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英字新聞 Daily Yomiuri に 載った私の意見 Look to Confucianism

2013年01月17日 | 最近のニュースから

先日お知らせした「Daily Yomiuri紙 2012年12月29日」に採用された



BBC Newsでも日本の防衛費(軍事費)が増加していると繰り返し報道していました。






Look to Confucianism

In order to associate with China and its people, I propose the following two points:

■ Japan must recognize its position vis-à-vis China.

■ Japan must do more to inform the world about its relations with China and form alliances against China.

First of all, we must acknowledge that today's international relations are dominated by the victors of World War II and that China doesn't consider Japan --a defeated nation-- an equal. China has a sense of its own greatness, utilizing anti-Japanese sentiment to control its 1.3 billion people. Under these circumstances, Japan's hard line isn't suitable. What is needed is humility without any compromise on vital affairs.

We should apply the familiar brotherhood concept of Confucianism to a new age in Japan-China relations, which means that China is the elder brother and Japan is the younger brother. While Japan should pay due respect to China, China must keep within the moral bounds of an elder brother. This would make it difficult for the Chinese government to abuse the anti-Japan movement and could prevent serious antagonism.

Secondly, we should disseminate our opinion about Japan-China matters around the world in English and other main languages more. And we should find supporters to avoid a one-on-one confrontation. Apart from the Japan-U.S. alliance, it is desirable to form partial or comprehensive collaboration with countries having interests in China or in territorial disputes in other regions.

China learned that economic sanctions against Japan such as boycotts are no longer practical, because the interdependence of two country's economies is so broad and complicated that China's economy is damaged in the end. Both sides hope to solve this economic and diplomatic stalemate.

If we carry out the two suggestions above and deal with China carefully so as not to hurt its pride, the relationship will gradually improve.


Takafumi Ehata


「尖閣は日本の戦利品」と書いた米記者に抗議(読売新聞) - goo ニュース

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