

11月28日 Daycamping with Stray cats

2021-11-28 21:03:45 | 日常の1コマ

I got up at 5:00 and started studying English and started Weight training at 7:00.
It was really tight schedule this morning. Because...
I went daycamping in kururi kimitsu-city with my family for the first time since
a few years. Stray cats were trying to get our precious food for lunch.

◆studying English:朝勉
・listening:TOEICTESTリスニングTARGET600 30分
・listening:TOEICTESTリスニングTARGET900 30分

◆menu of workout:筋トレメニュー
・chinning(広背筋) -------
・dips(上腕三頭筋・外側頭)15rep、15rep、15rep ←20kgウエイト吊り下げ
・dumbbell shoulder press(三角筋) 20.0kgx2 8repx3set
・concentration curl(上腕二頭筋) 20.0kg 14repx左右 3setずつ
・dumbbell fly (大胸筋)25.0kgx2  12repx3set
・dumbbell press (大胸筋)30.0kgx2⇒32.5kgx2 12repx3set 
・push up(大胸筋) -------
・sit ups(腹筋) 40repx3set ←10.0kgウエイト頭に抱えて

11月27日 To see a urologist

2021-11-27 21:42:32 | 病気

I'm embarrassed to say that but I've been feeling sort of hurt around
bladder for two weeks, so I visited to see a doctor of urology.
The doctor told me that my disease was "Prostatitis".
Anyway I was relieved to know that it's not cancer .

◆studying English:朝勉
・increasing vocabulary:DUO3.0 120分
・increasing vocabulary:でる順パス単英検準1級 30分
・portfolio 金融商品組み合わせ
・butt in 口をはさむ、口出しする  butt  角で突く、頭で押す
If I can just butt in here, I think ......
If I can just say something here, I think ......
If I can just say a few words here, I think ......
・be up 終わる

11月24日 tired feeling since yesterday

2021-11-24 22:12:58 | 筋トレ

I've been still feeling tired since running yesterday.
But I lifted weights wearing long t-shirts my favorite which was made
by my favorite brand Body Maker .

◆menu of workout:筋トレメニュー
・chinning(広背筋) -------
・dips(上腕三頭筋・外側頭)15rep、15rep、15rep ←20kgウエイト吊り下げ
・dumbbell shoulder press(三角筋) 20.0kgx2 8repx3set
・concentration curl(上腕二頭筋) 20.0kg 14repx左右 3setずつ
・dumbbell fly (大胸筋)25.0kgx2  12repx3set
・dumbbell press (大胸筋)30.0kgx2⇒32.5kgx2 12repx3set 
・push up(大胸筋) -------
・sit ups(腹筋) 40repx3set ←10.0kgウエイト頭に抱えて

11月23日 long running for the first time since this July

2021-11-23 17:43:10 | ランニング

自分にとっては ”走ること” があらゆることの治療薬。めんどいけど。
Although I was sleepy I was jogging to AEON TOWN at yukarigaoka this afternoon
without eating lunch.
The only purpose was getting into shape, which had been fat during holidays.

◆studying English:朝勉
・increasing vocabulary:DUO3.0 90分
・listening:TOEICTESTリスニングTARGET600 15分
・listening:TOEICTESTリスニングTARGET900 15分
・increasing vocabulary:でる順パス単英検準1級 60分

◆jogging :ジョギング 生谷経由ユーカリイオン折り返し
・Duration(継続時間) 02:14:08
・Aveg Pace(平均ペース)7分00秒/km

11月22日 easy karaoke system with Switch

2021-11-23 07:07:04 | 日常の1コマ

"KARAOKE" or "KARATE" are of course Japanese literally, and are also English
at the same time but are pronounced different from Japanese,
because the Westerners pronounce them according to the English grammar.

And this time we enjoyed KARAOKE at home with Nintendo Switch.
Its setting was difficult a little... but app of Joysound was for free and 1day
all-you-can-sing was 500 yen. By the way I bought a mike for 1700yen.