


2014-06-08 17:21:06 | Telegraph (UK)
Tumbling German inflation clears way for ECB blitz
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 9:20PM BST 02 Jun 2014
European Central Bank set to cut interest rates from 0.25pc to 0.10pc or the discount rate to negative levels


A shock fall in German prices has pushed the eurozone a step closer towards deflation, guaranteeing radical action by the European Central Bank this week.


Germany's annual rate of Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) inflation fell to 0.6pc in May, the lowest since the aftermath of the Great Recession of 2009.


This is far weaker than expected and the latest evidence of the powerful deflationary tide washing over Europe from Asia. The effect is to depress Economic and Monetary Union-wide inflation to 0.5pc, leaving the currency bloc one shock away from outright deflation.


Andrew Roberts, from RBS, said the underlying rate is 0.3pc once tax rises are stripped out, with growing signs of the deflationary virus becoming lodged in the system. "French wages are falling off a cliff. The European Central Bank have been fiddling while Rome burns, allowing their balance sheet to shrink from €3 trillion (£2.4 trillion) to €2.2 trillion," he said.


The ECB's president, Mario Draghi, said the bank was acutely aware of the "lowflation" risk, which can play havoc in heavily indebted crisis states even before deflation is reached. "We need to be particularly watchful for the potential for a negative spiral to take hold," he said.


The fall in German inflation knocks away the last objection from the Bundesbank to emergency action on Thursday, though most analysts say it is too early for quantitative easing. The likely options include a cut in interest rates from 0.25pc to 0.10pc, tantamount to zero, or a cut in the discount rate to negative levels, charging banks a fee to park money at the ECB.


The bank is mulling over a fresh round of long-term refinancing operations (LTROs) to banks to kickstart lending, this time for four years. It may "pre-announce" purchases of asset-backed securities, perhaps packages of small business loans.


Critics warned that any action is almost certain to be too little, too late. Simon Tilford, from the Centre for European Reform, said the governing structure of the ECB prevents it from acting with the force of the US Federal Reserve or the Bank of Japan, which is needed to achieve full psychological effect.


The ECB said it sees no signs yet that inflation expectations are becoming unhinged or that people are postponing purchases, but delay is a risky strategy. Masaaki Shirikawa, the former governor of the Bank of Japan, said expectations gave no forewarning that Japan was slipping into a deflation trap in the 1990s. Once they began to flash warnings it was already too late.


Mass bond purchases would be extremely unpopular in Germany, where the anti-euro party Alternative fur Deutschland won 7.5pc of the vote in the European elections and now has a parliamentary platform to attack the ECB over any deviation from orthodoxy. While QE is legal, the German constitutional court has ruled that the ECB's backstop plan for Italy and Spain is a breach of treaty law.


The ECB's new focus on the dangers of "lowflation" comes after a series of warnings from the Bruegel think-tank in Brussels and the International Monetary Fund that inflation as low as 0.5pc is dangerous for debt dynamics in Portugal, Italy, and Spain, among other states.


Nominal GDP contracted in both Italy and Spain last year, automatically causing their public debt ratios to surge despite austerity cuts. Ashoka Mody, who helped lead the IMF's bail-out missions in Europe, said both countries need inflation near 2pc for several years to put their debts on a sustainable footing.


The economic relapse in the first quarter has made the task even harder. Holland, Italy and Portugal contracted again, while France fell back to zero growth. Hopes for a strong rebound in the second quarter are dimming after the eurozone's manufacturing survey PMI indexes fell to a six-month low in May.


Germany lost momentum, while France is contracting again.



