


2006年08月31日 | インポート

晴れ 温度約27-32℃ 湿度約50-70%  風速約1-3m/s むし暑い日でした。
午前 後援会事業の打合せ。
午後 会計事務所の方より会計指導受ける。会計ソフトに書き込みする前に、帳簿の記帳方法が十分理解出来ていないため、難儀しました。今日聞いたことが忘れずにいられるか心配です。

It was fine weather. About 27-32 degrees Celsius temperatur. About 50-70% humidity. Wind velocity about 1-3m/s. Itwasa hot and humid day.
In the morning.  
I had the meeting of a supporter's association.
In the afternoon.  
I took accounts guidance from accounting firm.
Because an entry method of an account book cannot understand it enough before making a note in an accounting software, I had trouble.
It is worry today whether it is not forgotten to have heard it.

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2006年08月30日 | インポート

くもり一時雨 温度約26-28℃ 湿度約75-80%  風速約0-1m/s むし暑い日でした。

午前  9月議会に向けて、議会運営委員会及び代表者会議に出席する。
午後  都市計画審議会に出席する。
It was cloudy and It rained temporarily. About 26-28 degrees Celsius temperatur. About 75-80% humidity. Wind velocity about 0-1m/s. Itwas a hot and humid day.
In the morning.   
To an assembly meeting of September, I held assembly steering committee and a meeting of a representative.
In the afternoon.   
I attended the council for city planning .

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2006年08月29日 | インポート

晴れ  温度約28-32℃ 湿度約60-75%  風速約1-2m/s むし暑い日でした。
午前  後援会事業の打合せ。
午後  正副議長打合せ。その後、後援者の相談の為、府中市へ。

It was
 fine weather.  About 28-32 degrees Celsius temperatur. About 60-75% humidity. Wind velocity about 1-2m/s. It was a hot and humid day.
In the morning.  
We had a meeting of a supporter's association of Ishii.
In the afternoon.
We had a meeting meeting of the chairperson and a deputy speaker.
For consultation of a supporter, I went to Fuchuu-shi afterwards.

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2006年08月28日 | インポート

くもり  温度約23-27℃ 湿度約60-80%  風速約0-3m/s むし暑い日でした。
午前  市役所で決裁を済ませ、故根岸安雄氏の告別式に参列する。弔辞は安田前三鷹市長が読み上げました。久しぶりの安田節を聞きました。
午後  市役所で4日から始まる定例議会の一般質問の通告状況を確認、決裁する。  

It was cloudy.  About 23-27 degrees Celsius temperatur. About 60-80% humidity. Wind velocity about 0-3m/s.Itwasahotand humid day.

In the morning.   
Finish the approval in a city hall and attended a funeral service of late Yasuo Negishi.
The ex-mayor of Yasuda Mitaka-shi read the words of condolence aloud.
In the afternoon.  
I confirm the notice situation of general interpellation of a regular assembly beginning on next month 4 in a city hall.

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2006年08月27日 | インポート

くもり  温度約24-27℃ 湿度約65-70%  風速約1-3m/s むし暑い日でした。
It was cloudy.  About 24-27 degrees Celsius temperatur. About 65-70% humidity. Wind velocity about 1-3m/s.Itwasahot and humid day.

The mother of a friend of my child is working as a member of a municipal assembly in the other city , and we had an opportunity to talk.
About garbage administration of Mitaka-shi, she had words of praise to me. I spoke thanks instead of Chief at department politely.
I attended a wake of Yasuo Negishi who was an old-timer of a member of a municipal assembly of Mitaka-shi. I prayed for sleep peacefully and heartily.

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