For pre-contest activity, there may also be some operations on 30/17/12
meter bands and RTTY. QSL 9L5A via G3SXW (see QRZ.com). G3RWF may also
activate his 9L1NH callsign, and AA7A his 9L7NS callsign. Please QSL via
their home callsigns. There will be no daily logs, but LoTW upload will
be done soon after returning home. No cash donations are requested for
this project just the usual USD/IRC for direct cards.


2009-11-28 07:35:44 | Weblog
from 425DX news

9M6 - Tony, KM0O, is currently (25-30 November) operating as 9M6LSC from
the Langkah Syabas Beach Hotel club station on all 10-160 metres,
mainly (or all) CW, including an entry in the CQ WW DX CW Contest.
QSL this operation only via KM0O.


2009-11-28 07:34:20 | Weblog
TI7WGI, DH8WR, DL2JRM and DL3ALF will again be active from San Jose Island (NA-191) between 30 December 2009 to 5 January 2010 as TI7XX.

Active on all bands CW, SSB, RTTY & PSK 31.


2009-11-28 07:32:56 | Weblog
Siegfried, DK9FN will be returning to Temotu in 2010 from February 6th – 19th and using the same callsign H40FN for CW operation. QSL via HA8FW, same as 2009. IOTA OC-065 Ngarando/Reef Islands.

Furthermore Bernhard DL2GAC = H40MS will operate SSB and 3rd man Hans-Peter DG1FK = H40FK will mainly do PSK31 DIGI Mode. Both guys request their QSL card via home call.

QSL cards will be sent out automatically via bureau. For those who want to have their QSL card directly are being requested to add minimum 2 US $ for postage. Donations are most welcome.

CW-operation will concentrate activity mainly on 160/80m with the famous LOBSTER 2-ele Multiband Vertical, however depending on the condx the team are ready to work up to 6m.

DT8A as South Shetlands

2009-11-28 07:24:03 | Weblog
from 425DX news

HL_ssh - Sang Hoon Lee, DS4NMJ will be active as DT8A from the Korean Antarctic base King Sejong on King George Island South Shetlands (AN-010) for 14 months, from 5 December 2009 through 31 January 2011. He plans to operate on all bands mainly CW, with some SSB and RTTY. QSL via HL2FDW.


2009-11-27 07:34:43 | Weblog
I am Alain, F6HBR, living in Thailand (but no reciprocal license between France & Thailand ...!).
With my friend Norbert F6AXX we are in Cambodia for holidays.
We will be XU7*UFT* (*UFT* like* U*nion *F*rançaise des *T*élégraphistes, the 1st CW club in France) in Sihanoukville from December 3rd to 8th, *only in CW*, from XU7TZG (Wim, ON6TZ) QTH.
QSL via F6AXX after January 15.

Best 73's.

Alain, F6HBR

TX3A QRT on Nov 30

2009-11-27 07:16:36 | Weblog
We intend to go QRT on Nov 30 at the end of the CQWW CW contest. Weather, however, could delay our departure, and there is a small chance that we may operate for a few days past Nov 30. Please check the News Updates for the latest information.


2009-11-27 06:55:39 | Weblog
from ARRL DX news

GIBRALTAR, ZB. Jorma, OH2KI will be QRV as ZB2X as a Single
Op/Single Band entry on 10 meters in the CQ WW DX CW contest. QSL
to home call.


2009-11-26 06:57:42 | Weblog
from DXNL news

Bud Trench,AA3B, will stay on Antigua (NA-100) from Nov 26 until Dec 1.
He will sign V26K in CW only on all HF bands. Bud will join the SOAB
low power class of the CQWW CW Contest. QSL via AA3B.


2009-11-26 06:53:01 | Weblog
Again we are ready for another IOTA. The IOTA will be at the beautiful Coral Island “St. Martin’s” in the Bay of Bengal. Look for us from 21st February to 25th February 2010 on different popular bands.

St. Martin is the only coral island in Bangladesh (S2) and belongs to IOTA AS-127 Chittagong region group. There is also a lighthouse in the Island (WLOTA #2351) very near our camp site. There is no electricity and no motor vehicle in the Island which makes the on air interference free, idle for us.

We will have two stations and few antennas like last time:

* ICOM IC7000
* Yaseu FT600
* ICOM 706MKIIG (backup)

Operators will be:

* S21RC
* S21AM
* S21S
* S21D

Callsign applied for the IOTA: S21DX


2009-11-25 17:42:06 | Weblog

Following members of the "VooDoo Contest Group" will be QRV as 9L5A
from Sierra Leone during the CQWW CW Contest: Ned,AA7A, Nick,G3RWF,
Fred,G4BWP, Bud,N7CW, and Gary,ZL2IFB. QSL for 9L5A via G3SXW.
G3RWF (9L1NH) and AA7A (9L7NS) are focusing on the WARC bands before
and after the contest. QSLs via homecalls and also via LoTW.