


2008-12-16 17:50:33 | Telegraph (UK)

Russia to join oil cartel moves to cut supplies
By Toby Harnden in Washington
Telegraph:15 Dec 2008
Russia is to join Opec in a co-ordinated cut in oil production for the first time in a highly-controversial move that will further raise tensions with the West.


The Kremlin will risk throwing away its membership of the G8 group of leading economies by acting with the cartel in reducing supplies.


Russian leaders have sent strong signals that they will agree the unprecedented move at the same time as Opec convenes an emergency meeting in Algeria on Wednesday.


Russia has been under pressure from Opec to cut as many as 300,000 of the 9.75 million barrels it produces each day to help maintain prices.


Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian president, has even hinted that his country – the world's largest oil producer and second largest exporter – could join Opec despite the potential political fall out.


In an attempt to arrest a 66 per cent slide in the price of oil, the cartel could this week announce a record cut of 2.5 million barrels per day. A barrel of oil was trading at $50 on Monday, nearly $100 off July's record high.


Russia, which has always resisted joint action with Opec in the past, risks incurring the wrath of the United States if it goes ahead. Analysts warn that Congress could lead a campaign to have Russia thrown out of the G8.


Chris Weafer, chief strategist at Uralsib, a leading Russian investment bank, said: "It would jeopardise Russia's position in the G8 for sure.


"If Russia were formally to side with Opec, it would lead to a more belligerent attitude by Congress to Opec and Russia."


A production cut could also provoke a backlash within the European Union, which would undoubtedly view such a move as an "unfriendly gesture", Mr Weafer said.


The EU is already seeking ways to reduce its dependence on Russian energy amid growing concerns over the Kremlin's increasingly belligerent and isolationist approach to foreign policy.


Yet for Russia, the risks of international isolation are less important than the consequences of oil prices remaining low.


The collapse in the price of oil, combined with Russia's massive external corporate debt, has had a dire impact on the country's economy, which has grown rapidly since 2000 thanks to an energy-driven boom.


Falling energy prices have prompted foreign investors to withdraw large amounts of capital, while the central bank has spent a quarter of its reserves propping up the rouble.


The Kremlin has come under heavy pressure from Saudi Arabia, which has grown increasingly irritated by the way Russia has benefited from Opec cuts without making sacrifices of its own.


The 12 members of Opec, or the Organization of Petroleum exporting countries, account for 36 per cent of world oil production.


Russia is by far the largest producer outside the cartel, which African and Middle Eastern oil exporters as well as Venezuela and Ecuador.


Other members include Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Libya, Angola, Algeria, and Nigeria.


Saudi officials have told the Kremlin that unless Russia joins in supply cuts this time round Opec would not announce significant reductions, raising fears in Moscow that oil could fall as low as $25.


Siding with Opec would also effectively cast Russia as a petro-state, a tag the Kremlin has long shunned. Such a move would therefore unnerve foreign investors and reduce incentives for the state to liberalise the economy, analysts warn.


Yet by co-operating with Opec, Russia may be hoping for reciprocation in its ambitions to create a gas cartel – another move that would cause consternation in Europe.


Some analysts, however, believe that the EU lacks the political will to respond punitively to a more aggressive Russian energy policy no matter what the level of disquiet in European capitals is.


"Russia hasn't been in the business of making the West happy and the West hasn't been in the business of caring in any meaningful way," said Sam Greene, a political analyst with the Moscow Carnegie Centre. "Russia is too important. It is probable that any action would be swallowed."


One former Bush administration official said: “Russia is increasingly making it clear that it views itself as a strategic competitor to the United States rather than a strategic partner.


“Aligning itself with Opec may seem an attractive option for Russia in the short term but there will be costs.


“I would not be surprised if Congress decided to take action because Russia is not behaving like a responsible member of the community of nations.”



