>"石破総裁、断られる… 高市氏「閣僚を打診されても受ける予定はない」"
> 海上自衛隊小月航空基地スウェルフェスタ 2023 (2023. 10.1) Fantastic air show in Ozuki base in Shimonoseki
Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 9/29)
> 朝一番の飛行機で山口県に戻り、海上自衛隊小月航空群開隊 59周年記念行事に参加しました。
> 式典で挨拶させていただき、その後は皆様と共に、祝賀飛行等を見学。
> ありがとうございます。
I returned to Yamaguchi Pref. on the 1st flight in the morning and took part in the 59th anniversary of foundation of the Japan Maritime SDF Air Training Group Ozuki.
I gave a speech at the ceremony. Afterwards, I watched the commemorative flight and so on with everyone.
Many persons said to me that "It's unfortunate how the LDP presidential election went."
Thank you.
(To be continued)
> 女性リーダーとして益々のご活躍を祈念します。
(to continue). At the celebration, I took a photo with Fumiko Kawai, commander of Air Training Group.
I wish her continued success as a female leader.
Ref.>'【女性自身】「ひどい態度」「大人げない」麻生太郎 "犬猿の仲"石破茂の "勝利宣言"後の「あからさまな対応」に批判続出'
>【櫻LIVE】第623回 - 櫻井よしこ × 石橋文登・政治ジャーナリスト × 有元隆志・産経新聞特別記者 × 平井文夫・元フジテレビ報道局上席解説委員 × 花田紀凱(プレビュー版)
Translation; "Consider nuclear sharing & bringing in" with in framework of an Asian NATO = Shigeru Ishiba expressed so
>"石破氏「核共有や持ち込み検討」 アジア版 NATOの枠内で"
> 自民党の石破茂総裁は、米ハドソン研究所に「日本の外交政策の将来」と題して寄稿した。
> 中国や北朝鮮、ロシアに対する抑止力を確保するため、北大西洋条約機構(NATO)のアジア版を創設した上、この枠内で「核の共有や持ち込み」について具体的に検討すべきだと主張している。
> 27日付で同研究所のホームページに掲載された。
> 寄稿日は書かれていない。
LDP President Shigeru Ishiba contributed an article to the U.S. Hudson Institute titled >'The Future of Japan's Foreign Policy.'
In order to ensure a deterrent against China, N. Korea and Russia, he argued that an Asian version of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) should be created, and that specific consideration should be given to "nuclear sharing & bringing in" within this framework.
The article was posted on the institute's website on Sept. 27.
The date of the contribution is not stated.
> アジアには NATOのような集団安全保障体制がないため「戦争が勃発しやすい状態にある」と指摘し「中国を西側同盟国が抑止するためにはアジア版 NATOの創設が不可欠だ」と持論を説いた。
> メンバー国候補としてオーストラリアやインド、英国、韓国などを挙げた。
He pointed out that >'the absence of a collective self-defense system like NATO in Asia means that wars are likely to break out because there is no obligation for mutual defense' and explained his theory that >"Under these circumstances, the creation of an Asian version of NATO is essential to deter China by its Western allies."
He stated that possible member countries were Australia, India, the U.K., S. Korea, etc.
↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)
Translation; "It's deplorable to be engaged in illegal arms trade" = S. Korean FM Cho Tae-yul criticized Russia which getting closer to N. Korea
>"海上自衛隊が中国調査船の要請受け負傷の男性乗組員救助 小笠原沖でロープ巻き取り作業中"
> 海上自衛隊は 27日、小笠原諸島・父島の北東約 900キロ沖で中国籍の調査船から救助要請があり、作業中に負傷した乗組員の中国人男性(50)を救助したことを明らかにした。
> 調査船の目的は不明だが、男性はロープの巻き取り機に手を巻き込まれ、指を切断するけがを負ったという。
On Sept. 27, the Japan Maritime SDF revealed that a Chinese research ship requested rescue about 900 km northeast of Chichi Island in the Ogasawara Islands, it therefore rescued a Chinese male (50), who was injured while working.
The purpose of the research ship is unclear. The male's hand was allegedly caught in a rope winding machine, resulting in the amputation of a finger.
> 海上保安庁第3管区海上保安本部によると、通報したのは中国の調査船「向陽紅19」(3281トン)。
> 26日午前10時ごろ、同船から海保へ「乗組員が左手の人差し指を半分切断した」と通報があり、海保から海自へ救助を要請した。
According to the Japan Coast Guard 3rd Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, the report was made by the Chinese research ship "Xiangyanghong 19" (3,281 tons).
At around 10 am on the 26th, the ship reported to the JCG that "a crew member had half of the index finger on his left hand amputated." The JCG therefore requested the MSDF to rescue him.
