


2009-10-02 20:15:52 | Telegraph (UK)

Europe's jobless youth 'tragedy' rattles EU ministers
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph:01 Oct 2009
European finance ministers have delayed the withdrawal of emergency stimulus until 2011 at the earliest, fearing continued strains in the credit system and an alarming rise youth unemployment.


The decision agreed today at a mini-summit on EU exit strategies in Gothenburg comes despite warnings from the International Monetary Fund that several countries face an "unsustainable debt trajectory".


"The time has not yet come to withdraw fiscal stimulus," said Jean-Claude Juncker, chair of the `Eurogroup’ of EMU finance ministers. "The economic situation remains very fragile."


EU officials have been unnerved by a further rises in euro area unemployment to 9.6pc in August, reaching 18.9pc in Spain. The pattern of past cycles is that it Continental Europe is much slower than the US or the UK to regain jobs as the economy recovers because of rigid labour markets. It is likely to be even more painful this time because the crisis has inflicted permanent damage to the EU’s industrial foundations.


Joaquin Almunia, the EU’s economics commissioner, said Europe’s potential growth rate had been "cut in half" to just 1pc by the events of the last two years, chiefly due to destructive effects of bursting debt bubbles. This poses a grave challenge for Europe as the fuse burns ever closer on its demographic time-bomb.


Barclays Capital said that almost 60pc of the 3.9m jobs lost in the eurozone since April last year have been in Spain alone, but Germany is likely to start catching up soon because it has seen a dramatic spike in short-term workers -- typically a symptom of "labour hoarding" that comes before a purge.


Youth unemployment has reached 39pc in Spain, 31pc in Lithuania, 28pc in Latvia, 26pc in Ireland and Slovakia, 25pc in Italy and Hungary, 24pc in France.


"There's tragedy unfolding here," said Julian Callow, Barclay’s Europe economist. "This is going to haunt the political outlook for years to come. Europe has been in denial about this because youth are not a powerful lobby like the unions, so they can be ignored. This will erode Europe’s human capital and threaten a lost generation of workers," he said.


"The only solution to hold Europe together is a substantial devaluation of the euro. Manufacturing industry in Spain and Italy has been hollowed out over the last decade in a competitive shift from West to East. This is very serious but the EU seems to be too fragmented politically to do anything about it." he said.


Anders Borg, Sweden’s pony-tailed finance minister and host of the EU mini-summit, said Europe will have to bite the bullet sooner or later on spending cuts or face the likelihood that public debt will balloon to over 100pc of GDP across the region. "Obviously, we have to discuss exit strategies," he said.


The EU has to move with great care. Eurozone credit has been contracting for several months. There is mounting evidence that small companies without access to the bond markets are finding it impossible to roll over loans or extend credit lines.


An EU stress test unveiled yesterday said European banks (including British) "appear sufficiently capitalized to head off a severe macro-economic deterioration" but may face further losses of €400bn by the end of next year.


The International Monetary Fund said in its Financial Stability Report that European banks have written down just 40pc of their likely losses so far, compared to 60pc for US banks. "Substantial write-downs lied ahead," it said.


The IMF said the delay in Europe was due "lags in the credit cycle", accounting rules, and the higher dependence of European banks on old-fashioned lending that crystalizes losses more slowly. They will face rising defaults in Eastern Europe for year to come.


"Considerable uncertainty remains regarding the value of distressed assets and asset quality in general, which continues to raise questions about banks’ capital bases and their capacity to lend," it said


Europe’s have raised $437 billion in Tier 1 capital, mostly as preferred shares and subordinated debt. They will need another $380bn to ensure a 10pc capital ratio. The IMF said some of this will need to be "tangible capital" to absorb losses and revive lending. BN Paribas and Unicredit are raising over €4bn each.


Total losses worldwide are likely to be $2.8 trillion. The banks have confessed to $1.3 trillion of worthless debt so far. They have another $1.5 trillion to go.




