Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:元徴用工「少しでも補償して」 原告らと支援者、ソウルで集会

2024-05-25 23:27:45 | Translation


>"韓国籍ケミカルタンカー座礁事故 積み荷の化学物質 折れた船体から再流出"

>"【韓国】食べてる途中で「ゾッ」 味付けのりの中に鳥の羽根が… 韓国ネット民驚がく"

> 韓国の最高裁、日本企業の上告を棄却し、賠償判決が確定!【世界の〇〇にゅーす】【ニュース】

* Koreans must stop "victim-cosplay" (* The Japanese Communist Party and the Chongryon must return the pocketed unpaid wages to Koreans).

Translation; "Even if a little bit, compensation please" = a rally in Seoul by plaintiffs and supports in former conscripted workers lawsuits

>"元徴用工「少しでも補償して」 原告らと支援者、ソウルで集会"

> 韓国の元徴用工訴訟の原告らと日韓の支援者による集会が25日、ソウルで開かれた。
> 機械メーカー「不二越」を訴えた訴訟で1月に韓国最高裁で勝訴が確定した元朝鮮女子勤労挺身隊員の金正珠さん(92)は「少しでも補償してほしい」と述べた。

On May 25, a rally was held in Seoul by the plaintiffs in former conscripted workers lawsuits in S. Korea and their Japanese- and S. Korean supporters.
"Kim Jong-ok" (91, correct spelling is unknown)] -- former Korean girls volunteer labor corps, whose win in the lawsuit filed against machinery maker "Nachi-Fujikoshi" was finalized at the Supreme Court of Korea in January -- (* unfairly and irrationally) said that "I want it to compensate, even a little bit."

> 金さんは13歳の時、朝鮮女子勤労挺身隊として不二越の富山の軍需工場に動員されたという。
> 日本側が賠償に応じない中、不二越の資産を差し押さえて売却し、賠償金代わりにしたいと訴えた。
> 広島で被爆した三菱重工業の徴用工を支援してきた市場淳子さん(68)は「どうすれば会社が被害者に賠償金を払い、謝罪するか分からないが、なんとか解決させたい」と語った。

Kim was allegedly mobilized to a munitions factory of "Nachi-Fujikoshi" in Toyama as a member of the Korean girls volunteer labor corps when she was 13 years old.
In the situation that the Japanese side doesn't consent to compensate, she (* unfairly and irrationally) appealed to want to seize and selll asset of Nachi-Fujikoshi in lieu of compensation.
Junko Ichiba (68), who has supported conscripted workers for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, who were exposed to the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, said that "Even though I don't know what we should do to make the company pay compensation and apologize to the victims, I want to resolve the issue somehow."

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