


2010-06-15 13:28:32 | Telegraph (UK)
Rejected job applicants shun retail employers and shop elsewhere
By Louisa Peacock
Telegraph:09 Jun 2010
Unsuccessful job seekers are getting their own back on high-profile retailers who reject them by refusing to shop with them in future, new research has revealed.


Candidates are becoming increasingly frustrated after not hearing back from employers once they have applied for a job, having spent hours over their CV or application, a study of 1,600 job applicants has shown.


Nearly half said they had been left with a negative view of a company following a job rejection, with almost a fifth (18pc) threatening to take their custom elsewhere.


Top concerns included not being told whether their application had been successful (46pc), giving little feedback on why they did not get the job (39pc) and not acknowledging receipt of an application (36pc), the study by psychometric testing company SHL found.


Chief executive David Leigh said: "These findings are a worry for retailers. It can be easy to dismiss applicants who aren't suitable, but retailers must remember that unsuccessful job applicants are also potential customers and ignoring them could impact the bottom line."


Sue Gilbert, recruitment manager at John Lewis, said the findings were a real concern, and should be taken seriously by any employer selling goods or services.


"The candidate ‘experience' is absolutely key because the employer brand is very aligned to the John Lewis brand," she said. "We give candidates feedback, even if it is just an email saying, ‘sorry, we're not taking your application further', so that every candidate knows the outcome."


She added the company was considering how to alert rejected applicants to free career advice from trade bodies or trusted website.


Outside of the retail sector, corporate giants such as Unilever and McDonald's already send career advice and information about their sector to unsuccessful candidates.


A spokesman at Unilever, the Persil and Dove soap maker, said: "It is important for us to maintain our reputation as a great employer. Job applicants are consumers too."


He added it was "respectful" for people who had spent time over their application to get back to them with reasons why they were not accepted. "It's the right thing to do," he said.


Angela Baron, engagement adviser at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, said: "We have definitely seen more discomfort with the recruitment process in recent years, with more people reporting that they have had a negative experience."


However, she said candidates complained more about "never hearing anything back" from recruitment agencies rather than employers, meaning companies should think about how their reputation was managed when using external recruitment services.



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