> 海自は岩国基地(山口)から水陸両用の救難機 US2を出動させ、27日午前6時15分ごろ、犬吠埼(千葉)の南東約 590キロ沖で同船から男性を救助した。
> 3管によると、中国調査船からの救助要請は今年に入り、2件目。
> 令和2年に、日本最南端の沖ノ鳥島周辺の排他的経済水域(EEZ)での活動が判明するなど小笠原周辺では、近年、中国船の活動が活発化している。
The MSDF dispatched an amphibious rescue aircraft US-2 from Iwakuni Base (Yamaguchi), and at around 6:15 am on the 27th, the male was rescued from the ship about 590 km southeast of Inubosaki (Chiba).
According to the JCG 3rd Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, this is the 2nd rescue request from a Chinese research vessel this year.
In recent years, Chinese vessels have become more active around the Ogasawara Islands, such as that, in 2020, activities in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) around Okinotori Island, the southernmost point of Japan, was discovered.
>"【韓国】サムスン電子、ファウンドリ生産ラインを一部稼動停止… 受注不振で稼働率調節か"
> North Korea may carry out 7th nuclear test after U.S. election: NIS
↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)
Translation; "It's deplorable to be engaged in illegal arms trade" = S. Korean FM Cho Tae-yul criticized Russia which getting closer to N. Korea
>"韓国外相、ロシアを批判 北朝鮮接近「違法な武器取引に関わり、嘆かわしい」"
> 韓国の趙兌烈外相は 27日、ニューヨークでの国連総会一般討論で演説した。
> 安全保障理事会の常任理事国ロシアが北朝鮮に接近し、同国から弾薬を得る「違法な武器取引に関わっているのは嘆かわしいことだ」と厳しく批判した。
> 約15年にわたり対北朝鮮制裁の履行を監視してきた安保理の専門家パネルの任期延長にロシアが拒否権を行使したため、4月末で活動終了に追い込まれたと訴えた。
On Sept. 27, FM Cho Tae-yul spoke at the U.N. General Assembly general debate in New York.
He harshly criticized Russia, a permanent member of the Security Council, for getting close to N. Korea and it's "deplorable that it's engaged in illegal arms trade" of obtaining ammunition.
He complained that the Security Council's panel of experts, which monitored the implementation of the sanctions against N. Korea for about 15 years, was forced to end its activities at the end of April, because Russia vetoed an extension to its term.
> 北朝鮮の核・ミサイル開発と人権侵害は「表裏一体だ」と指摘。
> 北朝鮮は国民の人権を抑圧し、飢餓に苦しむ国民から資源を搾取して大量破壊兵器を平然と開発しているとも語った。
> ごみをぶら下げた風船を韓国側に飛ばすなど「卑劣なレベルにまで落ちた挑発で朝鮮半島内外の平和と安全を脅かし続けている」と強調した。
He pointed out that >'the North's nuclear and missile programs and its human rights situation are "two sides of the same coin.".'
He also said that >"North Korea is only able to develop these weapons of mass destruction with impunity by repressing the human rights of its people and diverting scarce resources from its starving populace."
He emphasized that >"North Korea continues to pose threats to peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and beyond with its ongoing development of nuclear and missile capabilities, as shown by the recent disclosure of uranium enrichment facilities, as well as provocations that have stooped down to despicable levels, such as sending trash balloons into the South."
> 都内で「日韓交流おまつり」 駐日韓国大使が関係強化に意欲(2024年9月29日)
Translation; The "Japan-S. Korea exchange festival" in Tokyo, the largest scale toward upcoming the 60th anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic normalization
>"東京で「日韓交流おまつり」 来年の国交 60年に向け最大規模"
> 日本と韓国の文化交流を図る毎年恒例の「日韓交流おまつり 2024 in Tokyo」が 28日、東京都世田谷区の駒沢オリンピック公園で開かれた。
> 来年の国交正常化 60周年に向けた最大規模のイベントで、多くの来場者が韓国料理や伝統衣装試着などの文化体験を楽しんだ。
> 29日まで。
On Sept. 28, the annual Japan-S. Korea exchange festival 2024 in Tokyo, which promotes cultural exchange between Japan and S. Korea, was held at Komazawa Olympic Park in Setagaya Ward, Tokyo.
This is the largest-scale event toward the upcoming 60th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations next year, and many visitors enjoyed cultural experiences such as S. Korean cuisine and trying on traditional costumes.
The event runs until Sept. 29.
> 今年のスローガンは「おまつりで咲く 友情の花」。
> 8月に着任した韓国の朴チョルヒ駐日大使は開会式で「来年の国交正常化 60周年が韓日関係の新たな転換点になると信じている。両国関係の友好的な流れの中、文化的共感と連携を高める機会になることを願っている」とあいさつした。
> 2005年にソウルで始まり、東京開催は16回目。
This year's slogan is "flowers of friendship blooming at the festival."
Park Cheol-hee -- S. Korean ambassador to Japan who took office in August -- gave a speech at the opening ceremony that "I believe that next year's 60th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations will be a new turning point for Japan-S. Korea relations. I hope that it will be an opportunity to enhance cultural empathy and cooperation amid the friendly trend of the bilateral relations."
The festival began in Seoul in 2005, and it's the 16th one held in Tokyo.