


2016-07-02 12:41:35 | Telegraph (UK)
Global funds fear 'summer of shocks' despite boom in money growth
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 17 MAY 2016 ? 6:58PM
Global fund managers have almost no faith in the latest stock market rallies around the world and have begun to fear the worst from Brexit, putting aside near record sums of money in cash as they brace for a 'summer of shocks'


Investors have already lost confidence in China's economic rebound this year and are shunning British equities like the plague, fearing a financial crunch if Britain votes to leave the EU.


What is puzzling is that this mood of deep alarm conflicts with clear evidence of accelerating monetary growth worldwide, usually a harbinger of better times ahead.


Bank of America's monthly survey of funds shows that 27pc now think Brexit is the biggest 'tail-risk' for the global economy, overtaking neuralgic concerns about a devaluation by China or a wave of defaults by Chinese companies.


Longstanding fears that central banks are running out of policy ammunition or risk 'quantitative failure' have slipped to third place. The new worry is 'stagflation' in the US, a toxic mix of slowing growth and rising inflation at the same time.


A net 36pc are underweight UK equities, a level of revulsion last seen in November 2008 and a sign that global fund managers have suddenly woken up to the serious risk that the British electorate may do the unthinkable ? in their eyes ? and walk away from the EU.


"While an overwhelming 71pc of investors think Brexit is either 'unlikely' or ' not likely at all', the big plunge in UK equity valuations this month suggests they've prepared for the worst," said the bank.


The extent of bearish bets on the UK sets the stage for a powerful rally if the storm blows over, both for the London Stock Exchange and for sterling. A net 20pc think the pound is now undervalued, the most extreme reading since Bank of America started collecting the data.


Michael Hartnett, the bank's chief investment strategist, says the spring rally on global markets is exhausted as the latest sugar-rush from central bank stimulus fades. The world is in a twilight phase of mounting risk as the post-Lehman business cycle reaches old age.


"Cyclical leading indicators are rolling over, and the decline in US corporate profits has extremely ominous implications for US payroll numbers (jobs) in coming months. We believe a counter-trend rally in the dollar would reignite the downward spiral in emerging markets and commodities, and end the rally in risk assets," he said.


Mr Hartnett warned of a choppy market over coming months, advising investors to stay clear of Wall Street until the S&P 500 index of equities has dropped back to a range of 1950-2000.


Torsten Slok from Deutsche Bank said markets may have underestimated the inflationary forces building up in the US and are not listening to clear warnings from the Federal Reserve that rate rises are coming. "This is setting up for a battle later this year. I think we could get more January-February style sell-offs," he said.

ドイチェ・バンクのTorsten Slok氏は、市場は米国で高まっているインフレ圧力を過少評価したかもしれない、利上げをするぞというFRBからの明確なワーニングに耳を貸していないと言いました。

Albert Edwards from Societe General said the red warning sign is a surge in the ratio of US business inventories to sales, now at levels that usually forces firms to slam on the brakes.


"Recessions are caused by the business investment cycle. The continuing inventory overhang is an increasingly precarious sword of Damocles hanging over investors' heads as profits swoon and liquidation beckons," he said.


These warnings are hitting home. The cash holdings of global fund managers have risen to 5.5pc, higher than the peak during the eurozone debt crisis and comparable to the most extreme levels seen during the Lehman panic in 2008.


Monetarists are more sanguine about the world. Growth of the M1 money supply in the US has accelerated to 7.8pc, in stark contrast to the monetary contraction in the months leading up to the global financial crisis in 2007-2008.


Simon Ward from Henderson Global Investors says his adjusted gauge - six-month real M1 - has picked up briskly in the US after a soggy patch. Moreover, it is surging at the highest rate since 2009 for the world as a whole, reaching 10pc on an annualized basis.


"The numbers are looking strong everywhere. It may be that the world economy could finally be firing on all cylinders later this year," he said. The M1 data usually leads the actual economy by around six to twelve months.


"The one caveat is that we are in uncharted territory with negative interest rates in Japan and Europe, so the historical relationship between money and growth may have been disrupted," he said.


Bank of America's fund survey is often used a contrary indicator, a sign that investors are clustering in over-crowded positions. They are not always right. Indeed, they are often wrong.


On that interpretation we may be on the cusp of a powerful global rally.



