Europe's industry slams China over currency
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph:09 Nov 2009
Europe's industry federation has called for urgent measures to cap the surging euro after it blasted through $1.50 against the US dollar and 10.25 against China's yuan on unexpectedly strong data from Germany.
"I am deeply concerned about recent exchange rate developments," said Jurgen Thumann, president of Business Europe, the pan-EU lobby.
"An overvalued euro is not good news for growth and is inconsistent with the commitments of the G20 countries for an orderly resolution of global imbalances. We must insist that our partners honour their commitments."
He was addressing his words directly to top officials from the European Central Bank and the Eurogroup in Brussels.
China has held the yuan fixed to the dollar despite its huge trade surplus through vast purchases of foreign bonds. This has allowed it to flood Europe with cheap exports, gaining market share on the coat-tails of dollar devaluation.
Mr Thumann called on EU leaders to "push the message" in Beijing that China must let the yuan rise.
There is growing irritation over the apparent insouciance of EU officials in the face of the euro's 24pc rise against the dollar/yuan since March.
China's central bank governor, Zhou Xiaochuan, let slip at the G20 summit that global pressure for yuan appreciation "is not that big".
Germany has so far seemed able to shrug off the currency effects. Exports jumped 3.8pc in September from a month earlier.
However, a study by Ansgar Belke from Duisburg University found that even Germany has clear limits. Berlin's pleasure in the muscular performance of the euro is likely to prove "nasty, brutish, and short", he said.
しかし、ドゥイスバーグ大学のAnsgar Belkeの調査によれば、ドイツですら明らかな限界がある。
"Firms with standard products exposed to the biting winds of international competition have a huge problem with a strong euro," he said. Germany's small and medium-sized family firms produce locally and cannot switch plant abroad. Currency hedging is complex and costly.
Mr Belke said the "pain threshold" varies by sector but overall demand for German goods will "fall dramatically" if the euro goes above $1.55 for long. Furthermore, it will do lasting damage as firms lose their global foothold. Many will struggle to re-enter these markets even if the euro falls again. Currency effects are slow but powerful.
Professor Willem Buiter from the London School of Economics said the ECB has made an error by pushing the euro too high through tight-money policies. "The German export industry has learned to cope by wage restraint and productivity gains. This is not something that other countries can emulate easily," he said. "There is going to be some egregious suffering."
IMF data shows that Spain and Italy are over-valued by more than 30pc.
Germany's car scrappage scheme and a rebound in inventories have lifted the country out of recession but from a very low base. Exports are still down 19pc from a year ago. The Bundesbank says the economy may not regain its former output until 2014.
Recovery is not secure in any case. Private credit in the eurozone contracted for the first time in September.
Germany's Bank Federation has given warning of a "generalized credit crunch" next year due to the delayed effect of rising defaults and G20 pressure for higher capital ratios. Business Europe called on regulators to move carefully as they clamp down on banks. "We have absolutely no idea of the overall impact on our economy," it said.
European firms raise two thirds of their debt from banks, compared with one third in the US. "Company investment in machinery and equipment is already down more than 20pc since last year. We need to reverse this trend rapidly, otherwise we will never get back on our former growth track," it said.
タックル見ちゃったんですけど、半年ぶりくらいに…つまんないね、やっぱり。視聴率落ちてるって本当なんだろうなあ、と思いました。あの詭弁大魔王みたいな同志社大学のセンセはいったいなんなんでしょうか?佐藤優さんという素晴らしいSF作家を排出、もとい、輩出された大学ですから、詭弁のホグワーツと呼んで良いのでしょうが、いやはや、凄まじい。目がポルポポ同志と同じじゃん!と思われた方は多数おられたことと思います。白議員が拉致被害者の話をしていて「そうだそうだ、チョーセンイクナイ!」みたいなことを叫んだ時はお湯割り噴きました。でも、山際さんが賢明ながらもうだつの上がらない、多少支離滅裂且つ情熱先走り過ぎな拉致被害者支援論 mixed/confused with 国防論を展開しておられた時、じゅおんの白い子供を思い出させる黒目をぎらぎらさせたキョージュが、「じゃあ、韓国とか中国とかに対しても武装する、狙う、攻撃するってことでしか!おかしーよそんなの、ぷんすかふんだらら!!」と叫んでいた時は、なんと言いますが、宇宙のはげ、じゃねえ、宇宙の果てが見えました。ああ、でも、ハスイケ兄よりましか。弟も大概だけど。なんじゃあれは。