DIARY yuutu

yuuutunna toki no nikki

ALBUM etc. (May 1-7, 2011)

2011-06-17 23:13:09 | 日記
I mounted pictures on an album today. I had taken them at a trip to Kamakura yesterday. I enjoyed memories of the trip by looking at them. I remembered such a few things as follows. My wife was smiling merrily. The wind was comfortable. The weather was fine. In short, I had a happy time. (Sunday, May 1, 2011)

I usually feel that something drives me to live my life in a hurry. I am often in an anxiety. I am not calm. I feel sometimes destroyed and ruined. (Monday, May 2, 2011)

My wife often says to me, “You have to understand my intention even if I don’t explain about it explicitly to you.” I am always embarrassed because I want that she tells me about her clearly. Yesterday, I couldn’t understand her. But I couldn’t her about what she thought. The reason was that she would get angry when I questioned her. This was a crisis between her and me. (Tuesday, May 3, 2011)

I couldn’t discriminate between what I wanted to do and what I had to do when I was young. My parents taught me that in any situation I ought to do what I had to do. I always denied and erased what I wanted to do when it contradicted what I had to do. Step by step, only the latter came to exist in my intention. Moreover, as a result, it changed to the former. (Wednesday, May 4, 2011)

It is Children’s Day today. When my two sons were children, I set a small model of an old warrior’s armor in my house. It represented courage and strength of samurais. I hoped at the time that my sons would become great like them. I remember the old days happily. (Thursday, May 5, 2011)

I like the proverb in Japan. It says that difficulties make you a great person like a precious stone. In Japanese, it is pronounced that kannan (difficulties) nanji o (you) tama (a great person like a precious stone) ni su (make). When I remember it, I feel encouraged. Then, I accept my difficult situation calmly and I decide to do my best again. (Friday, May 6, 2011)

I went shopping to pick up bargains. I bought a new jacket, a pair of new trousers, and a new shirt. I thought again and again what designs and colors of them were good for me. After all, I decided. It was exiting to buy new clothes. (Saturday, May 7, 2011)
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