


2012-07-20 14:45:14 | Telegraph (UK)

Spanish debt crisis returns as Germany nears bailout fatigue
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 9:29PM BST 19 Jul 2012
Spanish borrowing costs have surged to euro-era highs despite draconian fiscal cuts and backing from the German parliament for the country’s €100bn (£78bn) bank rescue package.


Yields on five-year bonds jumped to a fresh crisis peak of 6.46pc at a closely-watched auction as hopes fade for fresh stimulus from the European Central Bank and direct recapitalisation of Spanish banks by the EU bailout find, the European Stability Mechanism (ESM).


“Demand for Spanish paper is collapsing, even for shorter-dated debt which is very worrying and raises the spectre of Spain losing market access,” said Nicholas Spiro from Spiro Sovereign Strategy.


Marchel Alexandrovich from Jefferies Fixed Income said the markets are already bracing for second bigger rescue of around €400bn. “A few more weeks like this and Madrid is going to decide to it has nothing more to lose and call for a full sovereign bail-out,” he said. “Then we will find out if there really is any money in the EU kitty.


“If the ECB goes on holiday without doing anything more, this is going to snowball. We’re way past point where any country can deliver fiscal measures on its own. People are not going to buy Spanish and Italian debt right now whatever ever they do. There has to be a circuit breaker.”


The failure to win back investors is a bitter blow for Spanish premier Mariano Rajoy as the country pushes through the harshest retrenchment in modern history, with cuts in public salaries of up to 7pc, lower dole payments, and a three-point rise in VAT to 21pc.


Public employees staged protests across Spain today and demanded Mr Rajoy’s resignation as the Cortes voted on the €65bn austerity package imposed by EU as a condition for the bank rescue.


Socialist leader Alfredo Rubalcaba said the cuts would push the country over the brink. “Over the next year we are going to see the destruction of 600,000 jobs, taking us deeper into depression,” he said. Unemployment is already 24.4pc, topping 32pc in Extremadura.


“There is no money left to pay for services,” said treasury minister Cristobal Montoro, calling for years of hard sacrifice. “We have to raise VAT to stay in Europe. There is no other option. All alternatives are worse. This has gone beyond ideologies.”


Madrid had thought the EU bailout terms would be “light” and that the ESM would inject money directly into Spain’s banks in order to break the dangerous nexus between banks and sovereign states, as sketched out at the summit deal in late June.


It has obtained neither. The terms are draconian, with sweeping intervention across the gamut of fiscal policy as well as demands for a `bad bank’ and the closure of crippled lenders.


The legislation passed by the Bundestag today made it clear that the government is entirely responsible for the cost of the bank package. “Spain made the request. The Spanish state will guarantee the money,” said finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble.


While the ESM is supposed to take over the burden once an EU banking supervisor is in place, this part of the summit deal seems to have withered and died in Berlin. “There will be no direct recapitalisation of Spain’s banks, at least not with us,” said Social Democrat (SPD) leader Frank-Walter Steinmeier.


“My parliamentary group is not at all convinced we are doing the right thing.. We’re only voting for this because the damage would be catastrophic if Germany refused aid,” he said.


Twenty-two of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s own coalition voted against the Spanish package, forcing her to rely on opposition support.


Bond markets are deeply confused by the loan terms for Spain. Investors are taking their lead from the International Monetary Fund, which has already added the €100bn rescue costs to its estimate of Spanish public debt. The total has risen from 68pc to 90pc of GDP in a single year, underscoring the dramatic worsening in public finances.


The IMF said in its yearly report on the eurozone that the deepening crisis raises concerns about the “viability of the monetary union itself”. It warned that the “adverse links between sovereigns, banks, and the real economy are stronger than ever.”


The report said EMU is “unsustainable” as constructed and called for a radical shift in policy, including a monetary blitz by the ECB, a banking union, and debt pooling.


The plea seems starkly at odds with the mood in the Bundestag. Bail-out fatigue has reached exhaustion. “We create red lines, only to cross them. We can’t go on like this,” said Mr Steinmeier.


“It’s a bottomless pit,” said Free-Democrat (FDP) spokesman Frank Schäffler. Most of the German people would agree.



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