


2013-01-08 13:38:47 | Telegraph (UK)
Japan plans 'nationalisation' of factories to save industry
By Ambrose Evans–Pritchard
Telegraph: 9:02AM GMT 01 Jan 2013
Japan's government is to take the unprecedented step of buying factories and machinery directly with taxpayer funds, the latest in a series of radical steps to lift the country out of its deep slump.


Premier Shenzo Abe is to spend up to one trillion yen (£7.1bn) buying plant in the electronics, equipment, and carbon fibre industries to force the pace of investment, according to Nikkei news.


The disclosure came just a day after Mr Abe vowed to revive Japan's nuclear industry with a fresh generation of reactors, insisting that they would be "completely different" from the Fukishima Daiichi technology.


The industrial shake–up shows the ferment of fresh thinking in the third–largest economy after years of paralysis. Output shrank 0.9pc in the third quarter and industrial production has fallen 3.3pc over the past two months, made worse by a boycott of Japanese goods in China over the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands row. Exports to China fell 38pc in November.


Mr Abe's Liberal Democrats have already lambasted the central bank, threatening a new bank law unless it adopts radical measures to pull Japan out of deflation – including a growth target of 3pc for nominal GDP, implying massive monetary stimulus.


He has set an implicit exchange range target of 90 yen to the dollar, instructing the Bank of Japan to drive down the yen with mass purchases of foreign bonds along lines pioneered by the Swiss.


Finance minister Taro Aso brushed aside warnings that naked intervention would anger trade partners and damage Japan's strategic alliance with the US. "Foreign countries have no right to lecture us," he said, accusing the West of failing to abide by a G20 pledge in 2009 to forgo competitive devaluations.


The plan to buy plant involves leasing back the assets to firms in trouble. Analysts say it is a means of funnelling industrial aid, a move sure to raise the hackles of global rivals. It may violate World Trade Organisation rules on subsidies.


Yen devaluation is a more complex story. It appreciated by over 25pc against the dollar between mid–2009 and late–2012, causing a slow "hollowing–out" of Japan's manufacturing base as companies shift plant abroad.


The currency has since slid 10pc to 86.4 yen on the "Abe effect", the weakest in 27 months. But Renault–Nissan chief Carlos Ghosn said it still had further to go. "We are way long from what I consider a neutral territory," he said.


Stephen Jen, from SLJ Macro Partners, said Japan was playing with fire by trying to reflate, warning that this could decimate the bond portfolio of Japanese lenders and set off a banking crisis. The banks hold government bonds worth 900pc of their Tier 1 capital. Mr Jen said the country would be the focus of attention this year as political fireworks shifted from the US and Europe to Asia. "There will be dramatic events in Japan," he said.



