


2013-03-25 15:00:33 | Telegraph (UK)
Britain will have the 'toughest immigration rules in world' after reforms, says minister
By Rowena Mason, Political correspondent
Telegraph: 11:48AM GMT 24 Mar 2013
Immigrants will no longer be able to "jump the queue" for housing under plans to make Britain's regime the toughest in the world, a Tory minister has said.


Ahead of a speech by the Prime Minister on Monday, Mark Harper, the immigration minister, suggested people will find it much harder to claim benefits shortly after arriving in Britain.


Mr Cameron is expected to unveil plans to stop immigrants getting council houses for up to five years after they come to Britain. They will also be forced to pay for visiting their family doctor and using other NHS services.


He told Sky News that immigrants from the EU must feel like they are contributing to British society, rather than simply taking.


"We don't want them thinking that they are going to get a hand out from the taxpayer, and that's why we are looking at tightening the rules still further," he said.


"We want to make sure that people don't come here with an expectation that they can jump the housing queue, when they haven't been here for very long at all."


Mr Harper said the Government is considering forcing immigrants to deposit "cash bonds" that will be returned only when they return to their home countries.


The Prime Minister is making the announcement on immigration just days after Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat leader and deputy Prime Minister, gave his first major speech on the difficult subject.


Mr Clegg backtracked on his previous support for an amnesty for illegal immigrants, as he unveiled a stricter stance for his party.


It comes amid public fears about an influx of Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants when restrictions on their right to live in Britain are lifted next year.


The major parties are also worried about the success of Ukip, which has seen its share of the vote grow in recent by-elections after campaigning against uncontrolled migration.


In contrast, Vince Cable, the Business Secretary, last week warned that restricting immigration too much would have damaging consequences for the economy.


Dr Cable distanced himself from Tory pledges to restrict immigration to "tens of thousands" and said Britain needed to "bang the drum" in China and India to encourage students to study here.



