Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 8/2)

2024-08-03 08:05:30 | Translation


>"<パリ五輪女子ボクシング> もう一人の「男性の遺伝的特徴を持つ」台湾のボクシング選手、相手のウズベキスタンの女子選手をフルボッコで勝利 ⇒ 海外X民の反応「彼女の怯えた表情を見てみろ」"

>"<パリ五輪> 女子ボクシング性別騒動受け国際オリンピック連盟(IOC)が声明「差別なくスポーツをする権利がある」「2人は犠牲者」⇒ ネットの反応「犠牲者はイタリアの女子選手だろ」「一切女性の視点が無くて草」"

> やっぱり日本の癌は財務省 洋一&門田がメッタギリ / プライマリーバランスはとっくに黒字化しているのに 財務省は国民から巻き上げてなんぼ【マンデーバスターズ】339 Vol.2 / 20240729

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 8/2)


> 中国の人民解放軍が使用する鳥型ドローンを髙安カミュ氏が紹介。
> もはや目視でドローンを見分けるのは難しい時代に。
> ウクライナでは最前線がすでに "ドローン戦争"の状態を呈しているのは周知の通り。
> 空を覆うほどのドローン攻撃を目論む彼の国への対策は?
> 平和ボケ国家から脱却しなければ日本存続は難しい

Camus Takayasu introduces a bird-type drones used by the Chinese PLA.
We are in a period, when it's already difficult to distinguish drone by sight.
As we all know, the front lines in Ukraine have already entered a state of "drone warfare."
What measures can be taken against that country that aims to conduct drone saturation attack!?
Japan's survival is difficult unless it breaks away from a peace at any cost mindset country.



> 中国人民解放軍 97周年記念レセプションで「日本人は火の中に連れ込まれる」発言の呉江浩駐日大使の横で満面の笑みを浮かべる山口那津男公明党代表。
> 中国共産党の "日本支部"と化した同党のお陰で憲法改正も進まず、中国はやり放題。
> 公明党の国交大臣にイジメを受けるトヨタは呆れて、本当に日本から去る?
> 日本に害を成す公明はいつまで与党にいるのか

At a commemorative event of the 97th anniversary of the Chinese PLA, it's Komei Party head Natsuo Yamaguchi, who was smiling broadly next to Chinese ambassador to Japan Wu Jianghao, who remarked that >"If Japan ties itself onto the chariot of splitting China, the Japanese people will be led into a pit of fire" and caused."
The Komeito Party has become the "Japanese branch" of the Chinese Communist Party, and because of that, constitutional revise has not yet progressed, while China can do all what it wants.
Will Toyota, which has been bullied by the Komei Party MLIT Minister and therefore amazed so much, actually leave Japan?
How long will Komei Party, which has been causing harms to Japan, remain in the ruling party?



> あの試合を見てもIOCは「全ての人は差別なくスポーツをする権利がある」と声明。
> だが国際ボクシング協会(IBA)は「IOCの一貫性のない出場資格の基準適用により競技の公平性と選手の安全に深刻な問題が引き起こされている。IOCはなぜ競技上、優位性がある選手の出場を認めたのか。直接回答を求める」と。
> 選手の命の問題である事を認識しているIBAと、していないIOC。
> 正邪は明らか

Even after viewing that match, the IOC issued a statement that "Everyone has the right to play sport without discrimination."
However, the International Boxing Association (IBA) criticized that, saying that "Due to IOC's inconsistent application of its eligibility standard, serious problem for the fairness of the competition and the safety of the athletes are caused. Why did the IOC allow athletes with competitive advantages to participate in it? We demand a direct answer."
The IBA recognizes that this is a matter of athletes' lives, while the IOC doesn't.
Right and wrong are clear.



> 五輪女子ボクシングの波紋は広がるばかりだが「彼女はジェンダーイデオロギーによって夢が奪われる為に全人生をかけて訓練してきたのだ」との論評が重かった。
> 全女性が今、声を挙げなければ世界は左翼活動家の天下になる

The ripples of women's Olympic boxing are only spreading, and a commemt saying >"She trained her whole life just to have her dreams ripped away by gender ideology. It's quite sad" is was heavy.
Defeated Italian boxer Angela Carini commented that "I've never been punched so hard in my life."
Unless all females don't voice now, the world will be completely dominated by leftist activists.

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