Irresponsibly Writing Japanese



2022-11-09 21:16:20 | Translation

Ref.>"沖縄タイムス記者「青木理さんと『ひろゆき問題』を話しました」→ ネット『ひろゆき問題って何?』"

>"【脱中国依存】ダイキンが国内回帰を検討 有事に中国製部品がなくてもエアコン生産できる体制の構築を目指す"


Translation; "Strengthen to be ready for war," President Xi Jinping wearing military uniform directed so = news report in S. Korea


> 3期目入りを決めた中国の習近平国家主席が、軍服を着て「戦争の準備を強化せよ」と強調した。
> 韓国メディア「イーデイリー」は、習主席が8日午後、共産党中央軍事委員会の作戦指揮センターを訪れたと報道。
> この際、習主席は幹部らを前に「戦争に勝利する能力を向上させなければならない」と強調したという。

Chinese President Xi Jinping, who secured his 3rd term, put on a military uniform and emphasized that "Strengthen to be ready for war."
Media in S. Korea, "Edaily," reported that President Xi visited the CMC's joint operation command center in the afternoon on Nov. 8.
At that time, President Xi allegedly emphasized in front of the executives that "We must upgrade our ability to win a war."

> 中国中央テレビなどによると、習主席が共産党中央軍事委員会の作戦指揮センターを視察した理由について、「戦争の準備を強化する決意と態度を表明するため」と説明。

According to China Central Television (CCTV) and so on, the reason why President Xi Jinping visited the CMC's joint operation command center was explained that "in order to expressed determination and posture to upgrade preparation for war."
In addition, it's conveyed that he emphasized that >"direct all work towards warfare and speed up to build the ability to win."

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