


2012-11-26 11:24:31 | Telegraph (UK)
China's 'Go West' boom offers bonanza for British banks
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, in Chengdu, China
Telegraph: 12:56PM GMT 23 Nov 2012
Rarely have British banks, insurers, and financial firms been offered such tempting fruit on a platter, if they are willing to take the plunge in China’s western hinterland.


The Communist authorities of Chengdu -- the 2,500 year-old capital of Sichuan -- have invited the City of London to transform their 14m-strong city into a financial metropolis, hoping to outflank richer rivals such as Shanghai on the Eastern seabord with Square Mile know-how.


"We want more British financial firms here in Chengdu," said Ren Ruihong, head of Chengdu's financial committee. "We want banks, insurance companies, private equity, and fund managers. We are turning Chengdu into the most open financial sector in China, and our main focus is on links to Britain and Dubai."

「もっと沢山の英国の金融会社に成都に来て頂きたい」と成都の金融委員会のRen Ruihong委員長は言いました。

Money is pouring into the region under the "Go West" policy of tax breaks for firms that set up operations in Western China, an area pressed up against the Tibetan plateau, covering almost a quarter of a billion people.


Battle for dominance is split between the cultural enclave of Chengdu --with 51 universities turning out 200,000 students a year, and its `Italianesque' allure of slow food and the Dolce Vita -- and the sharp-elbowed rival of Chongqing, where the disgraced Bo Xilai ran the world's largest metropolis of 32m people as a private fiefdom until late last year.


Chengdu's gung-ho mayor Ge Honglin -- an ultra-Green, like so many of China's rising leaders -- says the boom over the next decade will match the explosive growth seen in Shanghai in the 1990s, where the catch-up spurt is largely played out.


"It is much more open-door that before," said Yong Zhao, head of the British Chamber of Commerce in Chengdu. "It does not have to be a joint venture any more. You have a local government that is more than willing to help: it is enthusiastic."

「以前に比べて遥かに開放的だ」と駐成都英国商工会議所のYong Zhao代表は言いました。

The "Go West" strategy aims to slow the tidal wave of migration from poor villages in the interior to the Eastern cities, which is creating a political powderkeg of footloose urban migrants.


Corporation tax is 15pc for ten years, instead of 25pc. The first two years of profits are tax-free, and the next three years are at half the rate.


The electronics giant Foxconn is building Apple's iPad here in Chengdu, cranking up operations from scratch to 80,000 workers over the last eighteen months as it escapes surging wage costs in the Pearl River Delta.


"The government policy has worked. We know from our clients that these tax rates make it very attractive to build a new factory here," said Wayne Tan from KPMG.


British firms have largely missed out on the gold rush, despite pleas from trade minister Lord Green that the potential is "limitless".


They have left the spoils to American and German firms. Intel has switched its operations from Shanghai to Chengdu's high-tech zone, while Volkswagen is building variants of the Polo and Golf models in a joint venture with FAW -- entirely for the Chinese market, now 20m cars a year.


"The truth is that the UK has been too cautious and we have been left behind," said the BCC's Yong Zhao, though others warn that the party-controlled courts are a good reason to be wary.

「英国は慎重になり過ぎて遅れを取ってしまったというのが本当のところだ」と前出のBCCのYong Zhao代表は言いましたが、中国共産党が裁判所を牛耳っているという事実は警戒に値すると警告する人もいます。

"UKTI brings companies to visit for a couple of days, and then it is `bye-bye'. There is no follow-up. Doing business in China is a Confucian process, like a ballet," she said.


British schools -- until recently forbidden from taking Chinese pupils -- are at least profitting from the voracious demand for English education. Oxford School has just opened, charging £15,000 a year in fees. Harrow is expected to follow with a branch in 2014.


There are a few lonely pioneers in manufacturing. Paul Sives from Proton Products makes laser-based machinery for the steel and cable industry. "Our wage bill has tripled over the last four or five years, but it still costs twice as much to employ an engineer in Shanghai," he said.


Mr Sives said Chinese steel companies have begun to buy his product again over the last month after suspending orders a year ago, a sign that the post-bubble crash in the country's steel industry has finally bottomed out.


Standard Chartered, HSBC, RBS, all have operations here, mostly in risk managemen and trade finance. Standard Life, the insurance brokers Willis, and the accounts CIMA have a foot on the ground.


Yet a study by the China-Britain Business Council said the potential has barely been tapped, whether stock-broking, insurance, pensions, or raising money on the capital markets. There are huge gaps in China's internal finance system. The big state entreprises gobble up most credit. Smaller companies are often starved of finance, forced to rely on a network of loan-sharks at prohibitive interest rates.


Yong Zhao said Chinese investors are undeterred by London's role in the global financial crisis, seeing the debacle instead as a chance to expand worldwide without meeting a hostile reception. They need global experts to hold their hand as they feel their way around, and London is thought more friendly to China than New York.

中国人投資家は世界的な金融危機におけるロンドンの役割にも動じておらず、この危機を敵対的な態度を取られずに世界進出するチャンスと見なしている、とYong Zhao代表は言います。

It is not yet clear whether the authorities will go the whole way to full-service banking and let British lenders raise deposits on an equal footing with local banks. In theory Chengdu has to toe the line on regulation from Beijing. In practice mayor Ge seems to determined to shape his city-state into a thrusting entrepot.


Asked what happens when Chengdu clashes over policy with the Politburo, a senior official said with a wink: "we tell Beijing in a very down to earth manner what needs to be done."



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