Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 8/3)

2024-08-03 23:06:57 | Translation



>【櫻井よしこ特別版!】原子力規制委5人の「大暴走」 敦賀2「岩盤動かず」、不合格に根拠なし

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 8/3)


> 日本衰退の為に邁進する反原発活動家の "最後の砦"原子力規制委。
> 敦賀原発2号機の再稼働阻止に必死だが目茶苦茶なイチャモンぶりが段々バレてきた。
> 今後10年余りで電力が今の 20倍以上必要になる日本。

The Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA), which is the "last stronghold" of anti-nuclear activists who are desperate in order for decline of Japan.
They are desperate to prevent restart of the No. 2 reactor at the Tsuruga Nuclear Power Station. However, their outrageous whining is gradually becoming apparent.
In the next 10 years, Japan will need more than 20 times as much electricity as it does now.
It's indispensable to monitor anti-nuclear activists and NRA members, who are determined to "never make Japan develop."

> 農地に太陽光パネルを設置して発電する "営農型"の発電事業者 20社に対して経産省が農地法違反を理由に交付金を一時停止する。
> 太陽光パネルの設置を巡り各地でトラブルが相次ぐ中、交付金停止で違反解消狙うが、そんな事より 固定価格買取制度(FIT)の全廃こそ急務。
> 国会よ、動け

The METI will temporarily suspend subsidies to 20 "agricultural-type" power generation companies, that generate electricity by installing solar panels on farmland, citing violations of the Agricultural Land Act.
In the situation that problems are occurring one after another around the country over the installation of solar panels, the aim is to resolve the violations by suspending subsidies. However, rather than that, the most urgent task is to completely abolish the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) system.
The National Diet, take action!

>"<独自>太陽光発電 20社の交付金停止へ 農地法違反など確認、営農型への行政処分は初"


> 国連改革は安保理の国数を増やして多数決にすべき、など持論展開。
> 憲法を巡ってのエマニュエル米大使とのやりとりも笑える。
> 安倍元首相の "戦後レジームからの脱却"を引き継ぐ人、いや安倍氏と一緒にやっていたのが高市氏。
> なぜ保守・現実派の期待の星なのか、これを見れば分る

LH lawmaker Sanae Takaichi (LDP) appears in a "Genron TV" program.
She explains her views on U.N. reforms, such as increasing the number of countries on the Security Council and majority vote system should be adopted.
Her exchange with U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel over the Constitution is hilarious too.
Takaichi is the person, who took over former PM Abe's "breaking away from the postwar regime," or rather, very person who worked with Abe.
By viewing this, you can understand why she is a rising star among conservatives & pragmatists.


>"【櫻LIVE】第 615回 -- 高市早苗・経済安保担当大臣 × 櫻井よしこ(プレビュー版)"


> 姫路での高市早苗講演会も "爆発"。
> 1000人予定の会場に1200人余が駆けつけ「高市さん、頼む!日本を救ってくれ」との悲鳴に近い声。
> なぜ高市氏にはこれほどの人が集まるのか。
> それこそ不甲斐ない自民党への"怒り"。
> 岩盤の保守・現実派と無党派保守層が高市氏以外では戻らない。
> その事を未だ分らない議員がいる事に驚かされる

Takaichi Sanae's lecture in Himeji was also an "explosion."
Over 1200 persons flocked to the venue, which was planned to accommodate 1000, and raised scream-like voices that "Takaichi, please! Save Japan!"
Why does so many persons gather around Takaichi?
The reason why is their anger towards the disappointing LDP.
The rock-solid conservative & realists and independent conservatives won't return to (* the LDP), unless it will be Takaichi.
I'm surprised that there are still lawmakers who don't understand this.

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