


2009-10-17 09:59:38 | Telegraph (UK)

The Basil Fawlty effect – bosses bully you because THEY feel incompetent
By Richard Alleyne, Science Correspondent
Telegraph:16 Oct 2009
It explains why Basil Fawlty bullied Manuel – incompetent bosses are always the nastiest, claims a study.


Researchers have found that leaders who feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities lash out at others to temper their own inferiority.


They found that the combination of incompetence and empowerment brought out the worst of human nature – and led to bullying in the workplace.


The more incompetent managers thought they were the more aggressive they became to people who worked for them, the study discovered.


One boss, who felt over his head, was even prepared to to sabotage an underling's ability to win a prize.


The new study by the University of Southern California challenges previous assumptions that abusive bosses are solely driven by ambition and the need to hold onto their power.


Researchers led by Nathanael Fast, a social psychologist, conducted separate tests for the study published in the journal Psychological Science, to get to the bottom of why bosses are bullies.

社会心理学者のナサニエル・ファストのチームは、上司が苛めに走る根本的な原因を突き止め、Psychological Science誌に研究結果を掲載する別々の実験を行った。

To see if a bruised ego can actually cause aggression, they manipulated 90 volunteers' sense of power and self worth using tried and tested psychological techniques.


They then asked them to select a punishment to give to others who had made mistakes. Volunteers chose between horn sounds that blasted noise at the students of varying volumes varying from 10 decibels to a deafening 130 decibels.


The researchers found that volunteers who felt the most incompetent and empowered at the same time picked the loudest punishments – 71 decibels on average.


Workers who felt up to their jobs selected quieter punishments, between 55 and 62 decibels, as did those who felt a combination of incompetence and powerlessness.


During role-playing sessions, study participants who felt their egos were under threat would go so far as to needlessly sabotage an underling’s chances of winning money.


Another test showed that there was a way to disarm a bullying boss – by flattering them.


Bosses who were told they were good at their jobs were less aggressive, even if they started out thinking they were not that good.


However excessive flattery — long the refuge of the frustrated subordinate — may not work in the long run because it might ultimately cause the boss "to lose touch with reality".


"Incompetence alone doesn’t lead to aggression," said Serena Chen, associate professor of psychology at University of California and co-author of the study.


"It’s the combination of having a high-power role and fearing that one is not up to the task that causes power holders to lash out. And our data suggest it’s ultimately about self-worth.”


Mr Fast said that there was never an excuse for bullying – even if it led to so called "creative tension".


He said: "Is it possible that bullying can create a culture of fear that, in some cases, leads to profits? Perhaps in the short run.


"But the psychological and organisational costs associated with this approach are not worth it as far as I’m concerned.


"There is certainly a place for calculated expressions of anger or even harshness from time to time. Sometimes that motivates people to get back on track. But there is a line between an occasional display of anger or sternness and the abusive bullying that often takes place in organisations."


He said the only way for a boss to permanently stop bullying was to either work hard enough to improve their competence or to resign.




