


2013-04-15 15:00:56 | Telegraph (UK)
Cyprus offers passport to big foreign investors
By Denise Roland, and agencies
Telegraph: 8:12PM BST 14 Apr 2013
Cyprus will relax requirements for citizenship, including for bank depositors who lost large amounts of money in the deal with the EU and IMF, in an effort to keep foreigners interested in investing in the island state, the country's president said on Sunday.


Cyprus was forced to wind down one major bank and impose considerable losses on large depositors in a second bank in return for €10bn in aid from the International Monetary Fund and the European Union in a move that was devastating to both Cypriots and foreign investors. Eurozone finance ministers approved the aid on Friday.


In prepared remarks to Russian businessmen in the port city of Limassol, President Nicos Anastasiades said his cabinet would this week approve the relaxation of restrictions on foreigners seeking citizenship of Cyprus, an EU member since 2004.


Non-resident investors who held deposits prior to March 15, when the plan to impose losses on savers was first formulated, and who lost at least €3m would be eligible to apply for Cypriot citizenship, he said.


Cyprus's existing "citizenship by investment" programme - similar to that of many countries - would be revised to reduce the amount of investment required to be eligible for the programme from the previous €10m euros.


"These decisions will be deployed in a fast-track manner," Anastasiades said. Other measures were also under consideration, he said, including offering tax incentives for existing or new companies doing business in Cyprus.


Anastasiades, whose centre-right government has been in power for less than two months, said countries who accused Cyprus of being a money-laundering hub for businesses from countries such as Russia were being hypocrites, since those same countries were now trying to lure foreign businesses away.


Cyprus, one of the eurozone's smallest economies, modelled itself as a competitively-taxed financial services centre with a network of treaties to avoid double taxation.


That model is now threatened by the fact that bail-out conditions have left its two main banks crippled, but also forced Cyprus to increase its corporate tax to 12.5pc from 10, which had been the lowest in the euro zone.


The bail-out, first requested in June 2012, was delayed partly because of concerns expressed by eurozone states, notably Germany, that its financial sector was opaque, thus aiding money laundering.


But Cyprus was neither a money laundering hub or a tax haven, Anastasiades said.


"What saddens - I refrain from using the word angers - me deeply is that since the euro group agreement was reached, some EU partners' businesses involved in the financial services industry have been preying upon our financial services sector, in order to encourage a relocation of funds into their economies," he said.


It came as Cyprus's central bank governor said he was only willing to work with the government to pull the island out of its economic crisis if the bank's independence was respected.


A rift between Governor Panicos Demetriades, appointed last May by the communist former administration, and the ruling centre-right government has deepened and pressure grown on him to resign over his handling of the crisis.


Meanwhile, the EU will urge the US, Japan and other wealthy nations to mimic its aggressive approach to slashing public debt when G20 finance ministers gather in Washington on Wednesday.


But a shadow is likely to be cast over the meeting by an expected cut in the global growth forecast by the International Monetary Fund when it issues its latest World Economic Outlook on Tuesday. The IMF is expected to trim its forecast for global growth this year by 0.1pc, after already cutting projections for 2013 in January.



