


2014-04-20 11:55:05 | 単語

Adhesive (Wiki)
"An adhesive is any substance applied to the surfaces of materials that binds them together and resists separation.[1] The term "adhesive" may be used interchangeably with glue, cement, mucilage, or paste.[2] "

Adhesive bonding
"Adhesive bonding is used to fasten two surfaces together, usually producing a smooth bond..."

What is the difference between a glue and an adhesive?
"The difference between glue and adhesive is merely technical, if not trivial..."

"A material capable of fastening two other materials together by means of surface attachment..."


"The metal tube [25] may have a pattern of apertures [55] through which the hollow core [20] and the polymeric outer jacket [30] are adhered to each other."

"Metal tube 25 may also have a pattern of apertures 55, through which hollow core 20 and outer jacket 30 may be adhered to each other, as shown in FIGS. 2 and 3. For example, outer jacket 30 may be formed about metal tube 25 by the process of thermoplastic extrusion, which includes forcing jacket material into apertures 55 and into melt-bonding contact with hollow core 20. Alternatively, outer jacket 30 may be compression molded around metal tube 25 by the use of shrink tubing, which can be removed afterwards."

US5630981(3D Systems, Inc.)
1) "The elevator platform 29 is typically fabricated of either glass or aluminum, but any material to which the cured plastic material will adhere is suitable."

2) "a plurality of adhered cross-sectional layers of structure form the three-dimensional object."

3) "The object is then moved, in a programmed manner, away from the liquid surface by the thickness of one layer, and the next cross-section is then formed and adhered to the immediately preceding layer defining the object."


"The liner unit has a plurality of disposable liners in a stack and which are adhered to each other to be peeled off each other."

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