The orthodox civilization is the festival politics of Japan


A big shadow of "Balfore Declaration" ・中東問題とイギリス政府 1

2017-11-10 11:57:15 | 世界経済

In 1917 , on 2th of November , A.Balfour (1848-1930) wrote a letter to L.Rothschild , it was " I will support for the Zionist to build the country of Jew in Palestine .
I think the ploblem of Middle East started from this letter .
England was so familliar with the financial group of Jew and one of them became a member of Commones and to be a the member of nobility .
In 1920 , San Remo Conference mandated Palestine to England .
In 1922 , the league of nations admitted England the mandatory power of Palestine .
I do think that the responsibility of the confusion in Middle East must owe to England .

 「私は シオニストの人々が パレスチナの地にユダヤ人の国を建設することを支持する」


