


2012-11-06 13:55:22 | Telegraph (UK)
'Play Angry Birds to help you focus at work'
By Telegraph Staff
Telegraph: 12:55PM GMT 05 Nov 2012
If you feel guilty wasting a few minutes at your desk each day playing Angry Birds, then worry no more - it could make you a smarter, better worker.


Spending a sneaky five minutes in the office feeding your Angry Birds addiction can feel like a waste of time. But, that doesn't stop prime minister David Cameron from playing the game. Nor does it stop people across the world from reportedly spending 300 million minutes a day on Angry Birds.


Research has suggested, however, that playing such games could be 300 million minutes well spent, as these kinds of activities can help make you a more 'resilient' employee.


A recent article in the Harvard Business Review (HBR) cited research suggesting that engaging in some activities we think are non-productive - such as small exercises - may be a smart way to spend time, particularly at work.


Writing in the HBR, Jane McGonigal, a game designer and author of Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World, referred to research suggesting these practices can make people more resourceful problem solvers, more collaborative, and less likely to give up when the going gets tough.

ゲームデザイナーで『Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World(現実は壊れた:ゲームは何故私達を良くしてくれるのか、そしてゲームは世界をどう変えられるか?)』の著者であるジェーン・マクゴニガルさんは、HBR誌への寄稿の中で、このような活動は人をより機知に富んだ問題解決者、より協力的、事態が厳しくなっても諦め難い人間にする可能性がある、という研究結果に言及しました。

"In other words, they can make people more resilient," she wrote. As a result, she has made it a personal goal to "waste at least four minutes every hour".


Ms McGonigal writes that she first immersed herself in the science of resilience after being laid up for three months with a traumatic brain injury.


Once recovered, she became interested about why activities such as looking at photos of baby animals or wandering around the neighbourhood - seemingly a waste of time - had helped her most.


She read scientific literature about resilience - which draws on neuroscience, medicine and psychology - and discovered there are four elements that help us bounce back: physical, mental, emotional and social.


Physical resilience can be fostered by standing up and taking a few steps away from your computer every hour, she writes. Doing a pointless, but mildly challenging task, such as snapping your fingers exactly 50 times can improve focus and mental resilience. Social resilience can be improved by activities such as saying 'thank you' once a day by, for example, email.


Emotional resilience, adds Ms McGonigal, can be improved by trying to experience three positive emotions for every one negative emotion over the course of the day. "Scientists call this the 3:1 ratio―and gazing at an adorable baby animal or making a satisfying hit in Angry Birds can raise your count," she writes.


"Greater resilience will make you more capable, and it will benefit your organisation," writes Ms McGonigal, who suggests improving resilience by developing a regimen or game to do every day.




