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4S7DXGのライセンス 本物ではないような?

2008-03-06 21:11:26 | Weblog
Italian SWL I1-21171, Maurizio, posted a copy of 4S7DXG's license at
http://i121171.blogspot.com/2008/03/4s7dxg-licence.html. Looks like
the dates are from January 1, 2008 through May 1, 2008. In late
December the Secretary of the Radio Society of Sri Lanka (4S7VK) said
that 4S7DXG, Ivan, from Ukraine, did not have a valid license in Sri


2008-03-06 21:09:02 | Weblog
VK4FW, Bill, could be QRV for about four days late next week from
Fraser Island (OC-142). He plans to be mostly on CW running barefoot
as time permits. I will be only barefoot so it will primarily be a CW
operation when time permits.


2008-03-06 18:30:28 | Weblog
Antonio Gonzalez, EA5RM released an announcement to the press on 16 Feb 2008 with the title "Disappointment with the operation of DJ6SI, DK2WV and DJ9ZB from Rwanda", in which he heavily criticized the operation from 13-20 Feb 2008 of the President of the GDXF, Franz Langner,DJ9ZB/9X0Z, GDXF member Baldur Drobnica,DJ6SI/9X0X, and Karl Ilg,DK2WV/9X0W.
EA5RM, the team leader of the planned March 2008 DXpedition 9X0R, accused the German DXpeditioners of pulling their DXpedition forward into February, due to their knowledge of the timing of the planned multinational DXpedition In addition, he accused them of only being able to acquire their licenses due to the preparation he had done in advance with the responsible authorities in Rwanda. Finally, the press announcement then called for a boycott of the German DXpedition.

EA5RM points out that he was involved for 6 months in acquiring a license.
Indeed, DJ6SI had already placed his first applications for a 9X license on 24 September 2002 and 28 November 2002, then an additional application on 10 December 2002, due to a change in responsibilities at a new government authority. In a letter dated 23 January 2003, more specific details were requested on the planned location and equipment. In March 2003, DJ6SI contacted the German Ambassador to Rwanda. A reply was received on 23 May 2003 that a license will be issued in the near future when the expected legal basis has been set. DJ9ZB received notice on 31 March 2006 that the RURA (Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency) postponed the matter on issuance of amateur radio licenses. After a lot of further correspondence in the years 2004 and 2005, a new license application, this time including DJ9ZB, was submitted to the authorities in Kigali. DJ9ZB discussed the situation on 1 October 2007 with Rwanda's Ambassador to Germany in Berlin.
On 23 October 2007, the final answer was received: "Once on ground (Rwanda) you will get the license as requested". This communication came from Col. Diogene Mudenge,9X1AA, Vice-Chairman of Regulatory Board and Acting Director General of the RURA. At this point, DK2WV was included as the RTTY operator. Due to timing conflicts of the three participants, the only window of opportunity was possible in February. These details clearly prove the priority of the German DXpedition, without any advance preparation by a third party.

The GXDF maintains that the allegations are absolutely unfounded that its President did not act as a gentleman and broke the rules of the ham spirit.
Over many years and a number of joint DXpeditions, DJ9ZB and DJ6SI have won high recognition by DXers across the world. It is now up to EA5RM to rethink his untenable statements.

March 1, 2008

Franz Langner, DJ9ZB, President
Dr. Lutz D. Schmadel, DK8UH, Secretary

TX5C 予定通り明日よりQRV

2008-03-06 18:26:01 | Weblog
We are on Clipperton Atoll! It's 0133z as we write this. We had a successful landing and have loaded quite a bit of our camp gear to the island. Our base camp is set up and we're all tired but full of enthusiasm! In the morning we will begin the construction of our operating stations on the north side of the island exactly where we had hoped to be able to land. We are excited about this as this location will provide the best paths for us to work the world. We will update this page in the morning in more detail but we wanted you all to know we are safe and are on the island.


2008-03-06 06:33:30 | Weblog
EA, Espanha (IOTA EU-093)

Date: 6 to 9 March By: Adolfo, EA7TV will be on the air from Tabarca Island (EU-093). Will be on 20 a 40 meters.
QSL via EA7TV or bureau.

Claimed : 30.6% in mosta wanted
Tabarca is the island from Alicante Murcia group

73´s Good Luck