Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 8/2)

2024-08-02 23:29:29 | Translation

Ref.>"沖縄県知事、辺野古事故について「事故の詳細が説明されてからの(搬出)再開になると受け止めている」→活動家の責任は無視なの ???!"

>【渡辺惣樹】トランプ勝利を阻む真犯人は?謀略は続く【WiLL Biz特別編】

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 8/2)


> 花のパリ五輪

The Olympic Games in Paris, the city of flowers;
* A large number of opponents applied to be volunteers.
* Terror attacks on railway and communication network.
* Protests have yet not been calmed down and are dragging on. * Despite the scorching heat, there are no air conditionings in the athletes' village, while forcing them to order and install them by themselves.
* There is no meat in the meals at the athletes' village cafeteria, which has drawn a flood of criticism from athletes and coaches.
* Many athletes escaped from there due to the poor environment in the athletes' village.
* Problems are occurring one after another, such as the electronic scoreboard didn't work during the opening ceremony due to bad weather.
* A flood of criticism was done over the radical directions at the opening ceremony.
* A fatal error was made at the opening ceremony -- S. Korea was described as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. There was also a mistake in the national anthem.
* Problems are continuously occurring, such as a bus took the wrong direction from the athletes' village. Skateboarders, who were kept waiting, had to return there on their skateboards.
* Amateur-level misjudgments were made one after another in judo. As a result, Japanese athletes were defeated one after another.
* Thefts occurred one after another in the athletes' village.
* The competition was forcefully done in the Seine River, which has poor water quality, even some of them therefore became ill.
Well, how is France 🇫🇷 a developed country?

> 辺野古移設に抗議していた女性を制止した警備員が死亡した事故を受け、「オール沖縄会議」が工事の中止を求める要請書を提出し。
> すべてを工事業者の責任にして、自分たちは正義と言い張るするクズぶり。
> 自己正当化で人を傷つけても平気な愚か者ども。
> 心から腹立たしい。
> 人が死んでるんだから、もっと謙虚になれよ。

In response to the death of a security guard, who attempted to restrict a female protesting the Henoko relocation, the All Okinawa Conference submitted a written request calling for the construction to be halted.
What scumbags they are, blaming everything on the construction companies and insisting that they are justice.
They are fools, who don't hesitate to hurt persons via self-justification.
It makes me truly raged.
As one person died, that they should be more modest.

>"辺野古ダンプ事故「あなたは県民を殺した責任者」 オール沖縄が防衛局に工事中止要請"


> 今のカマラ・ハリス氏の支持率上昇はマスコミの過剰な煽りによるドーピングでしょう。
> これまでの悪行を考えると、選挙まで保たないと思います。

The current rise in Kamala Harris' approval rating is probably the result of excessive fanning by mass meida.
Taking her past misdeeds into considering, I think she won't be able to maintain it until the election.



> カマラ・ハリスは実績もない、政策もない、有名な演説もしていない、スタッフも定着しない、討論会で結果も出していないのナイナイ尽くし。
> それで支持率が上がってるんなら、すべてマスコミのプロパガンダってことだろ

Kamala Harris has nothing at all = no achievements, no policy measures, no making famous speech, no stable staff, and no results in debate.
Neverthess, as her approval ratings are rising, all what are probably media propaganda.

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